Maun and the Cowbell: Chapter 1 of ???

Published Nov 11, 2023, 4:42:40 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 11, 2023, 4:42:40 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Maun-Cara tells one of the brothers a little bit about herself. 

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Characters in this Chapter

Maun-Cara PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2833
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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 of ???

After many hours tending to her community, Maun-Cara finds a day to rest. It was tough to decide on what she wanted to do, but one of the seven brothers had invited her to see a show. She soaks in the warm sun rays. She had spent hours in the community bath, allowing her tense muscles to relax. Her now clean wool had just dried and she was now in the process of deciding what to wear. 


This performance, a play at the theater, required more than her usual work pants and sensible blouse. She digs through her clothes and finds a dress her mother had made for her. After going through the horrors of putting on the necessary undergarments by herself, she puts on the dress in front of her vanity’s mirror. She had thought the dress too fancy, with its tight fit and elegant ribbons. However, she did find herself looking lovely in the dress. She keeps it on and continues to prepare herself.

However, her heart stops when she cannot find her cowbell neckless. She shuffles through the items on her dresser, but she cannot seem to find it. She searches by her mirror and through her satchel. Nothing. She is about to flip her mattress over when a snicker is heard by the door frame. She turns to find the fifth brother playing with her cowbell neckless. She walks over and snatches out of his hands.


“I thought you were picking me up in another hour,” said Maun.


“I was, but I wanted to see how you looked first,” the fifth brother replied. “Boy, you do sure look cute! I could just eat you up!”


Maun recoils at the comment. Then she goes to put on her necklace. Once the necklace is secured around her neck, her heart finally returns to its normal rhythm. The brother stares, visibly displeased.


“I think you’d look better without the bell Sheepykins,” he says, appearing by her side.


“You aren’t the boss of me,” retorted Maun-Cara. “Besides, I’d rather keep it on, it has a lot of memories for me.” 


“Oh?” The fairy demon raises his eyebrows. “Do share Maun.”


She rolls her eyes and sits down on her bed, patting the seat next to her. The fifth brother excitedly sits down and stares with puppy-like eyes. 


“So when I was just a lamb, I used to wander off from the herd. They’d find me, of course. However, in order to make it easier, I would be given a bell that’ll ring when I walk.”


“Ah,” the brother interrupted, “ so you just got lost a bunch?” The brother laughs. “That sounds so much like you Sheepykins!”


“I ain’t done yet,” grumbled Maun-Cara. “See, when I got accepted to go to our school in Ghostgrag, my folks wanted to get me something to remember home. When we got there, they gifted me this bell. Said everyone in the entire caravan group pitched in to make it.”


“Aww,” cooed the fifth brother. “Ain’t that just the sweetest thing!”


Maun-Cara beams with pride. “I know. Whenever I wear it, I can feel the love and strength of my community. It’s like I can hear all of my memories, history, and knowledge of my community.”


“I guess time management ain’t something your community is knowledgable about,” said the brother smugly as he pointed to the clock. 


“Oh shoot! I’m sorry,” said Maun-Cara. “ I wasn’t trying to waste time by telling tales.”


The fifth brother smiles and wraps his arm around Maun-Cara. “No need hun, I love learning about you.” He grabs a white fur and wraps it around Maun. “There ya are! Ready to go Sheepykins?”


Maun flicks her cowbell, allowing the ringing to fill her ears. She grabs the brother’s hand. “Ready!” 

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