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Maun-Cara #pd2833

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Character data
Date addedNov 9, 2023, 8:59:51 AM
Date last editedNov 12, 2023, 7:08:47 PM
Owner ponybomb
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Maun-Cara Meerefiz

Character Age: 20

Character Species: Sheepskin Caoraa 

Hair color: Pink

Eye color: pink-purple


Brief biography:

Maun-Cara Meerefiz was born to a young couple in the northern deserts of the coalition. Originally from a small farming village, her parents moved after a famine. There, they worked as herdsmen. She has two younger brothers and two younger sisters. During her youth, a large coyote attacked a popular rest spot for nomads. Maun managed to lure the beast into a hole using a mannequin and some string. This quick thinking led Maun to be well-known among the caoraa community. She obtained a scholarship to a cleric's school in Ghostgrag with her notoriety.  After traveling there with her family, she attempted to adjust to the new environment. Although she was fairly shy, she managed to make a good impression on her alchemy teacher, Solomon. She then was allowed to take and browse the many books he had in his library. While browsing through these books, she learned of his secret work: summoning powerful beings. She smuggled the book out of his library and started to read it that night.  Being rather foolish, she read one of the spells allowed. The page the spell was on suddenly caught fire from the lantern by her study table, becoming ash. She quietly vowed to forget that night and returned the book the following day. Then, throughout the year, she met 7 brothers who also attended the school. Although cold and cruel to her at first, she slowly befriended all 7 as the school year went on. Through the brother's help, Maun-Cara passed the exams needed to graduate. However, she did not wish to follow along the path of her peers and, despite the pleading of Solomon, decided to return home. However, before she set off, she found a note by her window. The note asked her to meet the brothers by the school gates. It was then revealed to her that her brothers were not humans but rather fey-like beings. They revealed that she had unanimously been selected to form a pact with all members. She agreed to be their assistant and their companion in exchange for their powers and assistance. She then returned home. She practiced small amounts of alchemy as well as assisted her family in their work. Although not a cleric, her skills and knowledge made her a valuable tutor to those who wished to learn magic. The brothers would appear from time to time, taking the forms of their preferred animals or human form.  Then, while running errands, a huge dust bowl hit the community. Maun would have perished if not for the brothers arriving to protect her. When the storm passed, she could not seem to find her community or her family.  Distraught and not knowing what to do, Maun-Cara visits her mentor. She reveals what happened that night and her pact to Solomon, who doesn't believe her. She then uses a large amount of her power to summon all 7 in front of him. Fearful yet elated, he opts to help Maun. He gives her some gear and money and advises her to search with the brothers. With the help of the brothers, she had been looking for them since.


Description: She is a 66-inch sheep woman with purple wool. When she's sheared, she is about 118 lbs. However, her wool adds another 20 pounds to her. She has average-sized horns on her head, curling into a spiral. Her skin is brown with large white splotches (refer to the Arthurian knight Feirefiz). She has a birthmark on her left hand in the shape of 7 stars and 3 staves. Her wool is fluffy, but unstyled and can cover her eyes if not sheared for a long period. Her outfit comprises a white dress shirt, brown canvas pants, and simple leather walking boots. She accessorizes with a cowbell choker necklace. Her pants have several decently sized pockets.

  • 5
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Crafty Talisman Ability

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