:WIP: - Doodlebook: Green Knight Best Knight

Published Mar 23, 2024, 6:13:11 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 23, 2024, 6:13:11 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Instead of posting all my scraps to the art que, I'd just put them here as a way to create a type of folder in case people want to see all of the behind the scenes and unifinished drawing that never made it to my galleries.

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Chapter 1: Green Knight Best Knight

A doodle I did to practice some more realistic looking armor and what better way to do that but with everyone's (and if they're not, I respect your wrong opinion) favourite knight from castlecrashers! Had a wave of nostalgia when I found it available on switch and my brother and I played through it together and he freaking loved it. He was especially invested in strategically placing his points at the end of a level to make the most efficient blue knight.

We go back and play it together every now and again. It's funny, I used to be this unbeatable champion in my brother's eyes, no matter what game we played... but as of late, he's a lot better than I was--than I am. I'm a proud big sister but also stupidly nostalgic for that simpler time, when my biggest worry was maintaining my smash bros title amongst my friends and family... and having my little siblings look up to me. Sometimes I feel like I never gave them anything to look up to, so the immature part of me relishes that time in my life, because I felt like I was doing the whole big sibling thing right.

anywho, first chapter to the scrapbook, I never posted this anywhere (except here now, I suppose). I drew this in January of 2022.

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