:WIP: - Doodlebook: Certified Armin Simp

Published Mar 23, 2024, 6:13:11 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 23, 2024, 6:13:11 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Instead of posting all my scraps to the art que, I'd just put them here as a way to create a type of folder in case people want to see all of the behind the scenes and unifinished drawing that never made it to my galleries.

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Chapter 3: Certified Armin Simp

Self-explanatory chapter title, and an even more self-explanatory file name: "I like my men how I like my coffee, submissive."

I need more smart, non-egomaniacal characters - like why is intelligence and kindness mutually exclusive. Not just in media but with actual people... if I had a dime for everytime I made friends with a really smart n funny dude that would inevitably turn out to be a chronic mansplainer (and I mean over THE DUMBEST things) I could... probably buy like, a 99 cent single gumball, but still it's annoying that it continues to happen.

There's no harm in trying to explain something to someone if they don't understand! The key is whether or not they ASKED you, or if they've already CLARIFIED THAT THEY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT EVEN THOUGHT YOU'RE STILL CONTINUING TO EXPLAIN IT TO ME IN A CONDESCENDING MANNER. If it was nicely, I'd have less of a problem, but for most of them, it was almost like they wanted me to feel stupid about it and didn't let me provide context for what I had said and drowned me out in the middle of a sentence.

Like there's being funny about it, and then there's being obnoxious. You've already interrupted what I was saying, the least you could do is say something remotely funny--that would be acceptable... sorry for the rant.

Anyway yeah I just wanted to draw Armin bc I lov him and wanna hug the lad. (no spoils for AoT please, I'm still making my way through it TwT I've only been able to access the first season on Netflix and just recently was able to watch the rest of the seasons (shoutout to Charli ), and Managas are expensive and I'm kinda broke QwQ)

Drew this today actually - November 18th, 2023

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