Suit up Vex: Sk,y Water and Earth

Published Aug 21, 2023, 3:46:50 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 21, 2023, 3:46:50 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

This work will be detailing the armor of the Kitsune Vex 

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Chapter 1: Sk,y Water and Earth

Once his body was finished healing Vex started back to work starting with gathering four silver Aster and a sky pearl to start work on something to protect himself a bit. He didn't have the resources to make a chest plate of any kind but he did have enough to build a helm he melted some of the sky pearl in with the silver Aster in the forge while getting the tools needed out while the aster pearl alloy was smelting down he pulled out a strip of leather and started polishing the two thinner layers of peal he had kept into sky pearl glass lenses. He then started working on the basic shape of his new silver helm and goggles pulling some of the alloy out to make the silver goggles frames putting them in a strip of leather before and putting them on they felt comfortable on his face but he had to put them on the mannequin head to start molding the rest of the alloy into a silver helmet. He smiles seeing his handy work the entire helmet was silver in color the only leather being on the goggles which had a buckle to connect to his helmet on the inside. But now he had to test it... He had a few ideas for that but they required some help... However before he left he got to forging more throwing even more silver Aster into the flames this time with two water pearls to make a chest plate as he set to working some leather for the straps he would put on his new silver Aster defensive coat which he took more inspiration from the fashion he saw around town a style he found out was known as steampunk so he started fashioning the silver Aster water pearl alloy into silver water aster cloth that he started stitching into the design of a steampunk overcoat it took time but he did it though much later than the helmet as he had left and returned to his workshop multiple times to make it and still have his career as an adventurer. Eventually he had finished it as well but still had the boots and those were going to take the longest simply because they came last as he spent time looking for more silver Aster and an earth pearl to alloy together. It took a few weeks of looking to find those ingredients before he could start with the boots making them more classical knight boots in look as he forged them slowly and surely he finished his armor and tried the full set on it was time to test the entire thing together he had tested each part and used them as he finished them but now he went to a desert portal to find a criminal he was glad for the air and water protection as it was also keeping him cool in this almost unbearable heat. But he wasn't here to complain about weather he started walking trying to find the hideout of this outlaw he was looking for. Hours passed no sign of the place day turned to night and Vex stopped to make camp for the night eating some bread he had packed having expected a long search he then went to sleep... He searched the desert for days those days turned into weeks of looking and eventually he found what he had been looking for a small shed in the middle of nowhere. His goggles had proved useful as it was currently a sandstorm but he could see clearly. He slowly made his way to the house. '"Open the door." He ordered firmly as he knocked. The man behind the door scrambled to a corner of the room pointing an earth gun at the door. When the door wasn't opened Because kicked it in as he did the outlaw shot at him the bullets harmlessly bouncing off the armor for the most part. Vex slowly walked forward through the constant shooting from the panicking outlaw before drawing his sword and cutting the gun in half and pointing it at the outlaw's neck. '"You can come in alive or dead you're choice." Vex said calmly. The outlaw tried to lunge at Vex only to find himself dead in an instant. Vex picked the outlaw up and carried the dead body back to collect his reward 

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