The Blade of Etaria: The Description of the Sword

Published Aug 11, 2023, 4:30:57 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 18, 2023, 8:20:11 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

A sword that was buried under a pile of discarded gladiator swords enchanted by the man who held it and now is in a steampunk city... What did you think it would make sense?

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Chapter 1: The Description of the Sword

I feel I should start with the full story of how this particular sword wound up in its master's hands


Vex as you know was a gladiator slave... Maybe you didn't know that... It's a long story that I won't go into here... Anyway this was long before he was fighting as they had to let him grow up enough first but he was still worked from the moment he could to earn his food... One night he was tasked with guarding the pile of broken weapons to ensure they weren't stolen for metal and could be sold to the blacksmith for money and so he could make new blades... Vex decided to look through the pile because he was board... There he found a sword that looked like none he had seen before... The blade was an off-whiteish grey and polished to a mirror finish so reflective it was nearly invisible... it was also extremely straight not even a slight bend the type of sword that only comes from a master craftsman... It's twinned edges were a bit dull but nothing a pass on the whetstone and polishing band couldn't fix... Vex continued inspecting the weapon finding it to be full tang meaning the sword was forged with one piece of metal and was the same bar as the pommel said pommel was wrapped in an unknown leather that seemed to be naturally midnight blue sewn into a single piece with a single blood red cord... The sword itself was mundane as mundane can be but it was truly beautiful to look at... He asked if he could keep a sword from the pile if he was capable of keeping it in working condition... He was granted permission by the man in charge who wasn't paying attention to the sword that Vex had found... Years passed of Vex maintaining the blade but not using it as he wanted to wait and make it's first battle the one he earned his freedom in... He also enchanted it so he could easily call it and make it appear in his hand while unfusing it with they sky element to allow use of lightning magic when mixed with his own FoxFire magic he nammed it after the Kitsune word for freedom.


Eventually the fight he knew he was to face a battalion of soldiers win and he would be free but everyone knew that it wasn't a fair fight... He was taken to a doctor room to be drugged with a sedative to inhibit his strength... He had planned for this and focused his magic on removing it subtly while he played the sedated victim until he got into the arena tossed in unarmed he calmly looked at the soldiers before him. '"So this is how they mean to kill me..." He said keeping his tone even as best he could. '"And here I am unarmed... Or so it would seem..." He added raising his left hand to the sky. '"Etaria va insena vera! which roughly translates as "Freedom to my side!" He called out closing his hand around the cool leather of his sword hilt. To the audience they af first could not see the sword for it was reflecting the sky perfectly... But the solders knew instantly he was holding an almost invisible sword. But one thing was clear to everyone... This man was awake and alert and not exhausted from the drugs. Vex held his ground waiting for the battalion to move first. The arena was dead silent and still save for the faint sound of breathing. Then without warning two of the battalion swordsmen charged at once. Vex acted like he was about to dodge right before moving to the left and slicing into the Achilles tendon of one of the swordsmen crippling him while the other turned to attack again. But he found each slice and stab expertly parried and dodged before he felt the coldness of metal on his neck for a split second then his head hit the ground behind him separated from his body in a single slice. '"I'll give you a chance to surrender." He told the battalion calmly... A few seconds passed. '"No takers? Ehh I didn't think there would be but it was worth a shot." And the fight was back on as the remaining swordsmen started their advance while Vex steaded himself for a long day. Five swords were already moving to strike him dead on the spot he did his best to dodge and parry but he still got hit a few times nothing fatal but he would have some temporary scars on his arms and legs. One by one the trained soldiers fell dead until only the captain of the battalion was left. The two combatants circled eachother slowly before Vex made the first movie swinging at the captain who raised his sword to block only for his sword to get cut in half by Vex's blade ending the fight as the entire battalion laid dead.

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