Kirianne Everness - Origin story: Acceptance

Published Sep 26, 2022, 12:25:40 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 3, 2022, 3:28:29 AM | Total Chapters 5

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Kiri's Origin story

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Chapter 2: Acceptance

It was evening when Finean came to the Everness house. His days were usually long, but he had made an exception today. He knew Kirianne was energetic enough with those she trusted, but it would take a while for him to break her shell.


Gabor Everness answered the door. “Finean!” He grinned at the young Captain. “Welcome, come in!”


He didn't look apologetic or pitying. That was a good sign. Gabor had always been a bit of an open book. A bit gruff, maybe, but he always spoke his mind. Finean appreciated that. He smiled at the older man and shook his hand, stepping over the threshold of their cottage. He tried not to look around too much. Most of the house was just this one room. He knew the bedrooms were separate, but looking at the outside, they couldn't be large. Asking for Kirianne's hand in marriage was not a political move. He had wanted something beautiful in his life. Every day, he looked at the worst of society – the grunge, the dirt, and sometimes the blood. All he wanted was something a little softer when he came back after a long day. Kirianne was beautiful. She was reserved in public. She was soft.


“Tea?” Gabor's voice tore Finean out of his musings.

“Certainly, thank you.”

Gabor poured the steaming brew into a mug. Finean suspected this house had never seen a fancy set of china.

“Well, I expect you'd like to get straight to business.” Gabor handed the mug to the young man, his face suddenly serious.

“I am quite curious, I admit. But I am in your house, sir. I will abide by your rules and your timeline.”

“Always the gentleman.” Gabor grinned. “Well, you can relax. She has agreed.”


Despite his anticipation of this answer, Finean felt a sigh of relief leave his lips as his hand released its death grip on the ceramic mug. He didn't realize he'd been holding it so tightly. He sat up straight and collected himself. “Good. That's good!” Finean felt a slight smile curve his lips. “If you can spare her, I'd like to take her out tonight. I finished my shift early. Nothing untoward, you understand. I think she'll be more inclined to warm up to me in marriage if she knows me a little better, don't you?”


“I'm sure she'll be happy to get out of her chores a little early. Of course. A gentleman, and a smart one.” Gabor nodded. “I should warn you, though – my daughter, she has a bit of a temper. I know you wouldn't know it to look at her, but I'm sure you'll see it in the years to come.”


Finean raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Is this something I should be concerned about?”


“No! No, of course not.” Gabor looked panicked for a moment. “I just didn't want you to think her overly timid, is all. She isn't crazy, or anything.”


In spite of himself, Finean let out a chuckle. “I'm sure it's fine, Gabor. Calm yourself, You'll be my father soon enough.



Kiri wandered through the woods with her basket, absentmindedly collecting mushrooms to dry for the larder. The sun was sinking low. She'd have to head back to the house soon, gut the fish from the day's catch, and get started on the drying and preserves for winter. But she didn't want to. She wanted to cry; to stamp her feet and run off like a toddler. She wiped a tear from her cheek. She was just tired, that's all. She hadn't slept last night, and her emotions were running high. It really wasn't bad. She's was being so... so selfish. She hated herself for a moment before bringing her chin up and scampering down the hill towards home with her basket of mushrooms and herbs.


She approached her door as the sunset's colours began to fade to twilight. The fire inside cast a glow through the cracks in the worn wooden door. She heard laughter inside and froze – of course he was here. Why would she think otherwise? He wanted his answer. With a deep breath, she softly opened the door and mustered a meek smile.


The two men were sitting in the wooden chairs at the hearth. Her father's face was lightly flushed. From laughter, or was it more than tea in their mugs? Finean looked well – he was in his uniform, but didn't appear to have his sword on his belt. Off duty, then. He looked up at her, his eyes glinting with the light from the fire. She noticed, for the first time, that they were blue, like hers. The smile from his earlier laughter remained at he stared at her. He nodded towards her, finally lowering his eyes as he stood up from his chair.


“Welcome home!” her father bellowed happily, raising his mug towards her. Definitely more than tea, then.


Finean strode across the room to bow in front of her, taking the hand that was not holding her basket and bowing low, touching his lips to her knuckles. She jumped a little at the touch, but hoped he didn't notice. “I'm honoured by your presence, miss Everness.”


Kiri took a moment and then remembered her etiquette. She lowered her head towards the gentleman, and curtsied low. “Sir, it is we who are honoured by your presence in our humble home. Will you stay for dinner? I will be making the fresh catch from today.”


“Not tonight, my daughter!” Gabor shouted, slapping his hand on his leg and sloshing a bit of liquid out the sides of his mug. “You're going out!”


“Father, compose yourself!” Kiri looked at her father, shock on her face.


Finean grinned and looked at Kiri. “It's perfectly fine, miss. Tonight is a night for celebration.” Finean let go of her hand and reached into his satchel nearby, pulling out a bottle of wine. It looked like an expensive bottle – one of the ones with pewter decorations around the belly. He bowed and handed the bottle to Gabor. “Sir, this is for you and your beautiful wife. Please share it tonight. I will have your daughter back in a few hours.”


Finean took the basket from Kiri's hand and placed it on the table. He turned to look at her, obviously expecting her to just... walk out the door with him? Mother would be home soon from her day at the market, and her brother would be coming in from the docks. Who would feed them? Had he thought of that?


As if reading her mind, her father gave her a stern look. “I'll cook the dinner tonight, child. I know it's been a long time, but these old hands can remember how to handle a pan just as well, I'm sure. Stop worrying and get changed. Your dress is flecked with mud.”


She didn't dare counter him when he had that look. With a ”yes, father,” she bowed her head and slipped into her room to change her frock. She didn't have much, but something clean would have to do. She reached into her wardrobe and found her favourite dress – the green one – and donned it over her corset and petticoat as quickly as she could. She didn't have a mirror, but she let her hair down and ran her fingers through her thick curls. At least it wasn't full of twigs today. That was lucky. With one last sigh, she folded her field dress and apron at the foot of her bed to put away later. They weren't dirty enough to need a wash just yet – she could probably get another day or two of work out of them. Stepping out of her room with a bowed head, she walked towards the door where Finean was leaning against the wall, still talking with her father.


He turned to face her as she opened the door to her meagre bedroom and shut it again immediately – he didn't need to see where she slept. Again, he looked at her, smiling. Couldn't he be disagreeable? Something to make her feel better about wanting to run away? But no. He was all smiles and kindness as he bowed and reached for her hand, opening the door to usher her outside.


“Have a good time, young ones!” her father's voice seemed to echo across the entire town, and Kiri felt her face grow hot. How embarrassing. Taking Finean's hand, she allowed herself to be led outside. The house was getting a little warm, anyway, and the breeze coming off the ocean didn't seem to be helping much. Plus, it felt... so small right now. She breathed in the seaside air, and immediately felt herself calm down.


They walked for a moment in silence, and Kiri was grateful for it. Eventually, she gathered her wits and opened her mouth to speak. Her voice was so quiet today.


“I'm sorry about my father. He doesn't usually have much to celebrate.”


“It's perfectly alright. I'm afraid I encouraged it, to be frank. I didn't realize one mug of rum would have such a swift effect.”


Kiri laughed. “We Evernesses have always been a bit lightweight. Plus... He may have poured himself a bit of moonshine rather than the rum he offered to you.” She shivered a little, the open air suddenly giving her a chill. Rubbing her hands together, she looked downwards. Perhaps she was being too forward.


“Here, Kiri,” Finean offered his arm, “may I call you Kiri?”


Putting her hand on his elbow, Kiri nodded. “I suppose. You can't keep calling me 'miss Everness' at any rate. We're to be married, after all.” The last sentence almost stuck in her throat. There it was. She may as well get used to it.


“That's right, we are. And I'm so glad for it.” Finean stopped walking, and put his large, calloused hand over Kiri's pale one, warmth from his palm radiating into her fingertips. “thank you, Kiri. I feel I am a very lucky man, indeed.” He looked down into her face, and she met his gaze.


Perhaps it was the summer night, or her exhaustion, but he had never looked more handsome. His light brown hair fell in waves over his brow, and tucked behind his delicately pointed ear. It was obvious he tried to brush it to keep it in order, but that hair had a mind of its own. Right now, it was lightly tickling his cheeks due to the breeze. His cheeks – he had very high, strong cheekbones, Kiri mused. Gently bowed lips rested above a sharp jawline. A strong brow framed his deep-set blue eyes. Those eyes, which were currently fixed on her.


“I... Thank you.” Kiri reddened again. She didn't think she'd ever blushed so much before tonight. Her face must look like a strawberry right now. She averted her gaze.


Finean started walking again. “You must be famished.” Kiri's stomach decided just at that moment to let out a whine. Finean laughed – not an unpleasant sound. “I'll take that as a yes.”


They approached the Gilded Trout, and Finean gave a deep bow as he opened the door for her. “After you, my lady.” Kiri couldn't help it. She let out a giggle as she lifted her skirt and swept over the threshold of the inn. Lady, indeed. But, she considered, I guess I will be. His lady. Would that be so bad, after all?

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  • Nov 8, 2022, 2:31:07 AM UTC
    So romantic, so cute, so wholesome. Innocent Grin
    Freaking in love with this couple, I hope they stay together forever. Like straight out a Jane Austin novel.
    • Nov 8, 2022, 5:03:30 AM UTC
      I saw this comment and immediately felt guilty…

      Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments. I am glad you enjoyed her story. 🥴