PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on May 19, 2024, 8:58:46 AM by shona .

Zuramel #pd4504

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Date addedMar 7, 2024, 2:04:08 PM
Date last editedMay 19, 2024, 8:59:24 AM
Owner iaelyin
Designer URL

Zuramel Dumortierite

"The Crystalline Wayfarer"

đź‘ż General Information

Full Name: Zuramel “Zura” Dumortierite
Age: Adult (47 years old)
Gender: Nonbinary (he/they)
Species: Paperdemon 
Skin color: Light blue [#beceff]
Hair color: Blonde fading into red  [#fffdcd] [#9a685f] 
Eye color: Gray [#bfc0c5] with black sclera
Height: 4’8” (142 cm) without antlers, 5’2” (158 cm) with antlers 
Occupation: Wayfarer for hire
WIP full body ref: Image link

🦇 Physical Description

At a first glance, Zuramel is slightly intimidating.

Although they are short in stature, their antlers and large translucent bat-like wings help to make them seem bigger. They have facial hair, a square jaw, a long thin nose, pointed ears, and broad shoulders. They also have fluffy down-like hair around their chest and back, a scar on the left side of their mouth, fangs, and pointed nails and fingers which get darker around the fingertips, almost as if they were dipped in ink.

The left side of their hair is shaved for a side undercut style. The right side of their hair goes just below their shoulders and is naturally blonde, dyed red to create an ombré effect.

His personal clothing style ranges from gothic to practical adventurer wear. If it isn’t an issue, his preferred outfit is a patterned waistcoat and billowy shirt, along with a belt, trousers, and boots, along with a coat if necessary. However, a simple shirt or tank-top suits him fine. No matter the style, he prefers dark colors. It’s worth noting that all of his clothing must have open space on the back to accommodate his wings.

He wears earrings (small hoops on each ear, and two extra small studs in his left ear), a simple band on his right ring finger, and a crystal necklace which often gets hidden under his shirt. All their jewelry is coppery/golden.

đź–¤ Personality Description

Those who interact with Zuramel say that he is cold and moody. This is due in part to how difficult it is to get him to smile, and his nonchalant, blunt way of speaking that is often peppered with profanity. Simply put, it is no easy task to get him to genuinely approve of others. Still, he likes to be around people. Most of the time. He doesn’t let them get too close, though. His one weakness in that regard is sweet, innocent people, or anyone who brings out a desire to protect and take care of them.

Despite being tired and bitter, they are willing to cooperate with others and put on a reasonably polite face (especially for the sake of a job) so long as they don’t feel disrespected.

They do not like to stay in one place for too long. They would rather be moving, living, focused on whatever lies ahead.

It is an open secret that they are happiest around animals. Venturing through the portals has been beneficial for their desire to engage with various fauna.

They are good at working with their hands and enjoy crafting of all kinds, such as metalworking, woodworking, and ceramics. If they have downtime and energy to spend on a hobby, that’s what it’ll likely be.

Likes: Cold climates, animals, flying, wine, handicrafts
Dislikes: Having his height made fun of, being looked down on (e.g. babytalk or cutesy nicknames)
Fears: Dying alone, emotional vulnerability, being seen as a monster, being weak, confinement [e.g. pinned down, stuck]

đź—ˇ Brief Biography

Zuramel is a Paperdemon from Lyra.

He had two loving parents who looked after him and whom he loved in return. He was never the most cheerful child, but as he grew older, a part of him grew even more cynical.

When he was young, he was bullied by other children for his unusual features, sensitive nature, and scrawny figure. It might have been some time ago, but he still feels the effects of those events to this day.

In the fairly recent past, a giant wyrm wreaked havoc on Lyra, which led to the death of both his parents. Also during this attack, he was trapped underneath rubble and unable to move. Since then, anything similar, such as getting pinned down or stuck in small spaces, is incredibly difficult for him to deal with. His uncle survived and still lives in Lyra.

Before the portals, he used to be a carpenter of sorts by trade. He’s also received some basic schooling which allowed him to become literate, though he isn’t much for books.

Partially as a result of a sense of dissatisfaction with their life, they chose to become a traveling adventurer. They’re willing to accept virtually any odd job that works for them… including ones that others might find unpleasant.

He is a competent fighter and has trained specifically for that purpose. In fact, it’s about the only thing about himself that he feels any kind of pride in or appreciation for. His fighting style is most akin to a rogue, with a preference for dodging attacks, acting stealthily and strategically whenever possible, and using daggers. He is also proficient with hand to hand combat.

🪨 Their Magic

Zuramel does not rely on magic to fight, but it can occasionally be a useful asset. 

All of their magic is centered around Earth. Specifically, their primary ability is shaping and manipulating crystals, gemstones, and other minerals at will. The more they concentrate, the more detailed they can make the resulting shape. They’ve been known to make small sculptures and jewelry from time to time, but seeing as they don’t really have much of a use for those things, they typically just get turned back into dust.

In battle, his magic means he can form a weapon or shield out of rock to fight with, cause stone spikes to rise out of the ground, or engulf someone in an earthen prison. He can also potentially use his crystals to direct light, which might cause a fire if planned effectively.

While casting, their eyes change color to a light brown with an orange limbral ring.

🥀 Miscellaneous Extras

Blunt and gruff, doesn’t mince words, profanity on occasion. Some slightly more polite/refined speech if it fits.
“Name’s Zuramel. And you are?”
“The Parchment Imp Inn. Main guild. Currently on Kahari. Not ringing any bells for you?”
“Fine. Something you want to know?”
"Not much to say. I do the jobs that need fixing, earn my pay, keep myself moving. Don't ask for much else. Got mixed into it some time ago, when the portal was first found on Lyra. And I'm still here. That's all."
“I was chasing down a few wild woarrar causing havoc near a town in Wouagi. Cheeky buggers, I don't blame them. Some unfortunate soul had been practicing magic near their den and fouled the place. Was a right pain to fix, but I set it straight.”

Playlist: Spotify playlist link (warning for loud, screamy, and harsh sounds + themes)
Reference document


  • His antlers are based on reindeer antlers.
  • They are nonbinary, but they don’t really care about how people see them, since they’re aware others will probably perceive them as masculine. If someone misgenders them they probably won’t bother to correct it unless that person has been rude in other ways.
  • His body temperature runs warm. Consequently, he doesn't do well with hot weather.
  • They’re vegetarian. Eating meat or certain animal products would upset their stomach.
  • Platonic relationships are always welcomed.
  • They are a wee bit spicy so I am not entirely against the idea of Red Curtain works (as long as you check with me first).

Divider credit: cafekitsune on Tumblr

  • 31
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Steamroller Talisman Ability

x1 Attack Buff


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