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Fayen #pd3851

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Character data
Date addedJan 4, 2024, 5:20:30 AM
Date last editedApr 23, 2024, 12:35:11 PM
Owner iaelyin
Designer URL

Fayen Salvia

"The Forest's Hope"
🌲 General Information

Full Name: Fayen Salvia

Elvish name: (reserved for close friends and family) Fehyenna Teh Ygbaru

Age: Young adult

Species: Elf ( least, that’s what they think)

Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)

Skin color: Pale, light beige [#dbb699]

Hair color: Brown, with orange streaks [#623d2a] [#a45918]

Eye color: Gold [#dcab4c]

Height: 6’4” (193 cm)

Occupation: Thaumaturge and anthropologist

☘️ Physical Description 

Fayen is, in a word, plain.

Most would describe them as androgynous. They have a noticeable chest, which they occasionally bind depending on their comfort level and the outfit they are wearing.

They have long, wavy brown/orange hair that goes well below their shoulders, often partially covering their face due to its length. Their eyes are a subtle golden hue, almost appearing to change with the light. Their ears are long and pointed.

Their skin is pale, a light beige, and covered in dark freckles and beauty marks. They do not use cosmetics.

They wear a pair of spectacles with round coppery frames. Aside from this, they wear no other jewelry or accessories.

Their clothing is modest in both material and design. They typically wear a dark red cloak—the only item on their person which has any embellishment, adorned with golden embroidery along its edges—with a white cotton tunic, trousers, and a practical set of leather boots, which all obscure their lean physique somewhat. That said, they can't hide their tall stature.

They have a tattoo on the left side of their neck that is vaguely floral, although limited in detail because it uses no colors aside from black and has no shading.

🍃 Personality Description 

Fayen does not like to draw attention to themself. They are most comfortable acting as an observer rather than imposing themselves on others, especially strangers. Whenever they do find their voice, it reveals them to be a kind, calming presence.

Most of their time is spent learning about different worlds, people, and cultures, as well as refining their magical abilities. There is much they do not know, and they wish to rectify that.

If someone needs help and Fayen believes they could be of use, they’ll attempt to assist in whatever capacity they can. Additionally, they are easily willing to cooperate with others. However, due to being a pacifist, they won’t fight unless they deem it absolutely necessary, instead looking for peaceful ways to resolve conflicts.

Likes: Herbal tea, magic, plants + flowers, books
Dislikes: Interacting with large groups of people at once, undecorated spaces, darkness 
Fears: Lacking purpose, being directionless, losing their loved ones, themself

🍀 Brief Biography

Fayen grew up in a small Elven forest village. Their origin is not entirely clear; they were found alone one day by their two mothers as a baby that could not explain how it got there. Regardless, they were well cared for alongside their brother. 

The village Fayen grew up in lives in harmony with the nature spirits that reside in the nearby forest. Most days, Fayen takes a moment to whisper words of prayer and sometimes leave offerings; if not to forest spirits, then to any other spirits or deities which may be residing in the place they currently find themselves in.

After showing an aptitude for magic, particularly earth magic, they were instructed by a local magicker. They've learned how to read and write as a result; not only because they wished to have that ability, but also because it allowed them to delve into magic tomes. 

If they had the ability to choose, Fayen would have preferred to stay in that comfortable village forever. Its people, its customs, and its environment were familiar. They did not want to abandon that comfort for others which might not be so accommodating. However, the call of the Portals and their study of magic led them to follow a different path.

✨ Their Magic

Much of their magic’s power stems from incantations. A significant part of their past studies involved learning and memorizing new incantations in order to have a broader range of abilities.

They have an innate capacity for magic involving plants and nature. This includes, but is not limited to, manipulating dirt, stone, and clay, growing plants, and some healing magic.

In addition, they're able to sense all kinds of magic—similar to how one might sense the humidity in the air, for example—and loosely attune to spirits or other presences.

Recently, they've begun to study magic that's less inherent to them, such as that which is associated with the fire element.

📚 Miscellaneous Extras

Soft-spoken, formal way of speaking. Polite. Longer, drawn out sentences. Sometimes anxious, trailing off, pausing in the middle of sentences (ellipses).
“My name is Fayen. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”
“Is there something I may assist you with?”
“It is from the Castimerian markets. If memory serves, I believe the vendor called it the Unicorn Earwax blend? I remember it for being rather... eccentric. But it is, by all accounts, a spectacular tea. So long as you like floral flavors, of course.”
“Oh, I’m… I’m sorry. Perhaps you can [help me]. If I may… what is the name of this place, for a start?”
"And, ah... I am preoccupied with other matters, at present..."
“Beautiful does not do it justice. When I reached my hand into the water and watched the rainbows swirl around my fingertips, I realized the magnitude of what I had been given, that I could witness such splendor.”
“I understand. It was merely a thought.”

Playlist: Spotify playlist link
Further references:
 Inspiration document


  • They are in a monogamous relationship (it’s complicated)
  • Because of the above, I do not want them put in any romantic situations with other characters. Platonic ships are fine.
  • They would not wear a revealing outfit, please do not put them in one.
  • Tasteful artistic nudity is okay (so long as you check with me first), but anything sexual/NSFW is not.

Divider credit: Saradika Graphics on Tumblr

  • 105
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Crafty Talisman Ability


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