The Elven Magicker's Resolve: The Swamp's Cries (Trash Monster #1, prompt 3)

Chapter 2: The Swamp's Cries (Trash Monster #1, prompt 3)

The entire swamp was in an uproar. Everywhere around Fayen, adventurers were moving at dizzying speeds to subdue the horrible beast in whatever way they could.
Even from a distance, its presence was overwhelming. Fayen was forced to cover their face with their cloak as they moved away from the fetid air surrounding it. 
But, almost worse than that, was the crying. Surges of intense sorrow emanated from the creature and washed over Fayen, nearly causing them to double over. They continued to push forward.
Gods above, what am I to do? 
Deeper in the city, they felt the waves subside, allowing them to breathe again. They took an appraising glance around them.
Wide-eyed people stood huddled together on the wooden walkways, motionless, staring at the monster like it was pulling them in.
Perhaps Fayen could still be helpful.
They walked to a pair of residents, one with their snakelike tail wrapped protectively against the other, who looked to be an elf.
“Ah, hello,” Fayen said, in a way they hoped was soothing. “Is there something I can assist you with?”
The two regarded them with some trepidation. 
“Are you an adventurer?” asked the serpentine person.
“I suppose that’s not an inaccurate description,” Fayen answered uneasily. Was that the best way to describe themself? They didn’t know. Did it really matter now? “I just want to help.”
“Why not go towards all the destruction instead of hanging around here, then?” spat the elf. “If it reaches the city, we’re all dead.”
“I… I know, I’m sorry.” They took a breath, trying to steady themself. “I wanted to. I… I can’t. So I thought… if there’s anything I can do…?”
“We’ll be fine,” said the reptilian figure.
“Concern yourself with that behemoth, not us,” the elf snapped. There was no real bite to the words. 
Fayen turned their head away. “I understand. I want to… fix this. Truly. I just… don’t know how.”
“Hm, maybe…” The serpentine person’s voice trailed off for a moment, deep in thought. “There were legends, once, of Earth elementals that would rise from the ground.”
Fayen’s ears perked up. “Truly?”
“Yes. But they were always benevolent, and never this…” They glanced towards the rampaging monster. “Large.”
“I see…” Fayen mused. “Thank you for telling me so. It is more than helpful.” They bowed their head and left the two in peace. 
If the monster had been brought forth by magic, it would explain the terrible flood of energy they’d felt. But where could that magic have come from? This was too much for random chance.
As they were reflecting, Fayen bumped into another figure. “Oh, please excuse me,” they said, moving away quickly.
“No, i-it’s fine,” the other said. “I was in t-the way. S-sorry.” 
Fayen shook their head, meeting their eyes. A tall, anthropomorphic jackalope, it seemed? “Not at all. Were you headed somewhere?”
“U-um. To be honest, n-no.” The jackalope adjusted their spectacles. “This is, u-um, a lot. I’m not s-sure what I can d-do…”
Fayen gave them a sympathetic smile. “Neither am I, in truth. Maybe we ought to confer with one another?” 
“R-really? U-um, okay.” They clutched the sleeve of their sweater. “W-where do we s-start?”
Fayen’s earlier thoughts came back to them. “Have you heard anything about magic being cast, or anything else which might have caused this to happen?” They clasped their hands together. “If we knew the source, a more effective solution might come with it.”
The jackalope squeaked. “M-magic? No. B-but let me t-think. U-um…” They wrung their hands, mirroring Fayen. “N-nothing like this has h-happened before, r-right? If s-something caused this, i-it might be recent.”
Of course!
Fayen nodded. “It might. Has something changed here recently?”
“The p-portal. It wasn’t open b-before,” suggested the jackalope, their serious brown eyes meeting Fayen’s gaze. “M-maybe that?”
“Was it not? That’s certainly worth considering…” 
“Y-yeah. This u-used to be a q-quiet place, y-you know? And t-then, people f-flood in…” 
Fayen interrupted them. “What do you mean?”
“Eh?” The jackalope jumped, a little startled. “U-um. It’s j-just, with the d-discovery of n-new portals, there’s always l-lots of people w-who want t-to visit. T-then the l-locals have to a-accommodate them. N-not everyone is, u-um, a good t-tourist.” 
Fayen brought a fist to their chin, contemplating what the other had proposed. Did a visitor do this intentionally? It seemed unlikely, if they only came to visit. Unintentionally? Well, that could work. Or was it caused not by a single person, but multiple? 
Regardless, it didn’t explain the wailing. That awful noise. It was burned into their mind. They could still hear it, faintly, if they really tried…
Hold on. There was something familiar with that sound.
“Y-you look like y-you’ve thought of s-something.”
Fayen blinked, remembering their conversation partner. “Oh. Yes. I might have. Earlier, I spoke with some people who live here. It occurs to me now that their voices were rather similar to some of what I heard from the monster.”
The jackalope’s eyes widened. “W-were they?”
“Indeed. Curious, isn’t it?”
If Wouagi’s people had casted the spell, it would explain why it was so powerful. But of course, they wouldn’t do so purposefully.
They wouldn’t have to, though.
“I think I understand,” Fayen began, speaking aloud for the benefit of the other. “The inhabitants of this world, struggling with the influx of adventurers and caring deeply for their home, conjured emotions strong enough to affect the magic around them. But it wasn’t within their control.”
“N-no,” the jackalope said, wilting. “I s-see what you m-mean.”
“But why that specific form?” Fayen continued. An Earth elemental could’ve risen anywhere. Why there?
“P-pollution,” offered the jackalope. “I-if these people w-were kind to the earth b-before, and then others d-defiled it…” Their nose twitched. “A-and, it r-reeks, so…”
Fayen smiled brightly at them. “Oh, I think that’s just it.”

Author's notes:

Word count: 977 words

Prompt #3: Ask the Locals. The swamp’s residents probably know something, right? But as you start asking around, you realize that some of their voices sound… familiar? It might be your imagination, but it sounds a lot like the crying coming from the monster. Draw or write your character inquiring with the locals, and perhaps making a connection. 

Thank you to blepboi for letting me borrow Twig :)

This is my first time participating in a boss battle, and with a duocast, no less ^^ I hope my interpretation of things and grammar is alright, I wrote this very quickly with minimal editing OTL 

Fayen didn’t know Wouagi was a recently opened portal since they’re very new to the whole thing, haha.

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  • Mar 23, 2024, 7:14:49 PM UTC
    So good! I love a peaceful approach when possible, and Fayen's concern for the pain of the earth and the locals really resonates with me. <3
    • Mar 23, 2024, 7:23:02 PM UTC
      Aw, thank you <3 yes, my elf is a peaceful person. Or tries to be anyway. [gazes pointedly at their 'elementalist' class]
      I thought the Trash Monster lent itself well to this type of story, so I'm glad it resonated with you Smile