Now We Really Paper Demons

Posted May 28, 2024, 5:39:08 AM UTC

#118 Something magical is happening! Your character finds themself as a paperdemon, what do they look like? What abilities do they have? Draw or write about their experience! If they are already a paperdemon, draw them as another species of your choosing.


I wasn't entirely sure how to go about this prompt but I wanted to try. So, here is the main squad as Paperdemons!

I think Etch's design is my favorite just because of how her colors are, but I attempted dot keep in mind that Paperdemosn seem to have a lot of steampunk design elements and ran with it.

I'm barely getting this in with enough time but here is what I got <3

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  • May 28, 2024, 2:18:03 PM UTC
    What an epic team Big Smile The steampunk-style outifts look so cool, each of the outfits really matches the character!
    • May 28, 2024, 5:12:44 PM UTC
      Thanks so much!
      It was tough to decide on the outfits, I had to scroll for a while for inspiration and the sketch alone took me three days before I was happy with it.
      I think Lawliette and Etch are easily my favorites (the two on the ends) but that might be my bias for fun skirts speaking lmao.

      TBH, I was stressing by the end cause I had to get it done that day or miss the deadline. I didn't want to miss the deadline for this cause I was inspired initially when I saw the prompt.
      • May 28, 2024, 8:33:55 PM UTC
        Aw, well I'm glad you're happy with the result because it looks awesome! (Ooh yes I agree, fun skirts are fabulous) Big Smile And now instead of distress you can destress ^-^