April Showers Bring May Flowers

Posted May 15, 2024, 8:31:21 PM UTC

The prompt is simple but very sweet. I took a hot minute to finish this, but I love the result. 

Ultimately, Gummi Gray is just a happy gummi guy.

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  • May 16, 2024, 8:57:00 PM UTC
    Hello! This is a really cute piece. You did excellently with the flowers and detailing!
    I would note, though, that the character and butterfly are much lighter and more saturated then the background- it makes the character look a bit out of place. I'd recommend for future pieces either lightening the background, or darkening the character's colors to fit in better- basically, try to focus on your color values a bit more.

    I'm a big fan of the expression and posing of the character, though! They look very happy going after that butterfly. <3

    The shading on the tail, as well, is quite pleasant to look at, excellently showing the shiny-ness of the material. The soft and sharp shading go well together.

    One more thing to watch out for is the comparative lankiness of the upper arm versus the bulk of the lower arm and hand- it looks a bit jarring to the eye, and it's hard to imagine that they could support that weight.

    Otherwise, though, it is a really cute character and scene! The flowers are very pretty and eye-catching, and i'm sure a lot of time went into making them as good as I do. I especially like the flowers close to the camera as foreground elements, filling empty space that would otherwise draw your eye away from the character, the focus of the piece, as well as just being pleasant to look at on it's own.

    Thank you for sharing your art with us, and have a good day! <3
    • May 16, 2024, 10:29:31 PM UTC
      I want to open this by saying, THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is such a big comment for me and I adore this level of detail, it gives me a lot to think about, and stuff to improve on. <3

      With that said, I intentionally cut out the character and butterfly to bring the viewer's gaze towards the character. However, I do see how that can be jarring. I'll try a different technique next when this type of theme comes up. The prompt was 'May Flowers' which I believe was a play on "April showers bring May flowers", and I wanted to allude to the darker side of April showers or hard times, subtly. I think you're right though and ultimately doing the shading and lighting I did made it awkward instead.

      Thank you for the compliments though! I love my little Gummy guy <3 Gummy textures are how to make sense of sometimes, especially for scenes like these, so I had to play with more art tools. I'm glad it turned out well, and is worth keeping that in mind.

      The arm structure is based on the species, Nomgrel. I love them! They're hosted here, under Nomcromancy. You can find the base over here: https://www.paperdemon.com/app/g/nom/character/15052
      But with the traits I slapped on my gummy guy. I highly recommend them, they're so cute and funky, leaving a lot of run for creativity.

      The foreground flowers took me the most time out of this entire piece, so I'm so glad you feel that way. It makes it feel like all that effort is worth it in the end. So I appreciate hearing that.

      Thank YOU for your critique and comment. It means the world to get comments like these. Especially artist to artist, the comments I get on PaperDemon seem to consistently bring my art to another level and draws my attention to things I hadn't thought other people would notice. I love and adore that! The growth that critiques here have given me is truly priceless. <3 <3 <3

      I hope you have a wonderful day!
      • May 16, 2024, 10:54:26 PM UTC
        I'm glad you enjoyed my thoughts on this piece, very glad to see it read and appreciated <3

        On the showing the darker themes with april showers- that IS an interesting concept, and I do like it! I think it's a cool idea, unfortunately it went over my head, haha. Whether or not that's the piece's fault or just me not thinking of that is hard to know, though.

        As for the anatomy- huh! Didn't know that, noted. Your anatomy elsewhere is pretty solid, so I probably should've thought to check the character on that as i'm not in that ARPG, but yeah. Checks out. Knowing that's an intentional choice means I don't have any further critique for your anatomy- it's very solid.

        But yeah, i'll leave you to it now. Glad to have given you something to chew on, and thank you for the kind words in turn <3



Gummi Gray Nomcromancy 🧑🏽 #om15
340 total points
30 approved points



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