Posted May 19, 2024, 9:54:34 PM UTC

Weekly Prompt #117: Draw or write your character as a meme! It can be a popular one that already exists or you can make your own! Did they become a meme on purpose, or did it happen by accident?


So this is what happened.

Haku isn't just a very supportive man. He is a fighter that gained renown not just for his unusual cantrip skills, but for the kindness he shows for others. He met a fellow friend, who is a Merman in the form of a human. He gave him the nickname of "Prince Charming" due to his blonde hair and attractive appearance. Antal, also called the "Prince Charming" by Haku himself, was a great singer, fitting to be a bard to attract anyone, even his foes.

During a meeting with the Guild, Haku and Antal were tasked to tame a powerful being known as the "Dayosa", an ancient deity that will soon scorch the World if her wrath is not quelled. However, they learn along the way that the only way to appease her is to offer something that she would see value in; she can only cease her rage if she finds something worth cherishing amongst billions of lives in a cruel cosmic existence.

He retrieved a pearl from the depths of the ocean, its glow reminiscent to the moon in the sky. Haku thought that this would reflect what goodness remained of the Dayosa, serving as a reminder of her purity. Antal, on the other hand, found a ring with a colorful design resembling mosaic. He believed that the colors of the light would remind her of the beauty of the universe, and the desecration of such display would ruin these colors.


As they approached the mysterious crater where she is said to emerge from, Haku looked on with courage, hoping to see her in the flesh. Antal looks at him with slight concern, wondering if he does not feel the heavy tension in the atmosphere. After all, the Dayosa sounds like a terrifying figure.


The two sat on the rocks near the edge of the crater, waiting for the Dayosa to emerge. She does not come out until sundown, where the golden sunset can be viewed from this particular mountain. As Haku contemplates with the shining pearl in his hand, Antal begins to converse with him, his voice silky and smooth.

"So, my fellow divine brother-in-arms, how shall we entice the beautiful lady?" asks Antal.

"If they said that the Dayosa does not accept mere mortal trinkets, then we should be able to find something that can at least remind her of the virtues of this world," replies Haku, still holding the shining pearl in his hands.

"What about a ballad?"

"I doubt she likes hearing them."

"How about a poem?"

"Poems can get boring fast if not written properly, and so can a single novel."

"Does this Dayosa have anything that ceases her rampage across the world?"


Haku paused, letting the question sink in.

"... I don't know. All I heard about her is that-"

A low rumble, and a towering figure emerges. A beautiful woman with the skin of charcoal and obsidian rises from the billowing smoke. In the midst of her black and dark figure, golden highlights can be seen, appearing on the edges of her robe and her very hands. Haku marvels at the sight of the Dayosa, seeing how she looks so innocent under the glow of the setting sun.

Her golden eyes set upon the two male adventurers, a grin forming on her face.

She is intimidating at first, her glare an attempt to drill that primal fear into their hearts and souls. But Haku remained steadfast, not wavering by her golden gaze. Antal, however, was more surprised that she doesn't talk much. Maybe words are just not enough for her?

The Dayosa stood up and turned away, preparing her fiery onslaught across the land. But Haku calls out to her as she prepares to descend from the crater.


"We have something you want!"

Haku steps forth as the Dayosa turned around, a sinister aura emitting around her very form. He kneels to the ground slowly, and in his hands, he reveals to her a white pearl, whose glow and color is reminiscent of a full moon. She was surprised at Haku's offer, wondering if he was attempting to gift her something that could put her wrath at ease... for a moment.

He then declared that he would offer the white pearl in exchange for the life of the land. He wanted the Dayosa to spare the lives of the land, that as long as the moonlight shines upon them, so will the innocence and good will of those that inhabit it. Haku is aware that such deep words won't cut through the Dayosa's heart, but he hopes that his humility and loyalty would be enough to ease her rage.

Antal, on the contrary, offered a ring made of so many colors. He tries his best to use his charm in an honest and supportive way, telling the Dayosa the story of the ring. The colors it was made of shows that through light and dark, beautiful things can be made, and that there will always be beauty in even the smallest of things, even as small as the mere particles of light.


He feared that if the Dayosa isn't pleased with the offerings, she would smite both of them on the spot without remorse. Haku didn't know what could appease her for a short while, even if it seems temporary. Was it a mistake trying to convince her to look on the bright side?

Her keen and piercing eyes scanned the objects before her, and then the fellow adventurers as well. Her decision-making was as cold as ice, leaving people second-guessing her final thoughts. No one can comprehend her mind other than her alone, for she knows what is worth existing and what shouldn't be.

Haku wouldn't care if he shall die by her hand, for at least he was able to stir something in her dark heart.

But the Dayosa chuckled, building up to a dark laugh.

Yet in this laughter, Haku can almost hear a tone of delight, a small hint of genuine pride on their efforts to surprise her. As she calms down, he can see it, that single genuine smile on her face. It is not full of malice, hate, or mockery, or even sadism. It is an actual, kind, and optimistic smile. The Dayosa finds the two cute for going at such lengths to appease her wrath. But it wasn't the trinkets that pleased her.

It was their unyielding spirit and their resolutions that made her find a little ounce of respect in them.

The Dayosa spoke before the two adventurers, her tone soft yet divine.

"I have never once seen a genuine person with a genuine heart and soul. But you two have shown honesty and humility in your words. Such integrity cannot be found in this forsaken world of lies and persona."

Haku looked up, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. Is it working? Is the Dayosa finally softening for once?

"However, such integrity..."

He worries when she pauses. What else is she thinking now?

"... cannot be left empty-handed."

She slowly leans towards the adventurers, her aura now gentle and warm.

"While mortals say that kindness expects nothing in the end, I would not let you leave without a special gift from me."

The Dayosa leans back, outstretching her right arm. Haku wonders what she will do to him and Antal, and what gift does she mean? Still on their knees, he feels a warm aura surround them both. The trinkets in their hand are imbued with the Dayosa's magic, each reflecting a special side in the two adventurers. While it would be easy to take it away from their hands, the Dayosa did something that was, once, true to her former nature.

She had blessed mortals with the very possessions that reflect who they truly are.

As the Dayosa leaves the two behind not to destroy the world, but to wander in the night, Haku and Antal were left speechless by the experience. The latter was squealing softly in delight of his new empowered ring, while the water god looked at the pearl in his hand. It illuminated like the very moon in the sky, as he softly smiles at the heavens.

For the first time, Haku had touched the heart of a dark being, whose kindness was masked by her intimidating behavior. But he hopes he could see her again, even for a while, so he may stay by her side... and hopefully, be with her forever.



This piece was drawn with nothing but pure Krita. As a former Krita user, it feels nice to have my raw handstroke take the lead. It may take a while to adjust to it. I am trying to move from Clip Studio Paint to Krita, so I can have less stress on learning its animation tools. I may still use Clip Studio Paint for some illustrations and concept art, but I would want to focus solely on Krita's new improvements.

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