
Posted Aug 19, 2023, 10:04:56 PM UTC

jos varjoihin mä jään

en pelkää pimeää


Everyone in the City of Calm knew her, and no wonder. Ann-Len united the Slumme into a community with her relentless determination and hard work. She created a big family, that was always ready to give a second chance.


She was loved by all - but when her heart stopped beating, the lessons she had taught were forgotten in an instant. The acceptance, love, and the chances given extinguished under the pressure of sorrow like a flickering flame of a wax candle.


It was like a cursed tradition to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. There was nothing he could do. Myriil only wanted to hold his mother's hand as she passed - but when they saw him kneeling next to her, they didn't see a grieving son.


They only saw red. They saw a murderer. He was shut out like an outcast - but some wanted to go further. In their eyes, he was a cockroach that needed to be exterminated.


He attempted to explain, tried to make them listen - but it was childish to even wish that they would. Myriil was cut open like costly cattle, as though his gory execution was a form of entertainment for some invisible crowds. They chanted the name they had chosen for him, over, and over again.


Kyykäärme. Kyykäärme. Kyykäärme.


While it was quickly shortened to simply Kyy, such didn't lessen its malicious intent. The boy fought for his life, and in the end, he prevailed. To lessen the sick satisfaction of his attackers - and the morbid curiosity of others - he covered the scars with tattoos.


Just like his mother before him, he was a victim of his own being - and just like Ann-Len, his body was disfigured because of it.


But unlike his mother, Kyy was raised to rise whenever he got knocked down. He veiled his arms in what he was called - snakes - and made his opposition hiss from disgust when they saw him thrive.


Even though he doesn't let much affect him, the scars on his neck left a lesson in their wake, learned and memorized a hundred times over. Nowadays, Kyy rarely speaks.


He knows better.


vaan lailla auringon

oon sammuttamaton

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Kyy PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2414
153 total points
7 approved points



  • the wild flocks
  • you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders, Sir.
  • delirium
  • moments before disaster
  • still here
  • hot right now
  • forgive me
  • blade-crossed truths
  • having a bad day


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