Rafael Valentine

Posted Dec 30, 2022, 6:17:44 PM UTC

Character Name: Rafael "Rafi" Valentine


Character Age: 27

Character Species: Human

Hair color: Esspresso brown 

Eye color: Ice blue 


Brief biography:


Rafael grew up in a modern world, with modern amenities and modern comforts. It suited him best, allowing the least amount of work for the best possible reward. His brother has always been his opposite. Dependable. Brave. Good. 


When the two of them fell through their first portal, it was Solomon who defended them, yet relentlessly defended others just as passionately. It was him that built their reputation... and made promises that he couldn't keep, leaving Rafael with the bill. 


Not that Rafael minded. Rafael has always been a bit of an entrepreneur. Where Sully saw adventure, Rafael could see opportunity. His brother just... kicked him into action, that's all. 


Talisman: His brother, Solomon "Sully" Valentine

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  • Jan 3, 2023, 5:36:06 PM UTC
    I am so excited to see this character more. I love that curly hair, and the rough salesman look to him. You've done such a beautiful job, as always.
  • Dec 30, 2022, 7:47:21 PM UTC
    I love himmmm
    The character design is really amazing, his personality shines through it well
  • Dec 30, 2022, 7:30:51 PM UTC
    I like your style and design for him! I'm interested to see how the brothers interact together and with the world around them, the concept you have for them sounds interesting





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