Finn Faeladh's Pocket Cottage: Finn Faelad's Pocket Cottage

Published May 26, 2024, 3:39:32 AM UTC | Last updated May 26, 2024, 3:39:32 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

a background summary of Finn's dimensional cottage that allows him to carry a slice of home with him at all times regardless of his current portal coordinates.

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Chapter 1: Finn Faelad's Pocket Cottage

For many of his kind, Home is as simple as four walls, and a roof. For an intrepid portal exploring fae, finding ‘home’ was a little more difficult. Luckily for Finn, this problem had a solution in a sense. With the help of some magic and an artifact from his home dimension, Finn was able to create an amulet that connected to a form of pocket dimension. Within the dimension, he was able to create his home, and access it from any doorway he could find that had a door in it. It took time and a large amount of fine tuning in order for the magic to become stable, but the results were worth the effort. Upon entering through the doorway which would be used as a portal anchor point, one could be transported into the pocket dimension which housed a home. Now, since Finn is relatively inexperienced with spatial magic, he can only create a home the size of a cottage, as opposed to say a mansion. Upon leaving, the dimension would be contained within the gemstone set in the amulet. Thankfully, Finn learned sufficient warding magic to protect his home, so he doesn’t have any unexpected visitors while he is recharging his batteries in his pocket dimension.

The entrance has a small mudroom that has benches on all sides. Up a quarter flight of stairs, the room opens up into the main living/dining room. The largest wall has a big fireplace with a cooking spit (separate from the kitchen), and is surrounded by cushions. On the other half of the room is the dining area. It is just a large table with multiple mismatched chairs. Through the door by the dining area of the main room is the kitchen. It contains another fireplace that is more suited to serious food preparation, as well as a connected stove. The kitchen also contains a pantry for dry room temperature goods. Unfortunately, he is not able to replicate the frost magic that serves as the basis for refrigeration capabilities…yet. So, Finn does not possess a refrigerator at this time. He can use a cooler he won in an emergency, but that’s about it. Down the hall by the living room is the single bedroom and bath in the cottage. Finn decorated the majority of the cottage to be homey, but his bedroom is where he is able to revel in his fae nature. The bedroom serves as a resting place, office, armory, and more depending on what he needs are at the moment. As he travels, he picks up souvenirs and learns new ways to alter his home. So, the state of the cottage is never constant. A visitor could visit a few times, and likely notice a new possession, or even notice that the style of the cottage itself has changed. For the most part though, Finn’s cottage is a cozy getaway from the chaotic nature of portal hoping, and a little slice of home he misses dearly. In the future, Finn will be able to anchor his home to his home dimension, so his amulet will serve as his own portal back home, but he has a long way to go before he is able to accomplish that level of fae magic.

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