Daxlas after hours: Chapter 1: The lavender neckalce

Published Apr 5, 2024, 6:39:37 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 5, 2024, 6:39:37 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

A complilation of short stories of what Daxlas gets up to in their free time. Just random things.

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The lavender neckalce

Chapter 1: The lavender necklace

Daxlas’ body was at an odd angle when the sun hit their eyes. They flinched as the sun singed their sockets and they turned away from the sun.

“Just a few more minutes.” They mumbled and burrowed their face into their pillow.


They bundled themselves up tighter in the blanket that they doubled up with another. The one blanket, in question, was thrown in their sleep. The ground was soft that morning and the temperature was perfect. They smiled and dozed off.


They dreamt of their momma Jela, and when they were small. Jela was an Earth dragon and towered over her child. Her scales were a deep green and she had moss growing on her back. She was wingless, but didn’t let that stop her from getting places fast. She gently took their hand and led them to the river. Little Daxlas had a hard time keeping up, not because they weren’t fast, but because they kept getting distracted and running off in random directions. Jela was unfazed by her child’s running about and just guided them to the riverbank. Jela let go of Daxlas’s hand and they bolted.

“Daxlas.” She said. “Where are you going?”

“Momma, I wanna catch frogs! So, I’m going by the reedz.” They expressed.

“No baby. It’s time for an important lesson.”

“But Mommaaaaaa, I don’t wanna learn. I’m six! I should be done with that by now.” They whined. 


“You see, Daxlas, us Earth dragons have to look out for the planet.” She said as she gazed into the water.


Daxlas took their finger out of their nose.

“Huh? Why do we have to do that, momma?”


Jela chuckled and got more comfortable.

“Because the planet needs to be taking care of.”


They fiddled with sand at their feet.

“Like a baby bug?”

“Yes, like a baby bug.”


Daxlas frowned.

“But that sounds haaaaaarrrrd.”


“It is hard work, but it’s worth it.”

“Is it better than catching frogs?” They asked with their eyes wide.


She sighed.

“In some ways, yes.”


Daxlas narrowed their eyes and jabbed a finger at their momma.

“Prove it.”


Jela took a deep breath and let out a long whistle. Birds frantically flew towards the sound and landed in the trees. The birds were very colourful and many species lined the trees. Frogs jumped out of the water and sat in a gaggle near Jela. Turtles even joined the party and slowly waddled from their basking spots. Mystical deer, foxes, wolves, rabbits and mice scrambled from their homes to join the party. They were all at her beck and call. 


Daxlas’ eyes lit up and they sprang up.

“Wooooaaahhhhhh, that’s so cool momma!”


Jela smiled and blew out two short whistles. The animals scattered back from where they came. Daxlas slumped and pouted.

“Awwww, bring them baaaack.”

“Do you remember what I taught you?”


They frowned and plopped down.

“Don’t pick your nose in town.” They droned unethically. 


Jela held in a giggle.

“No, the one about respecting nature.”



They thought hard for a bit.

“Don’t pee where people can see you!” They said confidently.


Jela sighed.

“No. I was talking about if we respect nature, we don’t pester nature.”

“Fine, I’ll do it without you.”


Daxlas made some mouth farting sounds in an attempt to whistle. Jela sighed and shook her head. Then she realized something.

“Oh, I forgot to give you your present.” She said.


Daxlas sprang up and excitedly asked.

“A present? What kind on present?”

“A kind that will help you train.”

“Awwww, not a boring present.” They grumbled. “ I bet it’s a book I can’t even read.”

“Oh, it’s better than a book. Close your eyes.”


They closed their eyes and bounced back and forth. She gently pulled out something out of the fabric pouch at the base of her neck. She placed the object and the open hands of her excited kid. 

“You can open them now.” She said.


It was a piece of lavender on a cord.

“It’s a protective talisman that strengthens your earth magic and calms down any raging animal.”


“Thanks momma.” Daxlas mumbled in their sleep in the present.


They sat straight up.

“I’m going to be late!” They exclaimed.


They sat like that for a bit.

“Wait, I don’t work today.”


They flopped back down to sleep.

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  • Mar 21, 2024, 7:21:19 AM UTC
    Your OC and story is really cute. I like the bakery idea, it is something common and at the same time really unique for a fantasy story. Also the way the necklace was gifted is adorable