Pandora's Battle Recordings: slime :) aka first battle

Published Mar 18, 2024, 12:52:26 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 18, 2024, 12:52:26 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Another book, this one dyed black. You open it, and again, it is hollow. All that is inside is a few cassette tapes, which contain the stories of Pandora's battles...

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Chapter 1: slime :) aka first battle

Pandora was strolling around in the forest, making sure to keep her back to her house the entire time, praying she wouldn't get lost. Although she promised Kylea she wouldn't go off into strange places (aka the woods) alone, here she was. She was just so bored. Kylea got to go out and work with all her friends, and actually do things, but Pandora was stuck at home with chores and boring tasks.

So she finished the laundry, the dusting, and dish-washing extra quickly today, took a flare just in case she got lost, and headed off into the woods. Holding her hand to the side to 'be aware of her surroundings', she quickly realized that the trees were extremely thick, and various-sized stones littered the ground. She was at extreme risk of tripping, so she opted to slowly shuffle along the dirt trail. 

Long grass tickled her leg, and she felt the urge to reach down and hack it all away. But she had to keep her hands on the trees, or who knows where she could wander off to. She'd heard rumours about these woods, but she doubted that they were true. The 'boogyman' hardly scared her, she wasn't 8 anymore.

A small rustling noise roused her from her thoughts, and she stopped. Maybe it was just a squirrel, or.. a chipmunk. A bird. There were plenty of birds in the forest, she was just overthinking this. Monsters were definitely not residing in this area. Or she hoped so. Slowly, she started walking again, wondering if she should turn back. It didn't seem like a smart idea anymore-- not that it ever was --to go wandering off into a place she barely knew.

But a splatter of wet, slimy substance stopped her in her tracks. Shoot. That was slime if she'd ever felt it. Spinning around to the direction of the monster, she raised her arms defensively. Another glob of gooey slime landing on her forearms, making her head reel in disgust. She could practically feel the cold emanating from the monster. 

She was not sure what she was supposed to do. She could try and get a branch to stab it, but that wouldn't be very helpful would it? Instead, right before the slime attacked again, she lashed out with her hands, hoping to rip it apart or something. Instead, she felt heat shoot out from her fingertips. What just happened? A hiss. It was a familiar noise, but it scared her. As if... no. It couldn't be. 

Fire? The last time she'd been so close to fire, she lost her family and her eyesight. Clambering around, desperate to find somewhere to run, she tripped on a stone and toppled to the ground. She'd heard of latent elements. But she never thought she would have one, much less fire. Fire was horrifying, fire was her mortal enemy, the very thing she had watched burn her family alive, before her eyes closed and smoke filled her lungs, so how could she weild it? 

But the slime was dead. She hoped. She didn't feel any wet hunks of substance on her anymore. It had to be dead. Standing up shakily, she walked back home.

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