The World of Nym: Chapter 1: Plaster

Published Feb 14, 2024, 11:12:28 AM UTC | Last updated Feb 14, 2024, 11:12:28 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Nym and his friends navigate the world as Nym slowly learns how to harness his rare magic.

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Characters in this Chapter

Nym PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4186
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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Plaster

Chapter 1: Plaster

Nym trotted through the cobblestone streets of the City in the Sky, his long, spindly tail flicking happily behind him. As he walked, Nym's mind wondered to the destination of his outing. One of his best friends, a deep red orc named Silvia had asked Nym to come over to her house to help her with one of her many...many art projects. Enjoying the time he spent with his friend, Nym quickly agreed to help. Silvia's home was not too far from the tavern that Nym grew up in, so the trip would be easy.

Upon arriving at Silvia's home, Nym hopped up the steps to her door and knocked loudly. His pointed ears perked up as he heard the door unlock and he smiled as it opened.

"Silvieee- my friend, I have arrived!" Nym greeted her formally with a low bow, his tail gently wrapping around his ankles.

"Well then, someone's in a good mood. C'mon on in, weirdo-" Silvia chuckled as she opened her door wide. After a quick greeting with Silvia's parents and her cat Marble, the two friends made their way up the stairs and to the attic. Silvia pushed the large wooden hatch up and hopped into her bedroom and office. She turned and extended her hand to Nym and helped him into the stuffy room.

"Geez Sil, this place is um...mhm- y'know, it looks great. It has character!" Nym's face twisted into a look of slight concern before he laughed. Silvia's room was littered with a plethora of unfinished projects that ranged from woodcarving to watercolor. But, despite its messy look, the room did smell pleasant. Perhaps it was the wood varnish or the makeshift perfume project that gave the room a slight sweet smell that somewhat covered up the stuffy smell of dust. 

"Oh, shut up-" Silvia giggled. "Your room is far worse. I'm sure you have mushrooms growing in at least one of the corners." She walked over to her paint splattered and somewhat sticky looking desk that sat in the middle of the far wall. Pinned and stuck around the desk were hundreds of finished paintings and drawings as well as pictures of the friend group that she and Nym shared. Nym loved the pictures that Silvia had put on the wall, he would always smile when he looked at them, seeing he and his best friends sharing moments forever frozen in time.

"Oh come on! No fair, I love my little mushroom friends." Nym laughed, his ears perking up, his eyes squinted as he smiled. "Haha- okay, so what do you need help with?"

"I need help with-- this." Silvia gestured to a lump of wet newspaper that was slapped together haphazardly using corn starch.

"What on earth is that?!" Nym shivered, he couldn't imagine the texture of the dubious blob.

"Paper mache, dummy. And don't dump on the art piece, it needs some more shaping." Silvia laughed and picked up a large wooden bowl full of gloopy white...stuff. "Here, I'll show you how it works." She set the bowl on the floor of her room and flattened some newspaper around the area to attempt to protect the floor from rouge plaster splatters. 

"I don't have to touch it right-- Damn it...I have to touch it, don't I." Nym whined as Silvia gave him a look. He reluctantly sat across from Silvia and peered fearfully at the bowl of gloop.

"All you have to do is take a newspaper strip..." Silvia explained as she demonstrated Nym's job. "Soak it in the plaster- get the excess off...then pass it to me. Easy." Silvia laughed at Nym's horrified face. "It won't kill you, and it surely doesn't bite."

"This is disgusting!" Nym squealed as he tore a piece of newspaper and dropped it into the bowl. He groaned as he pushed the paper under the gloopy surface with a single one of his fingers. "Agh, this is so gross! AGH! IT'S---Oh- It's not too bad?" The gloop was cool to the touch and it was smooth on his hands. "Hmph-"

"See, yah big baby. Now, chop chop, I want to get this done by sundown." Silvia smiled at her friend as he enthusiastically began to dip the paper into the gloop and pass it to her.

The pair continued their hang out, laughing and joking with each other as more and more plaster soaked into their clothes and into the floor.

Eventually, the sun would dip under the city skyline and the room would grow darker. Silvia and Nym would stop their paper mache after whatever Silvia's vision was came to fruition. 

"Thanks for the help, Nym. I hope you were able to conquer your fear of paper mache and plaster." Silvia teased him as she leaned on the frame of her front door.

"Haha. Very funny." Nym said sarcastically as a smile crept across his face. "I'll always be around to help you Sil. You're one of my best friends. I'd be a pretty bad friend if I couldn't say I'd always be here." Nym smiled, his bright eyes smiling with him. "I'll see you at school tomorrow. Cya, Sil!"

Nym walked home that evening as stiff as a board from the dried plaster that soaked through his clothes, but happy.

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