The fight: 00

Published Feb 12, 2024, 9:12:03 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 12, 2024, 9:12:03 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Max's first fight, how will it go

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Max PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3185
12 total points
7 approved points


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Chapter 1: 00

Nick watched as the slime stood in front of me. I looked at the sword, ready. I willed a black flame to appear on the sword. All of a sudden the sword, along with the ground surrounding me, was covered in a black flame. Nick looked impressed. The slime almost immediately looked at him to attack. I dodged the slime's first attack by rolling onto the ground, and fairly quickly stood back up, ready to attack. The slime was disoriented, which was the perfect chance. I slashed through the Slime, but it only lost about 5 hp. “HOW-” I dodged another attack from the slime. “SHOOT AHHHH.” “Max pay attention or your going to get hurt!!” Nick yelled from where he stood on the sidelines. “YEA NO DUH. I COULDN'T TELL.” Max said sarcastically. I hit it again, and it did more damage this time. It wasn't enough. It still had ½ of its HP. What could I do, what could I do? There weren't a ton of options. “Max. Pay attention to your enemy.” Nick said as I dodged another attack. “EASY FOR YOU TO SAY!! YOU ARE NOT THE ONE FIGHTING IT.” “Max. you need to calm down and breathe.” I took a couple deep breaths. It was going to be fine. I was going to be fine. Maybe. Who knows. I sure as hell don’t. “Ok. Let's see here…” My mind was racing. I could try one more time with the magic, or I could use my sword. A sword might work better, but I was already good with a sword. I was supposed to get better with magic. “This isnt going to work, Nick!! Why did you have me do this?!?” “Just try to bring the flames.” I tried to bring the flames back, but nothing happened. “NOTHING IS WORKING NICKKKK!!” I yelled again. Nick just watched from the stands. I stood still for a second, staring at Nick. “REALLY?” I said annoyed. “YOUR REALLY JUST DOING THIS TO ME RIGHT NOW.” Nick let out a small laugh. “Your ok Nick. Just focus on what your doing.” “IM TRYINGGGGGGGG-” I let out a small scream as the slime tried to attack me. I sliced through it, and it died.

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