Misty's Sentimental Keychain Origin: Talisman Origin

Published Jan 13, 2024, 5:03:58 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 13, 2024, 5:03:58 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

The origin story for Misty's talisman, her sentimental keychain.

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Misty PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3809
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Chapter 1: Talisman Origin

Misty's talisman item is a found set of keychains. 
When she was younger, one day in elementary school, the whole class got to buy books and trinkets at a "book fair" that happened once a year. Everyone in class was looking forward to the book fair, they would chat about what they hoped to buy during break time, and a couple of students even got to see into the library while they were setting up the tables.  Misty had been pulled aside from her class partway through the schoolday for getting in an argument with another girl in her class, who frequently teased misty. It wasn't fair, but at least misty was avoiding further embarrassment in front of her classmates. After waiting alone in the counselor's office on time-out for a couple hours, a knot had grown heavy in her gut; Misty knew she had been forgotten, the counselor MIA, and Misty was missing the book fair entirely. By the time she got to the library where it was held, the hosts had completely packed up everything that was left for sale, and all students and staff had vacated the room. Everything was gone... everything, except for one fluffy blue shark keychain, with a friendly smile. Misty took a deep breath and wiped her tears, feeling lucky.
A warm autumn afternoon after middle school was let out for the day. Misty had no intentions of getting home quickly. Things were tense around her family, and she wanted to be alone. School was already tiring, being around loud kids was exhausting, and going home to anger and fighting was going to take more energy than Misty could probably muster at the time. So she skipped the bus to walk home instead, her parent's wouldn't notice if she got home late anyways. Once the final bell had rang, she did her homework in homeroom while the busses left. With an empty schoolyard, she went on a slow meditative stroll. Past the portables, around the track, waving to the kids at after-school soccer practice. Then from the schoolyard to town, through the local park which was in the woods. Misty found inner peace strolling through these dense, sprawling woods, communing with nature. Listening to the birds and insects sing through the hot muggy air, pollen and falling leaves dancing in dappled sunlight.  Once Misty wandered far enough into the forest that no traffic was audible, and no buildings visible, she took a deep breath and sat on a surprisingly comfortable rounded rock by the creek. It was cold at first but warmed up while she meditated. It's here that Misty found the second piece of her sentimental keychain, a metallic evil eye and hamsa keychain, that floated to her in the creek. It was barely visible above the water, so perfectly camouflaged in gravel and sand, but sparkled towards Misty almost as though it were trying to get her attention. 

The blue shark is a friendly companion, and the evil eye is a comforting protective spiritual item. These items both represent aspects of Misty's independence, and her strength through very difficult moments. 

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  • Jan 13, 2024, 5:09:37 PM UTC
    I don't write or RP very often, but I'm trying my best, and writing for the games on this website will help me get better. Smile Thanks for your time and looking