Echoes: Makoto IV

Published Jul 6, 2017, 12:52:53 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 4, 2017, 9:40:41 PM | Total Chapters 18

Story Summary

If Bankotsu can say one thing about Jakotsu, it's that he definitely makes life more interesting. That is, until one chance encounter leaves him wondering just how far he can really trust him. You can run from your past but you can't hide... Past timeline fic. Please note content warnings and author's note. This story is now complete and undergoing revision. Constructive criticism welcome.

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Chapter 7: Makoto IV

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha and all of the characters featured in this fanfic are the property of Takahashi Rumiko, Sunrise, Viz and all other respective copyright owners. I do not lay claim to these characters in any way, shape or form.


Author's notes:


This is the point where things start to get more intense. The author's note in the prologue has a full list of content warnings for anyone who'd rather go in prepared.




Haori - a traditional Japanese jacket, worn over a kosode. It is worn open or tied by a string that connects at the lapels.




Makoto IV



"Ready, Makoto?"


Makoto nodded. Three targets stood waiting, spaced in a diagonal line. Three silent soldiers. He drew back his arm, took aim and let the blades fly.


Jatou tore through them like paper.


Makoto retrieved the blades. He met Onuki-sama's smile with a broad grin.


"Got 'em!"


"Not quite." Onuki-sama tossed a piece of bamboo towards him.


Makoto was more than ready for it. The bamboo hit the ground in two neat halves.


"You know, you've really been coming along lately."


Grandpa gave a chuckle. He leant against the fence besides Mama. His forehead shone with sweat from a morning's work at the forge. Mama was bundling up some hairpins to take to market. Both were smiling. Even the air felt warmer today. At this rate, Onuki-sama would soon be able to return home.


If only the snows would last a little longer.


Grandpa heaved a mock sigh. "Honestly. I'm going to run out of bamboo at this rate."


Onuki-sama responded with a laugh. "Perhaps he could do with more of a challenge?"


Makoto cocked his head to one side. "Challenge?"


Onuki-sama cleared his throat. "Well, I was thinking of something a bit more-"




Makoto's head snapped round at the familiar voice. Ume-sama strode towards them, her face set hard as stone. Her bow was strung ready in her hand. She carried a full quiver on her back. A horse stood pawing the ground behind her, accompanied by a nervous village boy clutching its reins.  


"Ume-sama!" Mama gave her a wave. "I was just off to the market-"


"There'll be no market today, Ageha." Ume-sama's voice was as firm as her expression.


"Ume-sama?" Mama paused as she caught sight of the look in the older woman's eyes. She turned to stare into the distance.


"Mama?" Makoto followed her gaze. The valley looked as peaceful as ever. The hills were still clad in snow. Yet he glimpsed a shadow on the edge of the horizon. A finger of smoke trailed off into the sky.


"Makoto, get back inside." Mama's tone was even harder than Ume-sama's.




"Inside, Makoto." Grandpa sounded just as serious.


Makoto turned to his last source of support. "Onuki-sama?"


"Not today, Makoto." Onuki-sama's voice was soft as a shadow. He turned to the miko. "I shall have to borrow your horse, Ume-sama."


Ume-sama gave him a nod. "Of course, Onuki-sama."


Makoto frowned. "Where are you-"


"The guard post. We still have time."


There was no trace of warmth left in his eyes.




It was almost sunset when the screams began.


Makoto gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on his sword. Listening was even harder than waiting. Mama squeezed his shoulder. At least they'd let him keep Jatou. Hiding behind a screen wasn't quite so shameful when he had a blade to hand.   


The distant shouts drew closer. The clash of steel rang in his ears.  He tensed as an arrow thudded into the wall outside. He caught the tang of smoke and the crackle of flame. Mama's arms drew tighter around him.


"It's okay. They won't-"


A cry ripped through the air. One of the bandits gave a shout of triumph. There was a low moan as a body thudded to the ground.




Makoto's voice was stopped by Mama's hand. She gasped as the screen was ripped aside.


Three bandits towered over them. Two held spears slick with blood. The tallest of the three wielded a rusted katana. Gore dripped from the blade. Grandpa lay slumped behind them, clutching his wounded shoulder.


The tall bandit broke into a grin. "Looks like you had something worth hiding after all, old man."


Makoto loosened Jatou from its sheath. Mama grabbed his wrist. She met the bandit's gaze with her hardest stare.


"Lay one hand on him and you'll regret it."


Grandpa cast her a worried glance. "Ageha..." His voice was as strained as his face.


The bandit's grin widened. "Guess I'll just have to take you then."


He shoved Makoto aside and yanked her towards him. She screamed and twisted his grasp. He caught her wrist, stopping her strike in mid-air. He gave an ugly laugh.


"I wouldn't try anything if I were you. You might get to live a bit longer that way."


Makoto made a rush for the swordsman. One of the others knocked him flat with his spear butt. He levelled the spear at Makoto.


"Try that again and you'll-"




The swordsman dropped his blade and doubled over. Blood seeped from his leg. Grandpa crouched behind him, gripping a pair of fire tongs.


Mama slipped from the bandit's grasp and scrambled to Makoto's side.  


The swordsman gave a yell and turned on Grandpa. Grandpa was more than ready. He snatched up his blade and slashed the bandit open from groin to shoulder.


The spearman cursed and rushed forwards. Grandpa let him come. The bandit thrust his spear towards him. Grandpa turned aside. He gave a grunt as the spearpoint grazed his ribs. He grabbed the spear's haft and slashed the bandit's neck open.


The third bandit took one look at Grandpa and went for Mama. He grabbed her hair and raised his spear.


"One move and the bitch d-"


His voice caught in his throat as Makoto thrust Jatou into his side.


The bandit gaped at the sword protruding from his ribs. Makoto stared back as he began to twitch and gurgle. The bandit sank to his knees, losing his grip on Mama's arm. Makoto stood frozen. His eyes widened as blood trickled from the bandit's mouth.


"Makoto!" Grandpa gestured towards the exit. His hand was wet with blood. "Hurry!"


A fourth bandit rushed through the doorway.


Grandpa started and turned to meet his charge. His guard came up to block the bandit's spear. A fraction too late.


The spear took him straight in the chest.




Grandpa toppled to the floor. The bandit yanked his spear from his chest. A smirk rose to his lips.


"Tch, the old fart had it com-"


Makoto was on him in a flash. The bandit didn't even have time to raise his spear. He took him down in a single blow.


He wiped his sword and stood over the fallen bandit, chest heaving. His hands shook like leaves. Tears tugged at the corner of his eyes. It was all he could do to keep his grip on Jatou.


Mama squeezed his arm.


"Hurry, Makoto. For Grandpa." She took his hand and pressed onwards, tears trailing down her face.


He forced his feet to follow. Smoke stung his eyes as they neared the entrance. He glimpsed a group of bandits through the haze.  They glared at the two figures in the doorway. Swords and spears glistened in the sunset. Every blade was streaked with blood.




A swell of rage rose in his throat. He clenched his teeth and sent Jatou hurtling towards them.


The bandits didn't even have time to scream. Jatou's blades tore through them as if they were no more than straw. Three men fell screaming.


Their comrades gaped at Makoto as if he'd grown an extra head. One even dropped his spear. The din of battle began to ebb as more men turned to stare. None of them dared move a step closer.


Their leader wasn't cowed so easily. He glared down at his men from horseback, his eyes blazing.


"Don't tell me you're afraid of that brat." He pointed his battleaxe towards Makoto. "Half the plunder goes to whoever brings me that sword."


The bandits' greed soon overcame their fear. They raised their spears and began to circle the hut. The creak of bowstrings hung in the air. Makoto darted back inside, pulling Mama with him. A barrage of arrows shot towards them. Two arrows buried themselves in the wall, mere inches away from his head.


"Hold fire!" The leader's voice rang from outside the hut.


Makoto let out his breath. Mama squeezed his arm. He looked up. Smoke was already pooling in the rafters. There was only one place to go.


He sneaked a look round the doorway. His eyes shot wide as a wave of bandits surged forwards.


He braced himself and lashed out with Jatou. Two more men fell to its blades. The others pressed on, their spears poised. Makoto pushed onwards, Mama at his heels. He struck again. A bandit howled as his sword arm was torn from his body.


Mama let out a scream.


His head snapped towards her. A wounded bandit clutched at her ankle. "Mama!"


She grabbed a broken spear and drove it into the bandit's back. "Makoto! Look-"


Her voice gave way to another scream.


He brought Jatou up just in time to block a katana coming down on his head.


His opponent pulled back. His companion jabbed at Makoto's side. His spearpoint pierced thin air as Makoto slipped away. The bandit screamed as Jatou bit deep into his flesh.


Makoto swore and grasped Jatou's hilt in both hands. He tore the blade free and spun to meet his opponent.


A spear butt slammed into his chest.


Makoto retched. He dropped to one knee, fighting to keep his grip on Jatou. Another bandit grabbed him from behind. He tried to rise, only for two others to pin his arms. He let out a strangled curse as Jatou was torn from his grasp. Mama's screams rang desperate in his ears.


His opponent grinned. His yellowed teeth glinted as he raised his sword. Makoto swore he wouldn't look away.




The bandit paused. He turned to gawp at his leader.


The leader urged his horse forwards. The bandits moved aside to clear his path. His eyes narrowed as he took stock of his dead and dying men. He reined up and gestured towards Makoto with his battleaxe.  


"Bring him here."


The bandit lowered his spear. His comrades hauled Makoto to his feet. He stumbled as they shoved him forwards. His eyes searched for any hope of help, only to be met with the dead and the dying. He caught a glimpse of Mama's stricken face and dug his heels into the mud.


One of the bandits snorted and kicked him in the shin. Makoto yelped and lost his footing. They dragged him onwards, ignoring his kicks and screams.


The leader dismounted as they approached. He handed his reins to one of his underlings and removed his helmet. He shook out a mane of grizzled hair and wiped his brow. A second bandit took the helmet. A third knelt down and offered him Jatou.


He took the sword and held it up to the waning light. Satisfaction glittered in his eyes.  He studied the blade for a few moments, then wiped it clean and thrust it into his sash. He turned his gaze on Makoto. A smirk rose to his lips.


"Three of you? For this little thing?"


Makoto gave him the harshest glare he could muster.


That only seemed to amuse him. "At least you don't lack spirit."


He reached out and took Makoto by the chin. Makoto's eyes widened as he forced him to meet his gaze.


"Get away from him! You bast-" Mama was silenced by a spear butt.


"Shut it, bitch." The leader growled. He didn't give her so much as a glance.  


Fear skittered down Makoto's spine as the bandit caressed his cheek. A menacing smile played across the man's face.


"Still, it'd be a shame to waste a face as pretty as yours."


Makoto drove his knee straight into his groin.


His knee struck armour. The leader winced and let out a grunt. The bandits gasped.


The leader's face grew dark as thunder. His fists grew tight. He slammed a punch into Makoto's chest.


Mama's cry was cut short by another blow.


Makoto's legs crumpled beneath him. He dropped to his knees, retching.  The leader grasped a fistful of his hair and yanked his head upwards.


Makoto flinched as he brought his face level with his crotch. He tried to pull away but the bandits held him fast. Before he could say a word the axe was at his throat.


"Now, that wasn't a very good idea, was it?" He shoved Makoto's face closer to his groin. Makoto gagged at the reek of stale sweat. The leader's smile was pure malice.


"Looks like you owe me an apology."


His eyes shot wide as an arrow pierced his skull.


The leader toppled sideways with a moan. His axe clattered to the ground. The bandits gaped as blood seeped from his broken skull.


"Over there!" One of the bandits waved his spear towards the woods.


A band of soldiers burst from the trees. Some rode horses, others followed on foot. All wore banners at their backs. A mounted samurai led the charge. He was armoured from head to foot, a drawn longbow in his hands. Makoto couldn't make out his face but the firelight gave him a glimpse of his crest.


A single wisteria flower.




The samurai loosed his bow. Another bandit fell screaming.


Some of the bandits rushed forwards to join the fray. The others scrambled for cover. All except the two holding Makoto. They stood trembling as battle broke out once more.


Onuki-sama slung the bow over his shoulder and drew his katana. He put his heels to his horse and thundered towards Makoto. The soldiers followed in his wake. 


Two bandits raised their spears to meet the charge. Onuki-sama veered right. His naginata took down the first bandit. The second fell to an arrow before he could regain his bearings.


Onuki-sama pressed on. Makoto's captors gripped him tighter. One of them began to drag him away, urging his companion to help. He stayed rooted to the spot. The braver of the two bandits cursed and reached for his sword. He was silenced by an arrow to the throat.


His companion balked and threw Makoto aside. Makoto winced as he hit the ground face first. He spat out mud and rolled to his feet. He looked up just in time to see an arrow take the bandit in the shoulder.


The bandit yelled, tripped and crashed to the ground. He pushed himself to his feet, only to discover that the samurai had surrounded him.


Onuki-sama reined up his mount and slid from the saddle. The bandit scuffled backwards as he approached. His eyes looked ready to burst from their sockets. Cold sweat trickled down his face.


"Please, I only - th-the boss said-"


Onuki-sama cut off his protests at the neck.


The bandit's head hit the ground, his mouth still frozen in surprise. His body slumped down to join it. Onuki-sama gave him a look of pure contempt and wiped his blade on the dead man's kosode.


Makoto's legs were shaking so much he could barely stand. Death was everywhere he looked. Mangled corpses littered the ground. Dying men lay groaning in pools of blood. Bile rose in his throat as he caught the reek of charred flesh.


His eyes scanned the village for any signs of survivors. Ume-sama was slumped face down in the mud, her bow splintered in two. Half a dozen bandits lay around her, each with an arrow in his chest. Aoi was cradling Ichirou's body. Her bloodstained kosode hung off her shoulders in tatters. A handful of villagers huddled before the samurai, clinging to each other for support. He searched their faces, desperate for any sign of Mama.


A faint voice came from behind him. "Makoto..."


"Mama?" He whirled round and made out a figure lying in the mud, several feet away from Grandpa's hut. He rushed to her side. The samurai let him pass. His sprint slowed to a halt as he caught sight of the spear buried in her back.


"Mama!" Makoto tore off the remains of his haori and crouched beside her. He held the cloth to her wound, swore and threw it aside. He choked back a sob. Stupid. That wouldn't-


"Here." Onuki-sama knelt down beside him and inspected her wound. Makoto held his breath. Onuki-sama closed his eyes and bowed his head.


"Forgive me, O-Ageha."


Mama shook her head. "You saved..."


"Mama?" Makoto bit his lip as tears began to fog his eyes. "Mama, you're not going to-"


"Ma...koto..." Mama gave him a pained smile. She reached up and brushed a tear from his cheek.


"Please..." She turned her wavering gaze on Onuki-sama. "Take care..."


Her hand fell limp.


"Mama!" Makoto sobbed and threw his arms around her. "Mama!" His voice gave way to tears.


Sobs wracked Makoto's body as he buried his face in Mama's shoulder. A hand settled on his back. Onuki-sama put his arm around Makoto's shoulders. He didn't speak a word.


The sun set on Mama's final breath.



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