Echoes: Bankotsu II

Published Jul 6, 2017, 12:52:53 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 4, 2017, 9:40:41 PM | Total Chapters 18

Story Summary

If Bankotsu can say one thing about Jakotsu, it's that he definitely makes life more interesting. That is, until one chance encounter leaves him wondering just how far he can really trust him. You can run from your past but you can't hide... Past timeline fic. Please note content warnings and author's note. This story is now complete and undergoing revision. Constructive criticism welcome.

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Chapter 4: Bankotsu II

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha and all of the characters featured in this fanfic are the property of Takahashi Rumiko, Sunrise, Viz and all other respective copyright owners. I do not lay claim to these characters in any way, shape or form.


Author's notes:


Just a quick historical note: Tanning was considered a very low-status occupation due to its association with slaughtering animals. This carried a strong social stigma of defilement or impurity. Tanners were looked down upon and tended to live apart from the rest of society.


However, the continual warfare during the Sengoku Jidai meant that leather was in high demand. Therefore, tanners and leatherworkers had yet to face the level of discrimination they would encounter during the Edo period (1603-1868), when the social order became much more rigid.




Bankotsu II


How come your sword has a name but you don't?


The question was simple enough. One of the first he'd asked.


Yet Jakotsu had never really given him an answer.


The sword was the first thing that caught his eye. He'd met Jakotsu on a blood-soaked battlefield, beset by spearmen on all sides. One moment their foes were closing in, the next half of them crumpled like rag dolls. As Jakotsu drew back his arm, Bankotsu caught sight of the blades glistening with blood. Their opponents ground to a halt, gawping.


The terror on their faces was outshone only by Jakotsu's look of pure joy.


Bankotsu soon took care of the other half. They tore through the unit like a plague. No man could get within twenty paces of them without falling prey to their blades.


Except for one.


Jakotsu's attention was devoted to the young samurai. Every other soldier who came near him was torn to shreds. He'd toyed with the boy all the while, letting nothing come between him and his prey. Every cut was a caress. Every scream only spurred him further. He'd left the samurai beaten and bloody but still clinging to life.


At least, until no one else was left to snatch his prize.


The next time Bankotsu saw him, the samurai's severed head was dangling from Jakotsu's grasp. Jakotsu's arms were crimson up to the elbows. His bloodied blade was slung over his shoulder. His smile was as bright as ever.


A pair of passing soldiers shuddered with disgust. They couldn't have given him a wider berth if they tried.


Jakotsu strolled past the soldiers without giving them so much as a glance. The boy's head swung in time with his footsteps. He paused as he caught sight of Bankotsu staring at him.


Bankotsu tilted his head to one side. He took stock of the older boy, dripping blade, severed head and all.  


Jakotsu quirked an eyebrow but made no reply. His gaze held only curiosity. The silence stretched between them.


Finally, Bankotsu smiled back. "Hey."


Jakotsu's smile widened as recognition flickered in his eyes.


They soon found themselves sharing a campfire. It hadn't taken long for them to get talking. There wasn't much else left to do. Besides, two blades were better than one. Although it was more like one and another dozen with Jakotsu around.


He never mentioned his name though.


Bankotsu stole a glance at his friend. Jakotsu ambled along beside him, humming snatches of inane drinking songs. He'd been as chatty as ever once they got clear of Mito. Cheerful, even. Despite the odd glance over his shoulder...




Bankotsu paused just in time to avoid walking into Jakotsu's back. He looked up at the older boy, trying to hide his embarrassment.


"What now?"  


"Bit much, don't you think?" Jakotsu pointed towards a trio of ox carts trundling down the road towards them.


Bankotsu shielded his eyes from the sinking sun and squinted to get a better look. The carts were flanked by six guards. All were armoured from head to foot with spears in hand. Even the merchants carried staves.


The carts drew closer. One of the guards had his arm in a sling. Another was limping. Their armour was cracked and dented. One cart still had a few arrows embedded in its side.


Easy pickings, but a fight was the last thing they needed right now.


The carts began to slow as they approached. The party ground to a halt several cart lengths from him and Jakotsu. The guards made no moves but their eyes held nothing but distrust.  


He gave them a nod.




The guards didn't reply. The nearest merchant narrowed his wrinkled eyes. "Where are you headed, young man?"


"Sukegawa," Jakotsu put in.


The merchant shook his grizzled head. "I'd go back to Mito if I were you. You're heading straight into bandit country."


The guard with a sling nodded. "Ran into a pack of them ourselves a few miles back. They got the worst of it though." He looked at his comrades with pride.


Bankotsu patted his bisento. "Nothing we can't handle."


The merchant raised an eyebrow but made no comment.


The guard shook his head. "That route's nothing but trouble, if you ask me."


"Been like that ever since the old Onuki daimyou passed away." The merchant sighed. "Pity his brother's not half the man he was."


The guard gave him a wry smile. "Better mind your mouth, Tarou. You hear what happened to that nephew of his?"


A flicker of tension crossed Jakotsu's face. His fingers tightened on Jakotsutou's shoulder strap.


Two of the merchants exchanged a glance.


Bankotsu cleared his throat. "There wouldn't happen to be any inns round here?"


"Nearest inn's back in Mito" Tarou replied. "Keep going towards Sukegawa and you're asking for it."


"It's urgent." Jakotsu's tone brooked no argument.


"Urgent, huh?" Tarou let out another sigh. "Well, there's a tanners' village by the forest a couple of miles back if you're desperate. Sooner sleep under the stars, myself." He gave a shudder.


"Thanks." Bankotsu tugged at Jakotsu's sleeve and set off along the road. Fortunately, his friend followed him without complaint.


"Just along the road right?" Bankotsu called over his shoulder.


The guard gave a bark of laughter. "Just follow your nose, kid. You'll find it in no time."




It was almost dark by the time they approached the village. They'd caught the stench of drying hides long before the sight of any buildings. The village stood on the outskirts of the forest, close to the river. There wasn't much to it, just a dozen or so huts and a ramshackle watchtower. The stink was so thick he swore he could taste it.


He'd still take it over a sleepless night.


Jakotsu had kept his silence all the way. Even the smell wasn't enough to get a word out of him. Bankotsu didn't push him. He'd had enough arguments for one day.


The tanners were clearly no strangers to bandits. Their village was ringed by a trench filled with sharpened stakes. The only gap was guarded by four watchmen with torches and spears. Two more watchmen stood atop the tower, one with a bow in his hands. They stared at the two boys with wary eyes.


Bankotsu was about to give them a wave when he heard the creak of a bowstring. He stopped in his tracks. Jakotsu did the same.


This was getting to be a problem.


The archer frowned down at them. His longbow was nothing special but his stooped back and hefty arms told of years of experience. His frown deepened as he caught sight of their weapons.


"That's as far as you go." The man's voice was as taut as his bowstring. "What's your business?"


"We're on our way to Sukegawa," Bankotsu replied. "Can you spare a room for the night?"


The archer sneered. "Does this look like a guesthouse to you? Move along, boy."


Bankotsu lifted his chin. "You sure about that? Looks like you could do with a couple of extra watchmen."


The archer snorted. "You don't say?" He hawked and spat. "Clear off, brat and take your sister with you."


Jakotsu's fists clenched. Great. Bankotsu was about to cut off his retort when the shorter of the two watchmen broke in.


"Aw, come on, Hiroshi." He gestured towards them with a bamboo spear. "They're only kids."


Hiroshi was unmoved. "Kids with sharp blades and big mouths. We don't need any more trouble round here."


"So you're just going to leave them out for Akayoru?" The short watchman shook his head. "Hell, the little one can't be much older than your Jirou."


Hiroshi ground his teeth. "We've been over this before, Daisuke..."


Jakotsu rolled his eyes. Bankotsu was tempted to do the same. Still, there was no harm in letting Daisuke's bleeding heart do the persuading for them. He tapped his foot while the two men exchanged heated whispers.


Finally, Hiroshi let out a sigh and lowered his bow. He glared down his nose at the two boys.


"All right. You want beds, you earn them. Fair?"


Jakotsu frowned. "Earn them?"


Daisuke cleared his throat. "Well, the thing is... we've been having a bit of a youkai problem lately."


Bankotsu's eyes brightened. "Youkai?"



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