Echoes: Bankotsu VII

Published Jul 6, 2017, 12:52:53 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 4, 2017, 9:40:41 PM | Total Chapters 18

Story Summary

If Bankotsu can say one thing about Jakotsu, it's that he definitely makes life more interesting. That is, until one chance encounter leaves him wondering just how far he can really trust him. You can run from your past but you can't hide... Past timeline fic. Please note content warnings and author's note. This story is now complete and undergoing revision. Constructive criticism welcome.

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Chapter 14: Bankotsu VII

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha and all of the canon characters featured in this fanfic are the property of Takahashi Rumiko, Sunrise, Viz and all other respective copyright owners. I do not lay claim to these characters in any way, shape or form.


Author's note: Last week was very busy. Here's two new chapters to make up for the break.




Bankotsu VII


Iwakami came at him like a tidal wave.


Bankotsu leapt aside and flung Daisuke into his path. Iwakami didn't even flinch. He took down Daisuke with a single strike. Daisuke's shoulder was slashed clean open. He hit the ground with a scream.


"Daisuke!" Hiroshi was the first to find his voice. He rushed to Daisuke's side.


Iwakami made no move to stop him. He stood over Daisuke, his eyes as hard as his sword. His gaze stayed fixed on Bankotsu.


Hiroshi knelt down and cradled Daisuke's shoulders. Daisuke gave a groan.  His eyes grew cloudy as blood seeped from his wound. Hiroshi cursed and tore off his haori. It did little to staunch the flow.


He turned to Iwakami, his eyes bright with anger. "What the hell are you play-"


"I'm not playing." Iwakami didn't give him so much as a glance. "Keep your mouth shut and your bow down. Unless you want to end up like your friend down there."


"Daisuke didn't-"


"Do shit. As usual." Iwakami heaved a mock sigh. "And now your village needs a new idiot. Guess you could always fill his sandals."


Hiroshi's brows clenched. "Bast-"


"You heard me." Iwakami's eyes narrowed. His gaze didn't waver an inch. "Butt out if you know what's good for you. This one's mine."


He levelled his katana at Bankotsu and surged forwards.


All Bankotsu could do was dodge. Iwakami came straight back at him. He attempted a parry, only to be bulled towards the path. He found his feet in time to avoid another blow.


"Aw, what's this?" Iwakami's mouth broke into a sneer as he drove him back. "Thought you'd be raring to go by now."


Bankotsu bit back a retort and circled to Iwakami's left.  Guess he wasn't getting out of this without a fight. That was fine by him. He'd had more than enough of holding back.


The samurai spun to meet his blade. Bankotsu ducked under his arm and slashed upwards. He missed by a hand's breadth. Iwakami smirked and rammed his pommel into his chest.


The blow almost knocked him flat. He caught his balance to avoid another strike. Another false move and he'd be risking broken ribs.


He darted to his right and slashed at Iwakami's side. The samurai parried his knife without missing a step.  Bankotsu stumbled back over a root, cursing.


Iwakami saw his chance. He raised his katana and brought the hilt down on Bankotsu's head. Bankotsu dodged it by a hair. He caught his breath as his back came up against a tree. Only one way to go. He threw himself into a sideways roll.


Iwakami's blade struck bark. He wrenched it free with a curse. Bankotsu came up on one knee, sporting a grin of his own.


Iwakami went straight for his head. He had no choice but to launch himself into another roll. Iwakami scoffed and aimed a kick at his ribs. His foot collided with another root. A flash of annoyance creased his brow. An opening. Bankotsu came up knife in hand and struck low.


He hurtled past Iwakami, his blade grazing his calf. A scratch at best. He pitched forwards, grabbing another tree for support. He'd wear himself out at this rate. He need-


He spun to parry Iwakami's blade. Both hands weren't enough to hold him steady. Iwakami snorted and swatted him away. He swallowed a gasp as the katana nicked his left arm.


He staggered back, fighting to stay on his feet. His hand went instinctively to his wound. His forearm brushed against the dart nestled inside his kosode. Pity he hadn't used it while he had the chance. He gritted his teeth. A trickle of blood seeped through his fingers.


Iwakami stood smirking, his bloody blade held before him. He paid no attention to his own wound. Hiroshi was still clinging to Daisuke. One of the spearmen had staggered to his feet, leaning on his weapon for support. None of them took so much as a step in his direction. A stalemate.


Bankotsu's eyes narrowed as Iwakami propped his free arm against a tree. Iwakami met his glare with a chuckle.


"Whoops, don't want to rough you up too much."


Bankotsu's glare hardened. Another inch or two and he'd have ripped his calf open. Yet this bastard was still treating him like a kid. He forced his anger down. He'd make him regret it soon enough.


"Pity. I was just getting started."


Iwakami responded with a laugh. "With that letter opener? Now that I'd like to see."


"I'd like to see you-"


A rustle of leaves was his only warning. Bankotsu whipped round to face another bloody-nosed soldier. One with a spear butt raised right above his head.


He really should be used to this by now.


He cursed and sprang aside. The soldier's eyes shot wide as his spear butt collided with another root. That was all the chance he needed. He rose and slashed at the man's armpit.  The man dropped to his knees with a cry.


Bankotsu wrenched the spear from his weakened grasp. He whirled to find Iwakami bearing down on him. A sharp stick wouldn't hold against folded steel. Better even the odds a little. His eyes shot to the bisento dangling above them.


Risky, but chance was all he had left. He shoved the soldier away. He fell sprawling towards Iwakami. The samurai swore and leapt over him. Bankotsu shot past him before he could find his feet. He drove his spear into the ground and vaulted towards the net.


He grabbed the bisento's haft with both hands. The net gave under his weight. He landed crouched and poised, his bisento firmly in his grasp.


Iwakami was on him in an instant. There was no time to parry. He brought the haft up in a two-handed block.


Steel met wood. The katana sheared a jagged chip from his haft. He planted his feet and strained against the samurai's blade. Iwakami grinned and bulled forwards.


Bankotsu could only pull away. Iwakami barely stumbled. He met Bankotsu's next cut with a backhanded parry. Bankotsu swore and slipped aside. Iwakami retorted with another strike. Bankotsu dodged and circled, desperate to keep the samurai at bay. Iwakami pressed on, driving him back with a hail of blows.


Bankotsu kept up his defence, his heart thundering in his chest. His breath was growing shorter by the second. He'd had little food and less sleep. Three battles in one day weren't doing much to help him either. Iwakami was tireless as ever. A few more clashes and he'd be dead on his feet. He'd best finish this fast.


He steeled himself and went straight for Iwakami's head. The samurai blocked him with ease. He whipped back his bisento and aimed another cut at his body. Iwakami parried him away. He drew back, circled and went for his head again. Iwakami rose his blade to meet him.


"Is that all you-"


Bankotsu withdrew his feint and slashed at his legs. Iwakami stepped back to avoid the blow. He stumbled on a stray root. Bankotsu levelled his bisento and charged.


Iwakami blocked him with both hands. The katana took another chip from his haft. A grin rose to Iwakami's lips.


Bankotsu strained against him, gritting his teeth. He'd run straight into that one. The bisento gave a groan. Iwakami's grin widened. The soldiers were back on their feet, creeping closer. Hiroshi had his bow to hand. He couldn't afford another screw up.


He pulled away to avoid Iwakami's counterstrike. Iwakami kept on coming. He needed some space.  He dodged another blow and flipped backwards. He landed a few feet from the path. Ready to strike.


The soldiers paused, their spears held poised. Iwakami didn't take the bait. His grin faded into a smirk as he sized him up. Hiroshi's hand hovered above his quiver.


Iwakami quirked an eyebrow. "Well?" His free hand beckoned towards him.


How he longed to split that smirk in two.


He shook the rage out of his head. The spearmen were no problem but Hiroshi was a different story. Take out Iwakami and there'd be nothing holding him back. Take him down...


His left hand went to his aching chest. The dart was still nestled in his kosode. He slipped it inside his sleeve: one last chance. He just needed to get close enough to take it.


He gathered his breath and broke into a final charge.


Iwakami rushed to meet him. Their blades clashed and locked together. The collision almost knocked Bankotsu off his feet. He clenched his teeth and held his ground. The bisento gave an ominous creak. Triumph gleamed in Iwakami's eyes. He grabbed the haft with his left hand and snapped it in two.


Bankotsu swung the other half right into his knee.




Iwakami's leg gave under him. He dropped back to one knee, driving his katana into the ground for support. The bisento's blade fell from his left hand.


Now or never. Bankotsu slipped the dart from his sleeve. He sprang straight for Iwakami's neck.


Iwakami grabbed his wrist mid-strike.


Shock left him wide open. Iwakami slammed his fist into his chest. The impact knocked him breathless. The dart fell from his hand. Iwakami released his arm. He hit the ground like a bag of rocks.


Iwakami stood over him, satisfaction plastered all over his face. Bankotsu made a feeble grab for the dart. Iwakami kicked it aside and  planted his foot on his outstretched hand. Bankotsu winced. He glared a warning.


Iwakami responded with a laugh.  "I'd save myself the pain if I were you. Still, it's been fun kid - well, maybe not so much for you," he added as Bankotsu shot him another glare. "But you've kept me waiting long enough."


He bent down and ruffled his hair. His touch sent disgust creeping through his skin. He strained to lift his free hand, his fingers scrabbling uselessly in the dirt. Iwakami gave a mock tut and shifted his weight off his arm. Bankotsu's jaw tightened as he yanked him up by his braid.


Iwakami gave another laugh. "Don't worry, it's too pretty to cut." He reached out and grabbed Bankotsu's chin. He forced his head up to meet his gaze.


Bankotsu's eyes grew wide. He tried to pull away. Iwakami's grip held fast. The gleam in his eyes sent a trickle of sweat down his spine.


"Oh, don't give me those big blue eyes. You had plenty to say for yourself earlier." He leaned closer. So close his breath stirred the strands of hair clinging to his brow. "Maybe you could do with a little persuading, hmm?" He caressed his cheek with a finger.


Bankotsu slammed his left fist right into Iwakami's face.


"Fuck!" Iwakami's head snapped back like a whip. He dropped Bankotsu and fell back, clutching his bloody nose.


Bankotsu hit the ground with a gasp. He sucked in a breath and forced himself onto one elbow. His hand groped desperately for a weapon. His fingers were inches from the dart. If he could just-


A boot crashed down, crushing the dart to splinters. Iwakami loomed over him with a face like a thundercloud.


"You little..."


He slammed a kick into his ribs. There was a sickening crunch. The blow sent him sprawling into a tangle of roots. A yelp forced its way out of his throat. His body coiled with pain. He squeezed an eye open as Iwakami's footsteps approached.


Two spears were poised above him. Hiroshi had him in his sights. There wasn't a hint of amusement left in the samurai's eyes.


"Make one move and-"


He never got the chance.


A shiver of steel rippled through the clearing. Hiroshi gave a yell. Iwakami threw himself aside.


The others didn't even have time to look.  One spearman's head was torn from his shoulders in the blink of an eye. The other's arm fell down to join it. A scream tore from his lungs.




Iwakami rolled to his feet. He winced as he brought his katana up to eye level. Blood dripped from the gash in his forearm. His breath came short and heavy. There was a hint of panic in his eyes.


An unmistakable figure stood before them. His blade dripped with blood. His chest heaved with fury. His eyes were aflame with vengeance.






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