That's what you get: Vulcan Style

Published Jun 18, 2012, 11:26:10 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 18, 2012, 12:17:09 PM | Total Chapters 5

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Harry and Severus' adventures on the star ship enterpise

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Chapter 5: Vulcan Style

-Spock is protective of Harry in a situation in which he (Spock) is being rediculis. Promp from Ange() on HPfandom (Also the answer to a question that’s been bothering me….what’s with Scotty?)

~anything in here is sign language~


Spock frowned as he watched his young charge laugh at the Chief Engenier then sign something he couldn’t see. The older man looked affronted as Harry laughed at him.

“I’ve told you, Harry won’t enter into any kind of romantic relationship without our permission.” Severus drawled from his chair. “You’ll do nothing but drive yourself spare if you keep this up.”

“I have read that Human children will do many things their Parental Units forbid them to just because it is that, Forbidden.” Spock turned back to his tea. “How do you know Harry will not do that?”

“Other than the lovely little spell he has on him that would be quite painful for anyone who touched him?”

“Be serious.”

“I am being serious.” Severus looked up from his book. “Harry won’t do anything because is NOT a normal human child. Besides, he looks to Scotty as one would an older brother or a favored Uncle.”

“I still do not like the situation.” Spock started at his cup for a moment. “I would be more comfortable if his friends were his age.”

 The other man sighed. “Spock, in case you missed it, Harry is the youngest person on this ship.”

“There are several members of the crew that are closer to his age then Lt. Scott.”

“And they are not nearly as mature as Harry is.” Severus told him. “Just leave it.”

“Very well.” Spock sipped his cool tea.



As Spock lay curled into his partner’s side, he couldn’t get his concerns for the child from his mind.

True, Harry was not Severus’ by blood, but the human had taken child in and cared for him as his own. That made Harry Spock’s child as well, didn’t it?

The Vulcan slipped out of bed and pulled his robe around him. Perhaps he would check on the child, at least to set his mind at ease.

Frowning he noticed that Harry’s light could be seen from under his door. Knocking he called. “Harry? Are you still awake?”

The door stayed closed, but Spock could hear someone moving around inside the room.

“Harry I’m coming in.” The door slid open and Spock had to keep himself from gasping.

The boy stood stock still in the middle of the room, his torso covered in brusies in various stages of healing, one eye swollen shut by the colorful bruise that covered the left side of his face.

“Who did this?” Harry didn’t move, his lone green eye wide. “You will tell me who did this!”

Never had Spock felt such rage. Even when the Vulcan children had called his father a traitor or Kirk had tricked him into giving up his command of the Enterprise. Someone had been beating on his child and it would end NOW.

“It was Lt. Scott wasn’t it.” The First Officer near snarled. “I knew you shouldn’t have spent so much time with him. I knew something was wrong.” Spinning on his heal and paying no mind to his state of undress, Spock stalked out of his quarters and threw the ship to the Engain room.

“Where is Lt. Scott?” He asked a wide eyed engineer. “Quickly now!” The girl pointed.




“He’s got a good smack to him.” Scotty laughed with Uhura. “But there’s no bounce!”

Out of nowhere, a fist connected with the Chief Engineer’s face, than another and another.

“Spock! Stop!” The woman yelled, pulling at the enraged Vulcan.

“I’ll teach you to pick on someone your own size!” Spock yelled braking free and slamming his fist again into Scotty’s face, not giving the man time to defend himself.

Several members of the crew gathered to watch the First Officer (who was dressed only in a robe) beat the ever living crap out of the Chief Engineer.

“For the love of all that is Holy, will somebody STUN him already?!?” Kirk cried out.

Spock’s world went dark.




Swimming towards concesnes, Spock could tell that he’d been handcuffed to a bed in the Medbay.

“Oh look, the Hulk is coming to.” Bones cackled from beside him.

“Why would you refer to me as a fictional character with green skin?” Spock asked groggily. “And why am I strapped down like a prisioner?”

“That would be because you just beat our best mechanic into pulp.” Kirk said from his other side. “Without warning or provocation.”

Spock frowned. That didn’t seem like him. Then it hit him. “Without provocation is incorrect, Caption. He’s been beating up on Harry.”

Someone snorted. “I should hope so.” Severus said from off to his right. “He’s been teaching Harry how to Box.”

“Box?” Spock looked over.

Harry sat on the next bed, blushing.

~Severus said I should be able to defend myself, should the need arise~. Harry signed. ~But I tripped and hit my head. I usually see Bones before I come home, but I just wanted to go to sleep.~

Spock’s frown deepened. “I doubt he’s teaching you to box at all hours of the night.”

~Scotty’s a Squib.~ Harry told him matter of factly.~ He’s been helping me get in touch with someone who could help me with my magical studies. Plus, he’s got the best tea on this ship.~

Spock sighed. “I guess I owe Lt. Scott an apology.”

“That might take a while.” Kirk shook his head. “Like a said you beat him to a pulp.”


Hello! Hoped you enjoyed the newest chapter!

I'm trying to figure out Harry's pairing. I can bring someone forward from the HPworld or i can use someone from the Star Trek MOVIE ONLY (I haven't seen the show in years and i stopped watching after Lenord Nemoy left)

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