That's what you get: Chess

Published Jun 18, 2012, 11:26:10 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 18, 2012, 12:17:09 PM | Total Chapters 5

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Harry and Severus' adventures on the star ship enterpise

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Chapter 4: Chess

Severus and Spock play Chess ~ for Heather on HPFandom


“Rook to B5.”

“How long have they been playing this one?” Kirk muttered to the lone teen on his crew.

Just started. The boy was able to sign without looking up from his book.

“So a couple of hours then.” The caption sighed. He had been hoping to challenge Bones. “Don’t you guys have a Board in your rooms?”

They like playing in the garden. Harry laughed, something that always made everyone around him smile. Besides I could say the same of you.

“Yes, but Bones and I don’t live in the same room!” Kirk chuckled then looked down at what the boy was reading. “History again?”

“He’s doing his homework.” Uhura chuckled coming up behind her friend. “Same game from yesterday?”

No, Spock won that one. Harry told her. Do you think you could help me with my math later, Caption?

After being found on Planet CKGB-17, an planet that had been deemed unhinhabitable by the Federation of Planets, Spock had desided that the boy didn’t know near enough of what he should and had insisted that he be schooled in things any normal teenager should.

Of cource, Spock’s idea of ‘what every teenager should know’ differed from just about everything else’s. But the boy did live on a Federation Ship and there wasn’t much he could get into.

“Sure, sprout.”

Harry made a face at the nickname. It wasn’t HIS fault he was so short.

“How long are we thinking this one will last?” Uhura asked.

“My bet’s on at least a couple of days.” Kirk said.

They’ll be done in a couple of hours.Harry told them. Winner gets to top.

“Maybe I should just put a bed for you in Scotty’s room.” Caption Kirk chuckled with a shake of his head.




“Checkmate.”  Spock said.

Harry looked up. Done already? I haven’t even finished. He held up his book that was three quarters finished.

“Have you gotten to the War between Collonies on Alpha 542?” The teen nodded. “Than you may stop for the night. What about your Maths work?”

Caption said he’d help me.

“Then be off with you. I want to check it before you run off to Scotty.” Snape stood and stretched his back slightly. The boy nodded and was off.

“I am not sure we should be incuroging his time with a man such an age older as Scotty is.” Spock said with a slight frown.

“There is no reason to worry.” Severus told him with a smirk. “Until he’s bonded no one can touch him in any carnal fashion.” He turned to leave. “Besides, Harry would not engage in a romantic relationship without consulting us first.”

“In that I’m not so sure.” Spock murrmered fallowing his partner from the garden.



Hello! Ok so the challenge from Heather was ‘play 3-D chess together’. I don’t play chess at all, and I couldn’t find ANYTHING that played out a whole chess game. And I tried. I even went as far as to go onto youtube and try to copy them move by move. Finally I found an old book of my dad’s that gave me some moves but not a lot so I used what I could find. I also set it up for my next chapter which is a mix of a promp from a reviewer (You’ll see who next chappie XD) and something I keep asking myself everytime I write a chapter. See you next time!!!!!!!

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