That's what you get: A Bet

Published Jun 18, 2012, 11:26:10 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 18, 2012, 12:17:09 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Harry and Severus' adventures on the star ship enterpise

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Chapter 2: A Bet

“A bet’s a bet, Spock!” Bones crowed. “I’m sure someone in Clothing can find something in your size.” He was still chuckling as he walked away.

“I fail to see the significance of a man in woman’s clothing being humorous.” The Vulcan frowned.

“It’s supposed to be degrading.” Uhura informed him.

“Degrading?” Spock asked confused. “But Human males have been cross dressing for centuries. Greek legends tell of Achilles dressing in women’s clothing by his mother to escape the Trojan War. The God Odin dressed as a female healer while trying to seduce Rindr. The Hindu ~”

“Enough, Spock. I get it.” The Communications Officer knew that nipping her friend in the bud was the best way to stop a rant. “The point is; Bones wants you to show up in a dress at dinner. Come on, time for reinforcements.”

Uhura led the way to the First Officer’s own quarters.

“We will not find reinforcements in my rooms.” Spock informed her.

“You’d be surprised. Harry,” She called as they entered the main room. ”Spock lost the bet.”

A small dark head popped from a small room that used to be an office. The young teen had taken it over when his guardian, Severus Snape, had begun his relationship with the Vulcan.

I told you he would. Harry signed.

Spock sighed to himself. There was nothing physically wrong with young Harry. Severus told him that he’d just stopped speaking the day the two had arrived on the planet the crew of the Enterprise had found them on.

“Yes, yes. Folly on me.” Uhura shook her head. “Just make him look good. Give the idiots in the Med Bay a good shock, yeah?”

“What are you going to do to me?” For the first time Spock was truly frightened of the small human.

It won’t hurt. The teen waited until the other male was in his room before turning to his friend. Much.




Leonard McCoy was tickled pink as he entered the dining hall that night just before the Dinner rush. Any moment now, First Commander Spock would be walking through the doors in a female’s uniform, and would most likely have no idea why everyone was laughing at him.

Sitting back, Bones smirked as he sipped his whiskey. Today could be one of the best of his life.

“Ladies and Gentlemen!” Uhura called from the doorway, making sure to get everyone’s attention. “Earlier this afternoon, Chief Medical Officer McCoy and First Officer Spock engaged in a bet. Unfortunailty, FO Spock lost.” There were chuckles all around. “And now I present: Spock!”

Several jaws dropped.

Dressed in the red uniform of a Pedi officer, you could see the long legs that graced the Vulcan race. A long black wig hung down his back, two long locks of hair in front of his ears. Makeup enhanced his already high cheek bones and minimized his jawline.

To put it simply – Spock looked good.

Well that came back and bit me in the ass. Bones thought, stunned, as several of the crew gave wolf whistles and cat calls. For the first time, Spock blushed.

Suddenly the room went quiet as Severus Snape stood from his table.

One look at the dark man’s blown and lust filled pupils, sent people scrambling from his path.

“Oh!” Spock exclaimed as the Human threw him over his shoulder and stalked out of the dining hall.

“I think you’re going to have to bunk with Scotty tonight, Harry.”

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