In Dreams: Chapter 5

Published Jan 27, 2010, 8:55:42 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 23, 2010, 11:43:44 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

A/U Bulma has just surivived Breast Cancer, but this is not the end to her brush with death. Now Bulma is being haunted by a demon, who is hell bent on devouring her very soul.

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Chapter 6: Chapter 5


Chapter 5



She was finding that she hated being on pain killers, and all that came with it. Bulma was not yet aloud to drive her car, and she didn't want her parents to know that she was hunting down a hospital nurse. Espeically because she was hunting down a nurse that she thought was a angel in disguise. So she had settled it. Bulma Brief's, the richest woman in the world, was taking public transit. She didn't mind driving the bus with Goku and Chi Chi, but when she was by herself, she felt silly. She just didn't need to take public transit. She wasn't the richest woman in the world for nothing.


She needed to get to the hospital thought. She needed to find Chiaotzu. She didn't know what she was going to say once she found him. Secretly hoping he knew why she was there. Another was that he was actually working that day. She hoped the small nurse was. She needed some answers.


The bus came to a stop, drawing her attention up to look to see where they had stopped. She was surprised that they were at her stop already. She was lucky that someone else had signalled the driver to make a stop. She had been miles away, and she would have missed this stop. She climbed off the bus, and found herself in front of the hospital. She hurried inside, and took a moment to remember what floor she had been on during her last visit. She took the time to study a floor map so she could figure out where she had been. Her eyes stopped on the second floor map. As she looked at the map, she noted that looked just about right. Turning to the stairs, she hurried up and began wandering down the hall to try and find the nurses station. She stopped at the large desk, where a tall, built woman in doctor's scrubs was standing.


“Miss Brief's!” she gasped. “C-can I help you?”


“Yes, I was wondering if nurse Chiaotzu was working or not,” Bulma explained. “He was very kind and helpful, and I just wanted to thank him.”


“Are you sure it was Chiaotzu?” she questioned. “The name, are you sure it was Chiaotzu?”


Bulma raised her eye brow in surprise. “Yes. He said his name was Chiaotzu.”


“Miss Brief's, I don't know what to tell you this, but there is nobody who works here whose name is Chiaotzu, and no male nurses on this floor,” this doctor tried to explain.


“That's impossible,” Bulma cried. “Ask my mother, she saw him too when he checked up on me before she left for the night.”


“I don't doubt that you saw someone, but they don't work here. No one named Chiaotzu has ever worked in this hospital.”


8 8 8


When Bulma got home late that afternoon she sighed heavily, a dark cloud was viable over her head. After that embarrassing visit to the hospital, she felt that she just needed a drink and a warm bath. Well, the drink was out of the question. Not with her still on her pain killers. And she didn't quiet like the idea of a bath either. She'd have to wrap her bandages up in plastic so they couldn't get wet, and that was going to be more hassle than it was worth. And she wasn't quite ready to take the bandages off.


“Maybe some work in the lab will clear my mind,” she told herself aloud. She removed her coat and opened up the closet in the hall, and pulled her coat onto the hanger. Closing the door, something caught her eye from the mirror on the door. Her body stiffened, and her eyes widened. She angeled her head to the side and tried to make out what she was seeing. Her eyes followed the black mass, until her eyes made out the shape of the mass. She suddenly jumped away from the door, hitting the back wall, her head turning to look at the cloaked man. He was facing away, but after she hit the wall, the sound alerted him. He turned to face her.


'Oh crap! Did I fall asleep on the bus?' she questioned. Her eyes stayed on his form, and his eyes stayed on her. He sifted and made a move toward her. She didn't let him come any closer; she turned and ran instead.


Her heart raced as she passed the living room, and went into the kitchen, and from there, she ran into her lab. Punching the code into the panel, she gasped as she felt his presences behind her. The door opened and she stumbled in, quickly pressing the close button as she hurried in. She turned inside to face the door. She gave a sigh of relief, and turned to look at her surroundings. Nothing.


Oh thank Kami,” she breathed a sigh of relief. She tried to catch her breath. Something else caught her attention. Her eyes stopped on the door, where the black figure was standing, on her side of the door. She straightened herself up and stared at the figure. He stopped and was staring at her. She didn't dare to even try and think about whatever was going through his mind at that very moment.


“What did you do now?” he hissed, and followed with a grow. Impatiently waiting for her answer, he starting to pace around the lab.


What do you mean , 'what did you do now?',” she yelled. “I fell asleep again, and as usual I'm confused as to what the hell is going on.”


“Who gave you the information?” he rephrased. “Who told you about us?”


Something clicked in her mind. “Dream demons?” She saw him nod, the cloak and hood moved with his movement, so she was able to see this gesture. “Research. I did some research on the Internet. After the last time I saw you. You said you were a Saiyan, and I had a bit of a lead.”


“Stupid human inventions,” he mumbled to himself. “Its bad enough that angel marked you, but you just had to go and do some research.”


“What does that have to do with anything?”


“Well for one, you can see me when your awake now,” he sneered. Her eyes went wide, making a smirk cross his lips. “Yes, you are awake.”


Bulma felt herself become very weak in the knee's. That couldn't be good. She steadied herself, and took a seat on her desk chair. He crossed his arms across his chest, and he watched her as she tried to take it all in. Several moments of silence passed, until Bulma turned to look back up at him. “Why? Why is this all happening? Why me!?”


“I chose you,” he stated.


“WHY!? Things were finally going right for me in my life! Why did you pick me?” she cried, standing from the seat, her eyes flaring as she screamed at him.


“You were the first human I saw that was dying,” he stated, his voice as cool and calm as ever. “That's what demons look for, a human that is dying. And you were the first I came across.”


“D-dying?” she stuttered, her legs gave way and she again fell into her chair. “That can't be...I'm not dying. I mean...I was, but I'm better now.”


“WAS?” he shouted. “What do you mean you were?”


She felt tears fill up her eyes, and ran down her cheek. “I had breast cancer. Most woman just get the lump removed...but my breasts were just filled with it, so they removed it. The cancer is gone now.”


“How long ago!” he demanded, stepping closer to her.


“The day before I first dreamt about you,” she answered. She could sense that he suddenly went from angry, to enraged. She could feel the temperature in the room rise, and she could feel the demeanour of the his body language go stiff. And then she could hear him mumbling inaudible words under his breath. She turned to look up at him. She used the palm of her hand to wipe away her drying tears. “I just got out of the hospital, and then you appeared. I thought it was the pain killers I was on.”


He didn't seem to notice her words, as he was still busy thinking deeply to himself. Bulma just watched him for the longest time, waiting for him to snap out of it. Finally, he did, and turned to make eye contact with her. “I'm attached to you. Mentally. That's what dream demons do. They attach themselves to a dying person, and feed off the dreams, until they break through that mental barrier, until we get to your soul. Dreams...they are like a shield that protects your soul, because they are part of it.”


“Explain to me everything that has happened so far. You can't just tell me all this in little bits. You have to explain this all to me,” she requested. He turned to silence once again, but his gaze did not leave her. He stayed in his spot, his eyes still watching her ever so carefully. She did not let her gaze weaver, and she kept her eyes on him. She was determined to keep keep her eyes on him until he gave her the answer she was looking for. It took several more minutes, but then he broke his silence.


I came to this plain of reality to look for a soul to devour. Its food for us. As I usually do, I landed in a hospital, a prime location for dying souls, and you were the first I came across. It was before your surgery I think. I just kind of, well, attached myself to you, just by touching your forehead,” he started, and then tried to find the right words. “I started to stalk you in your dreams, stealing them, but then that angel marked you, making it harder for me to steal your dreams. And now, since you have done some research, your know your not just kind of made a 'seeing is believing' kind of effect. Its rare, but some humans, who are effected by a demon, and then get real information about it, can see what is haunting them.”


“So...are you unattached to me now then?”


He shook his head. “No. I am only attached to you while you dream. When you are awake, I just kind of do my own thing.”


Her eyes went wide. “You mean, you have always been around? Doing what! No one could see you? Oh, Kami! Did you watch me get undressed! Oh you pervert!” She leaped from her seat again, this time stepping closer to him. His anger too rose, and he went closer to her as well.


“I have no interest in watching an ugly human specimen as yourself! Especially one who is missing some parts,” he growled.


Bulma's mouth dropped. Did he just go there? Yes. He did. “BASTARD!” she screamed, getting ready to push him out, hopefully out of the lab. That was going way too far. How dare he talk about her like that. It was bad enough her breasts, her best feature had been removed just so she could live, but now he had to rub it in. She extended her arm, and readied to slap him hard across the face. She swung her arm, but no contact was felt. She blinked a few times, not sure if she had just witnessed what she thought she had just witnessed. She moved her hands back again, making contact with where his face should have been. Nothing. She had gone right through him. “Y-you are like a ghost...”


“Good thing to,” he replied. “If you could have slapped me, and did slap me I would have rung your neck so quickly you wouldn't have seen it happen.”


“Oh, go to hell!” she screamed.


“I have a summer home, there, its quiet pleasant too,” she knew he was smiling sickeningly under that cloak of his. How she hated him.


“Good! Go there and bother someone else,” she hissed.


“I can't. I am attached to you. And attached I will stay until your soul is mine. Its how this whole thing works,” he stated.


She rolled her eyes. “Fantastic. I am cursed to be stuck with an annoying bratty appalling princess for the rest of my days.”


“Yes, because us ugly people have to stick together, right?”


Before she could understand what he meant by that, his hands reached up to his cloak's hood, and pulled it back. She had to compose herself so she wouldn't fall over in shock. As he pulled back the hood, his thick hair laid flat until the whole hood was pulled back, and from there it took on its own life and stood up on end, much like a flame burning freely. His face was completely visible now. She could only see his lips from time to time, usually right before he gave her the kiss. Now, everything was clear to her. She did say ugly? Far from it. Handsome. Devilishly handsome. She supposed that when she had told her mother about this dream man, and when her mom had said dark and handsome she wasn't kidding. His thick dark eyebrow's seemed to be down in a scowl that didn't look like it was ever going to leave, but that didn't make him look bad. It added something to him in fact. A flare, that was attractive. And his eyes. They pierced her just like she had always thought they would when he was angry. They were just as frightening, but again, they were deep, black and deeper than any canyon you would ever find on earth. And that smirk. She could tell very well from that smirk, he knew exactly what was going on in her head at that moment. He was a very handsome man, and he knew it.


She did her best to recover. “We usually do, but your in a league all by yourself. Maybe if you jump off a cliff you'll save yourself some grief.”


He laughed. It stunned her. He was laughing at her. It made her whole body go red with anger. And as he continued to laugh at her, he turned away from her, and headed back toward the door. He was still laughing as he walked through the door, and left to some unknown place. She could still hear him laughing several minutes later.

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