In Dreams: Chapter 3

Published Jan 27, 2010, 8:55:42 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 23, 2010, 11:43:44 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

A/U Bulma has just surivived Breast Cancer, but this is not the end to her brush with death. Now Bulma is being haunted by a demon, who is hell bent on devouring her very soul.

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Chapter 4: Chapter 3


Chapter 3


“Are you alright Bulma?” Chi Chi asked her friend, turning around on the bus to check up on her friend. Bulma drew her attention from outside the window, back to her friend. Goku also turned around to look at her. He sent her is wide assuring smile. Bulma instead turned to look at her lap, rather than meet her friend’s watchful gazes. “What's wrong?” Chi Chi continued to ask her friend some questions.


“I'm having this recurring dream,” Bulma whispered. “I've had this dream three times now, and the last two times ended with me on the floor crying with that pain in my head.”


“What kind of dream?” Chi Chi questioned. “Is it something about the cancer?”


Bulma shook her head. “No, it’s nothing like that.” She pulled down on the wire on the city bus, signalling the driver to let them off at the next bus stop. She looked around, embarrassed, trying to see if she was drawing any unwanted attention to herself. “There's a man.”


Chi Chi readied herself for the stop. She passed her fiancée a few bags and smiled at him. She then helped gather Bulma's things. She frowned and tried to get her own things from Chi Chi. Chi Chi being the world's strongest woman, easily, out glared her friend and snatched her things up. “You aren't the first woman to dream about a man. Are you just lonely?”


The bus came to a slow halt and the three with a few others exited the bus. Once outside on the street, they continued. “It’s not a dream like that. I admit, it may sound that way, but this guy's...evil. I mean, he did kiss me, except it wasn't a kiss. He sucked something out of me, and it hurt. It really, really hurt. I ended up in the hospital after all.”


“You must still be hurt over Yamcha,” Goku finally commented. “He really did hurt you.”


Bulma sighed. “I know it seems that way, but I really mean it when I say it has nothing to do with romance or Yamcha.”


“Perhaps it has something to do with your surgery?” her friend suggested. Goku turned his attention to Chi Chi, surprised by her words. He knew the subject was still touchy. “I mean it. I've heard that after surgery, some people heave weird dreams.”


Bulma felt her chest tighten at the mention of the surgery. Then it tightened even more as she remembered that in her dreamt the night before the reappearance of her breasts. A smile crossed her lips. “That makes perfect sense actually. In my dream I still had them.”


“Mystery solved,” Chi Chi smiled, stopping to look at her future husband and her best friend. She took out her keys from her pocket, and placed it into her apartment's door. Unlocking the door she pushed it open, and motioned for her friends to go inside. Goku picked up most of the bags, and hurried inside after Bulma did the same. Chi Chi was left with two bags that she picked up with no complaint, and carried them inside. When inside and all the bags were in the kitchen, Chi Chi turned to Bulma. “Are you tired?”


Bulma nodded, a sheepish smile crossing her lips. “A little.”


“I'm going to get a start on dinner, why don't you lay down in the guest room,” Chi Chi smiled.


Bulma returned the secure smile, “Thank you Chi.”


Bulma turned her direction to the guest bedroom, just across the hall from Chi Chi and Goku's bedroom. She liked to refer to the guest room as her second bedroom, because she stayed over so often. Chi Chi even picked out Bulma's favourite colour for bed sheets, which just added to the homey feel.


As Bulma reached for the door handle, she could hear Goku’s voice from down the hall. “What do you want me to do?”


“You can take the trash out,” she heard Chi Chi reply.


A smile crossed Bulma's lips as she heard the younger woman's comment. She knew that Goku's reaction was going to be. Here it came:


“The trash? Aw....Chi...”


8 8 8


Bulma knew the moment she fell asleep. She was no longer in the guest room, but outside in her mother's garden. It was very warm, summer weather, instead of the chilly fall weather they were currently having. Another few steps and the scene changed, and she found herself now in her personal lab. Her eyes were drawn to something in the corner. When her eyes fell on it her eyes lit up with delight as she hurried over to its side. There it was the gravity room. It wasn't a tiny model, but the workable full scale one she had been designing for months already.


“Just like I always pictured,” she whispered. She could feel all kinds of emotion fill up inside her. Happiness and excitement were the strongest. Then tears began to welt up in her eyes. She was about to reach out to touch the invention when someone grabbed her and pulled her around to face them.


Bulma felt dread fill up in the pit of her stomach as she came face to face with the hooded figure. She felt her body freeze up with fear. She did not like where this was going. It was going to be a repeat of the last two dreams. She felt herself tense up as they again took hold of her, angling her for their painful kiss.


'No, not again,' she cried in her mind. She wanted to get away, she did not want this. And as they drew in, she fought to pull away from them. She suddenly found she was able to pull her head away to the side with incredible ease. They did not seem to notice quickly enough, and they caught her jaw. They pulled away quick enough, and forced her back into the gravity room with a hard force. She cried out, surprised by the pain she felt.


“How the fuck did you do it?” the figure spoke for the first time, a harsh husky male voice shot through her. She felt her heart race at his demand. When she didn't answer, he stepped forward again, taking hold of her arms, still holding her force-ably in place.


“Do what?” she questioned. His grasp tightened on her shoulders, forcing her to wince. She fought hard, trying to push him away. She managed to get his arms off her. “Don't touch me!”


He snarled. “You heard me. How did you block me out?”


“I don't know!” she snapped. “Nor do I care! As far as I am concerned, you are just a figment of my imagination, so it is of no concern to me!”


Again, she was forced into the wall of the outer shell of her gravity room. She hissed sharply as the pain shot through her body again, this time the pain was much greater. This time she was being held up by her collar. She fought and clawed at his gloved hand, but she was not able to get free this time. Panicking she tried to kick, but it did nothing. He did not react to her blows.


“I am more real than you will ever know,” he hissed.


She wasn't able to see his face though the hood, and she was glad for that. She feared if she saw his glare she may die. She could feel the anger radiate off him. It was heated and it almost burned her flesh. He stayed like that for a moment, until he seemed to stiffen from head to toe. Slowly he brought her back down to face him face to cloak. She had the terrible feeling that she wasn't going to like what he was planning. And then he drew her in, positioning her neck into his view. She could hear him begin to make sniffling sounds.


'Is he smelling me?' she thought. She was about to fight him harder, but he loosened his grip. He loosened this enough that she dropped to the floor. “Bastard!”


“Stupid filthy angel,” he muttered. He turned away from her, and crossed his arms. He seemed to be deep in thought, but that didn't seem to matter to Bulma.


She leaped up, “Who are you calling filthy!?”


“The stupid filthy angel who marked you in protection,” he turned around, back to screaming at her. “Why they bother with pathetic ugly humans like you I'll never understand.”


Bulma didn't know what she wanted to reply to first. What he had said about the angel marking her? Or perhaps his comment on her looks? She was noted for her beauty! Was he blind under that hood?


“That is no matter, that will only protect you from half my assault,” she swore she could hear the sinister smirk in his comment. It sent chills throughout her entire body. She didn't like the way he said that. Half his assault? That didn't sound pleasant at all. She decided that it was probably best to try and get away from him, while she could still use her body. She jumped up, and hurried to get past him. She was not fast enough, and with ease, using one hand he grabbed her by the back of the shirt, and pulled her back to him. He easily held her in place, even as she fought to get free. She pushed, clawed, screamed, and kicked. Name it, she did it, but it did nothing to stop him. He advanced, and she knew that she was doomed again.


She felt his lips, as twice before press on hers, and she knew the sucking sensation was going to start any moment now. She shoved harder against him, fighting to get free, but where there was the heavy force of his body in front of her, there was suddenly nothing there. She froze, and her eyes went wide as she realized she was staring at the ceiling. She sat up suddenly, and looked around to see Chi Chi; staring at her from the side of the bed. She croaked her head to one side.


“Bad dream?”


Bulma brought her knees to her chest, hugging them as she silently nodded. Chi Chi took a seat at the edge of the bed, reaching out to brush aside Bulma's messy bed head. “Was it the man again?”


Bulma nodded.


“What happened?”


“I had more control; I wasn't just a scary dream where I couldn't move. I had control...but it almost made it worse. He attacked me, forcibly tried to kiss me.”


“Wasn't he attacking you before?”


“Yes...but I couldn't move before, so he was kind of gentle. I'm not saying it is any better, because it’s not. It’s just; I was so much more frightened this time. He spoke for the first time too. He was very angry, over the control thing. He said that an angel marked me...whatever that means,” Bulma tried to explain. She looked at her friend who didn't look like she understood what she was saying. “Let’s just say there was more content to this dream.”


Chi Chi brought her friend into her arms, embracing her, letting her know that she was there for her friend. Bulma felt herself warm on the inside as she felt her friend’s arms around her. She let go of her legs and placed her arms around Chi Chi, returning the warm hug. All saddened thoughts left her mind. For the moment.

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