One sided love: Three cheers for sweet Revenge?

Published Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

A girl is madly in love with her adoptive cousin, she believes that he also feels the same as her. As the day goes on she starts to realise what a complete fool she has been and knows that the love may only be one sided.

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Chapter 5: Three cheers for sweet Revenge?


“Jamie, hi. Erm…could you please excuse me a minute.” Jamie nodded his head as his adoptive mother shut the door and walked back into the living room. She didn't expect Jamie to come back to Anaya's house.

“Anaya, Marco we have a major problem.” Malika said running into the living room, they looked at each other, they both thought the same thing, Jamie had arrived. Anaya didn't believe that Jamie would actually come back to her house, although he did tell her he would be back later in the day. “We're gonna have to invite him in. I'll go…let him in.”

“Wait?” Anaya said, stopping Malika in her tracks. She turned to look at her niece. “You go back out there and tell Jamie to come in, I have a plan.” Malika nodded her head. She didn't know what to do. Malika did as Anaya commanded and walked to let Jamie into the house. When they walked into the living room neither Anaya nor Marco was anywhere to be seen. Malika knew what Anaya was plotting, she could tell what her plan would be.

“So Jamie, what do you think? I got Anaya to go out, so we could have her house to ourselves.” Malika said, kissing her adopted son. Jamie didn't shy away, he didn't care if they were in Anaya's house or not.

“How did you do that?” Jamie asked in between the kisses, time and time again he thought about how this was wrong. But he didn't care in the slightest.

“Does it matter Jamie? Does it matter?” Jamie shook his head and kissed the woman that had raised him from a young child.

“No, Malika it doesn't.” He replied, slightly after they broke away from the kiss. Malika smiled, she loves the way she could manipulate Jamie. She hoped that Anaya's plan would work. It was all down to her now, she hated Jamie for the way that he had treated women, and men. This was the only way that they would be able to get him back.

Malika and Jamie were in the throws of passion when Anaya and Marco walked into the house. They had gone round the back and come in through the front door.

“Jamie…Malika…how…how could you?” Anaya choked out, Malika smiled as Jamie broke away from her and composed himself. Malika just stood, smiling behind Jamie's back. Anaya had to do everything possible not to smile back at Malika. “Well, Jamie…tell me, what the hell are you doing? You told me I was the only one for you.” Jamie walked over to Anaya, he hugged her and looked at her, tears in his eyes. She knew the tears were fake, Jamie wasn't in love with her, she knew that. He just used her.

“You are the only girl for me, she manipulated me.” Jamie replied, Marco looked away from him in disgust. He had seen the photos of him going to other womens houses, including his own house where his wife cheated on him. Anaya stood her ground, she didn't look weak, she stayed strong, she didn't make herself look as if she would give into Jamie.

“Really? Well…maybe you should take a look at these photos I acquired.” Jamie's eyes grew wide, she had photos of him cheating on her. He didn't realise that it would catch up with him. Jamie always believed he was careful, not leaving a trace of himself wherever he goes. He took the photos from Anaya and looked at them one by one, there were photos of him going to the houses. One of him at Michaela's, one at Minia's, one at Anaya's ex-boyfriend. He could understand why Anaya was angry.

“Anaya…I…I can explain.” Anaya wasn't having any of it though, she turned away from Jamie, not wanting to even acknowledge he was there.

“I think you had better leave Jamie.” Marco said to Jamie. Although he didn't want to hurt him because he was Malika's adopted son, it was taking all his strength not to deck him right there. He had an affair with his wife of 10 years Minia. Although he didn't love her, his reputation had now gone, the mafia would know he didn't kill Jamie for what he did, and he would not be able to show his face ever again. Jamie looked at Marco, he nodded his head, and went to walk out the door with the photos. Not looking at anybody as he left the house. Malika walked over to join Marco at his side, he looked at her and smiled. Although he left her when she couldn't conceive he still loved her so much. Jamie had walked out of the house, Anaya was sitting out there, he went over and sat next to her.

“Anaya, I'm so sorry. You are the only person for me. Please forgive me?” Jamie said, Anaya looked at her cousin, the guy she had been in love with for 10 years of her life. She wanted to forgive him badly, she still loved him no matter how many time he cheated on her. But she knew that things would never be the same if they did go out once again. “Anaya, please forgive me.” Jamie said again. Anaya looked at him, tears in her eyes. She hugged him, and then nodded her head. Jamie thought that she was agreeing to forgive him, but she wasn't. Out of the bush opposite Michaela emerged, she looked at Jamie and Anaya hugging. They broke away, Michaela then tapped Jamie on the back and slapped him on the face. He held it, knowing that a red mark would emerge relatively soon.

“You moron Jamie, thinking you could shag so many girls at the same time…” Anaya cut off Michaela's comment.

“And guys.” She said, Michaela looked at Anaya. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Not only was Jamie having affairs with women, also men. Michaela slowly walked away from Jamie, not wanting to be in the same area as him. She couldn't believe, what she was hearing. Jamie did nothing to try and stop her from going, he just let her, knowing that no explanations would ever do any good. Knowing that any hope of getting her to reconsider going wouldn't work. He just sat, next to Anaya, head down looking at the ground.

“What have I done to deserve this?” Jamie said, still looking at the ground. He didn't want to look at Anaya, he knew he had done wrong. But in fact he didn't overly care that much, he didn't love any of the women in his life. He never loved women, in fact…he had always thought he was gay. This had only reconfirmed his thought, he didn't have affairs with many men, it was only one and that was Anaya's ex boyfriend. He did love him, in fact he wanted to be with him. He didn't care about Anaya, Malika, Michaela, Minia or any of the other women, all he cared about was Anaya's ex boyfriend, Billy. He loved him so much, Billy felt the same about Jamie also.

Finally Jamie made eye contact with Anaya, she was looking at him, wondering what he was going to do next. Jamie smiled at her and then kissed her on the cheek.

“It's been fun Anaya. Real fun, shame it had to end so quickly.” Anaya looked at Jamie, shocked at what he just said. She didn't believe it was fun, she really believed that Jamie had loved her. Anaya got up from the wall and looked at Jamie.

“I think you should leave.” She said, Jamie nodded his head, he got up and walked over to the gate of the garden. Malika and Marco walked out of the house and came to see Anaya, they thought she would be distraught about everything that had happened, but in fact she wasn't.

“Anaya?” Malika said, she didn't say anything else. Anaya knew what she meant, was she ok. The fact was…she didn't feel bad in the slightest. It was as if she could finally breath, she wasn't depressed. She knew that getting rid of Jamie was the best thing that could happen to her in her life.

“I'm fine aunty. I hope we can sort things out. Is it possible aunty?” Malika smiled and nodded her head. She wanted to sort things out with Anaya so much, it didn't matter anymore that Anaya reminded Malika so much of her younger sister. Marco smiled, he knew how much Malika wanted to make it up with her niece, and now she had. “Thanks, Malika.”

“Hey, it's ok Anaya. I've missed you do much, we have to stick together.” Malika said the last words, and looked at Marco. He knew what she meant. She wanted him to be there with her also. Marco smiled, he loved Malika more then life itself. “Marco…could we…give it another try? I mean…if you're willing to leave Minia?”

“Of course I am. I don't know why I ever married the cow. We can give it another try.” Malika smiled, grabbed Marco by the neck and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Anaya smiled, she had always liked Marco, she always thought he was a good guy. Although he was a member of the mafia, he was one of the nice people.

“This is a new start for all of us.” Malika said, smiling, she didn't think she would finally be able to say that sentence. She thought that they would all be under Jamie's spell forever. She thought she would be under Jamie's spell forever, Malika also never believed Marco would leave Minia. But he did, and she would always be happy about that, she would spend the rest of her life with Marco. She would ensure it.

Jamie arrived at Billy's house just 30 minutes later. He couldn't quite believe what had happened, but he knew that they would find out at one time or another. He knocked on Billy's door, when he opened he smiled. Billy did also, they knew that they loved one another. None of the women in their life had ever mattered, Anaya especially. To both of them, she wasn't worthy of a mention. Jamie walked into Billy's house, planning to talk about their future, they would do whatever it takes to be with one another. Nothing would stand in their way.

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