One sided love: Jamie's story

Published Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

A girl is madly in love with her adoptive cousin, she believes that he also feels the same as her. As the day goes on she starts to realise what a complete fool she has been and knows that the love may only be one sided.

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Chapter 2: Jamie's story


“Why do you bother going to see that slut Jamie? She will only use you.” Malika said to her son as he was getting ready for his night with Anaya. Malika had never liked Anaya much, ever since she found out she had lost her virginity at just the age of 12. Jamie didn't like to tell Malika though, it was he she had lost her virginity to.

“Mother, she's my cousin, and she's your niece. Please be nice about her.” Jamie replied to his mother as he went to walk to get his keys. He then made his way down the stairs and was about to leave the house when Malika walked in front of him to stop him.

“She's just going to use you. You're too nice Jamie. She will just use you for one thing and one thing only. So don't come crying to me when she does.” Malika moved from where she was standing and allowed Jamie to walk out the door and make his was to Anaya's house.

“She won't use me mother. I'll make sure of it.” Jamie said, he kissed his mother on the cheek and walked out of the door. `Because I'll be the one using her,' he thought to himself.

Jamie didn't like Anaya, but she was infatuated with him. Ever since that incident where they slept together 10 years ago. Since then Anaya has claimed that she was 100% in love with Jamie. In truth he couldn't stand her, yes she was attractive, and yes she was a nice person. But her downfall was she was too naĂŻve and clingy. Time and time again he has had to save her from girlfriend beaters as she was too scared to do anything about them.

On the way Jamie stopped at the local flower shop to buy a bunch of chrysanthemums, Anaya's favourite type of flower. He wanted to butter her up, make her lose all her inhibitions. It's what he done when she was 12, and she completely fell for him. He shares this with his friends, they don't condemn it. In fact the whole gang are notorious for a quick one-night stand. It was just the way they functioned and operated.

It took only 3 or 4 minutes to get to Anaya's house from his. It had originally been her parents house, but since their death she has been the one to live their. Anaya has never considered moving out as she is close to her only family members, these being Malika and Jamie. Jamie knocked on the door of Anaya's house, she opened dressed all in black with a red apron over the top.

`Show time,' Jamie thought to himself as he gave his younger cousin the bunch of flowers. She took them and then walked into the kitchen. Jamie shut the door behind him and followed her as she put the flowers in a vase. She then walked back into the living room and place the vase down. All the time Jamie followers behind, not wanting to take his eyes of her.

They sat a talked for a couple of minutes, it wasn't a real conversation of sorts. Anaya was too shy and had very low confidence. Jamie pulled her chin up so she was looking at him. He went to lean in when she announced she was going to look at the dinner. `Why didn't you just kiss her?' His conscience said to him as she happily skipped out of the room. He knew that she wouldn't succumb to him without a little persuasion. In the past she had been treated badly, she had learned her lessons. Getting her to sleep with him was not going to be easy. He knew he had to try the sympathy approach.

As Anaya walked back into the room he put on the waterworks, making up a lie that his mother was ill. She instantly fell for the rouse, coming over and hugging him trying to comfort him. He did his best in trying to get the sympathy card and all seemed to be working. They sat together for a while, whilst Jamie pretended to calm down. It was then when they looked at one another. Jamie could see the love in Anaya's eyes. He then gently, ever so gently pulled her into him and they kissed one another.

They were together for a few minutes, only pausing for breath as they kissed. Anaya went to turn the oven off and Jamie picked Anaya up, carrying her upstairs and then placing her on her bed. `Score,' Jamie thought as he kissed Anaya and started to undress her.

When Jamie awoke in the morning Anaya had already gone. `She must have gone downstairs' he thought to himself. He must have only got a maximum of 3 hours sleep. This could be fatal if he went to work considering he works on a construction site. He picked up the phone and called in sick. His supervisor, who is also his best friend, completely understood and allowed him to have the day off. He knew that Jamie had gone to see Anaya that night, and would vouch for him all the way. After he disconnected the phone he got up and got dressed, then slowly he made his way downstairs to see his cousin.

Jamie wasn't in the mood for talking at first, he just walked downstairs and was handed a cup of coffee by Anaya. He then proceeded to walk to the table and sit down, after a couple of sips of coffee he looked at Anaya and was willing to finally talk.

“You okay baby?” He asked Anaya. She just looked at him and smiled. Why should she be ok? She had the lasting satisfaction in believing the guy of her dreams was in love with her, like her with him. “Good,” Jamie said, he looked at his watch. Wanting to get out of the house as quickly as possible so she didn't start answering any awkward questions. “Anaya, I'm sorry I'm late for work. I have to go…I'll be back later on tonight.” Jamie said before he could stop himself. He wouldn't be back tonight as he has a date with his girlfriend. He saw the look of Anaya and smiled. As he got up he walked to Anaya and kissed her on the lips. Making her believe that he truly was in love with her.

It only took Jamie around 30 minutes to get ready, he had to make it look authentic. Look like he really was late for work. Anaya showed Jamie to the door, they had one last kiss before he walked out of the house. He would go and see his girlfriend now, she knew about the night with Anaya yet she didn't care. As long as he always went back to her he didn't care about his other women. It was why Jamie loved her. He didn't like to use Anaya for sex, but it made her feel better about herself. Also she was the best lay he had ever had. As long as she never found out what he was doing, it wasn't hurting anybody.

“Michaela you look amazing.” Jamie said as his girlfriend opened the door. She smiled at him and quickly kissed him on the lips. Only then did she invite him into her home that she had worked so hard for. Michaela was the woman of Jamie's dreams, she had jet black hair and blue eyes which made her look mysterious. The only problem was at the age of 40 she was a full 13 years his elder, something his mother wouldn't approve of. It was why he didn't tell her about Michaela.

“So Jamie, how was Anaya?” Michaela asked as they flopped onto the sofa in her living room. He smiled a wicked smile. “That good.” Michaela said as she kissed Jamie on the lips once again. They didn't waste any time in walked up to Michaela bedroom and hibernating in there for a good few hours.

Jamie awoke once again, this time in Michaela's room, he was not alone. Michaela was asleep next to him, the beautiful woman had the body of a 20 year old, it was hard to believe that the woman was old enough to be Anaya's mother. He got up and got dressed, not disturbing Michaela, he then walked out of her house, and made his way back to his own to see his mother.

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