One sided love: Malika's Story

Published Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

A girl is madly in love with her adoptive cousin, she believes that he also feels the same as her. As the day goes on she starts to realise what a complete fool she has been and knows that the love may only be one sided.

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Chapter 3: Malika's Story


“Why do you bother going to see that slut Jamie? She will only use you.” Malika said to Jamie as he was getting ready for his night out. Jamie is the adopted son of Malika, and they don't tell the Social Service's but they have been sleeping with one another since Jamie's 16th birthday, that was for over 11 years.

“Mother she's my cousin, and she's your niece. Please be nice about her.” Jamie replied, he went to walk and get his keys. He then went to walk out of the door but Malika blocked his way. She didn't want him to leave the house, not when she needed him.

“She's just going to use you. You're too nice Jamie. She will just use you for one thing and one thing only. So don't come crying to me when she does.” Malika moved out of her sons way. She was going to allow him to go, just so he could learn his lessons for what is happening.

“She won't use me mother. I'll make sure of it.” With that Jamie left Malika standing alone in the house. She allowed he son to go and sleep with other women as she knew she couldn't stop him. She knew she couldn't stop him though because she also knew that what she was doing with him was illegal, even though it was incest as he was adopted.

Malika adopted Jamie when he was just 5 months old. She had been trying for a child for around 2 years yet she couldn't conceive. Because of this her boyfriend dumped her, but she still managed to adopt Jamie. She was grateful for that. When Jamie turned 16 she told him the truth, he was an adopted child. Surprisingly he took it well, and they even started a relationship. At that time Malika was close to her sister Kali and her niece Anaya. But their relationship became strained after Malika found out that Kale was having an affair with her boyfriend of the time. They broke off all contact, and after Kali's death Malika felt like a part of her had been torn away. She refused to see Anaya as she reminded her so much of Kali and she couldn't handle that.

Malika sat at home alone, nobody to talk to. She made her dinner for one and then ate silently. Malika hated being at home alone, she knew why Jamie hadn't come back. He was spending the night with that slut Anaya. If only Anaya knew what Jamie was really like. He was sleeping with loads of different women, including Malika herself. She could have gone out for the night, spent it having fun. But she knew it was pointless. Instead Malika just walked up to her room, turned out the lights and went to bed.

“Malika, Malika, wake up.” A voice said in the distance. Malika stayed in bed, half-asleep thinking that it was just a dream. There was nobody else in the house with her, she was all alone. “Malika!” The voice said with more urgency, this time she stirred and opened her eyes. Malika jumped back.

“Jesus Christ, Matt what the hell are you doing here?” Malika asked her younger friend. He looked at her, there was an expression in his eyes that made Malika worry. “Matt?”

“You should know what Jamie is up to.” Matt said, he gave Malika the pictures he had been taking of Jamie. Although Malika and Matt are close friends Matt was hired to follow Jamie, so that Malika could keep an eye on the women and the men he went to see in a night. Malika got up from the bed and looked at the time, it was 3pm, she had been asleep for well over 15 hours. It was the first time she had slept for so long.

Malika took the photos out of Matt's hand and proceeded to check through the photographs. One of the houses she recognised, it was the house that Anaya lives in. This didn't surprise her, Jamie was telling the truth when he said he would be seeing Anaya that night. She put that photo down and went to look through the rest. Another photo she recognised, this being of her friend Michaela's. She wasn't surprised about them two being together, Michaela was a very attractive woman.

The last three photos she didn't recognise though, Matt had managed to take them when the people were answering the door, which was good. It made her realise that Jamie wasn't only fooling around with women, but men also.

“Is that…Jason?” Malika asked as she gave Matt the photograph, he took a magnifying glass out and examined the photo.

“Yes it is.” Matt replied, he gave Malika the photo back. Jason was one of the guys that Malika used to date when Jamie was around 15 years old. She knew that Jamie and Jason used to get on very well, but she didn't realise just how well. Malika put the photo down, she couldn't believe her son would be so stupid as to start a gay affair with a man she used to date.

“Sorry Matt, do you think you could excuse me? I need some time alone.” Matt nodded his head, he went to pick up the photos he had taken, Malika stopped him. He dropped the photos and made his way out of the door. “Goodbye Matt.” Malika shut the door behind him and went to look at the photos again. It was defiantly Jason that Jamie was meeting. Malika could handle her sons infidelity with women, but when he starts to have affairs with men, especially when she was going out with them at one stage, she can't handle it.

Malika decided she would go and visit Anaya, no matter how much she didn't want to do it. She knew she had to tell Anaya she was being played for a sucker. It was a shame, even she knew Anaya was longing for her Jamie. She knew how highly she thought of him. Yet she also knew that this incident would break her heart. Malika got dressed, she put the photos in her bag and walked out to make her way to Anaya's house.

When she arrived all seemed silent, she could only have assumed her son had left the house by then. Malika knocked on the door, scared at the reaction of her young niece when she opened the door. The catch on the other side moved, and the door opened a tad. Anaya poked her head around the door, when she saw it was Malika she instantly opened it for her.

“Malika, you're ok?” Anaya asked. She looked perplexed, only a day earlier Jamie had told her that his mother was ill. He was devastated, Anaya believe something serious had happened to her. “Come in.” Anaya said moving out of the way for her aunt. Malika accepted and walked into the small house.

“Of course I'm ok, what are you harping on about girl?” Malika replied as she stood in the hallway and looked at her young but pretty niece. Malika didn't mind the girl, she just wanted to try and avoid seeing her. Tears formed in Malika's eyes, she didn't try to hide them. Anaya could see her aunt was upset. “Sorry, you just remind me so much of your mother.”

“It's ok, it's just…Jamie told me you were ill.” Malika wasn't surprised at this fact, he would tell lies to get sympathy from anybody. It was the way he operated, Malika knew this, unfortunately Anaya didn't.

“Anaya, we gotta talk.” Malika said, she walked into Anaya's living room and took the photos out of the bag. She placed the photos on the table. The picture of Jamie going into Anaya's first. Anaya walked over and looked, she looked back to Malika and shrugged her shoulders. This was Jamie visiting her, she didn't know what the big deal was. Malika then placed the photo of Jamie visiting Michaela's down. This time Anaya took a little bit more notice, she picked up the photo. “That's Jamie at Michaela's. There's more.” Malika placed the photo of Jason's house down and then the two unknown. Anaya couldn't take it anymore. Jamie had made her feel and look like a complete idiot.

She dropped to the sofa next to Malika, and put her head in her hands.

“I'm sorry Anaya. I truly am.” Malika said, Anaya looked up at her. Tears in her eyes, she was deluding herself into believing Jamie really liked her. A girl like her, she wasn't even that attractive. Malika looked at Anaya, saw what she was thinking. She didn't like to see her last remaining blood relative this upset.

“He made me feel like a moron, he took my virginity aged 12. How can I get over that?” Anaya said, Malika looked at her niece. She didn't know her son had done this to her from the age of 12.

“Anaya, you're not the only one he's made a fool out of. You see…we've been sleeping with one another from when he turned 16. It's not legal as I adopted him, but he didn't care. The worst thing though, he is now shagging my ex-boyfriend. Do you realise how humiliating that is?” Anaya looked away from her aunt, one of the pictures caught her eyes. She picked it up and looked at it more carefully.

“Yeah, I do. This is my ex-boyfriends house.” Anaya said as she handed Malika the photograph. Malika looked at Anaya, shocked. She knew about what Anaya had suffered at the hands of a couple of her ex-boyfriends. Why would Jamie associate with people like that? “Malika, we have to get him back for this. We have to.” Malika nodded her head, Jamie needed to learn that he couldn't treat people like crap. Anaya and Malika would be the ones teaching him that lesson.

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