Solitary Confinement: Sex and confession...

Published Aug 18, 2006, 6:54:38 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 3, 2007, 7:00:19 PM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

An alternate to vol.8. Greed's POV. Ed/Greed. Contains yaoi, swearing and violence. Very explicit. Mature ONLY!

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Chapter 7: Sex and confession...


Insanity is warm now…. very warm…I feel more relaxed now that I know he’s not ice cold anymore…I’m almost asleep…Insanity moves, crawling up on top me… What the flying shit is he doing… Now I’m wide-awake, but in the darkness I can’t see shit. His legs on either side if my waist…. his hands pinning down my shoulders…. I’m getting. …HARD! Oh My FUCKING God whatthehell’swrongwiththispicture! I scream at my self to do something, say anything to stop the kid from doing…. whatever the hell he’s planning…. I don’t even know why I’m turned on! As far as I know, I like to screw women!

Insanity, oh god, that kid…I can feel his breath on my collarbone…I moan involuntarily. He licks my neck. I raise my hands and place them on his hips. Ahh, screw it…I’m not called “Greed” for nothing…. How easily the offer of sex changes my mind…

He kisses me, sliding his tongue in my mouth. I suck on it like a lollipop. His barbell clinks against my teeth. My hands move to the front of his tight pinstripe pants, unzipping them. He goes commando…. dear lord, help me here…I lean forward and twist around, pinning Insanity under me. He reaches up and releases me from my own vinyl pants. I moan again in appreciation. He licks the inside of my mouth.

I grab his thighs and spread them eagerly. I lick his neck, right over the Ouroboros. He moans in delight. I love this sound. I press my erection in on him, pushing past the resistance of muscles. He grabs my arms and lets out a sharp gasp. He feels so good, so tight. I sigh and rock my pelvis forward slowly, teasing him. Oh, his moans sound so good, so pleasing…I hit his sensitive spot, and he arches his back. Ahhh feels so good, much better than a woman…. I can feel my orgasm welling up, starting in my pelvis.

“Mmmmmm…. more….” Insanity’s whispers tickle my ears. I ram deeper, harder, faster. Ahhh, God…. it feels so good…His body, that thin, fragile body is now a sex-machine! He arches his back, bucking his hips. His moans are turning in to cries, I know he’s gonna orgasm soon. Oh, oh God…. my hands grab fistfuls of blankets; sweat drips off my skin, I’m breathing hard now. My pace has quickened. Insanity seems to be enjoying this, not that I’m not, though. His fingers press against the skin of my shoulders, his nails digging in. He screams as his orgasm racks his body, and I find myself screaming as well. No woman has ever made me orgasm, well, for real, I mean. It’s all over now; I slump on top of him, both of us panting.

“That felt so good….” He whispers in my ear. I nod an agreement. His arms are still around my shoulders, and he tightens his grip a little. He’s still weak from the sex. I listen as his breathing evens out. He’s asleep in a few seconds. Such a child….

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