Solitary Confinement: Shine on....

Published Aug 18, 2006, 6:54:38 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 3, 2007, 7:00:19 PM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

An alternate to vol.8. Greed's POV. Ed/Greed. Contains yaoi, swearing and violence. Very explicit. Mature ONLY!

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Chapter 4: Shine on....


I open my eyes, and then I'm blind. Too bright! Augh, the sun! I sit up, noticing the bed is now empty, save for me. Insanity's gone. My sheets are tangled around my legs, caught on one boot heel. I kick them off. Yeah, I'm only a litte colaustrophobic, okay? The hall is quiet. Almost. Dorchet, like I said before, is in the throes of a monster hangover. He glares at me as I grin at him. Insanity is looking a little better this morning. Only a little. He snapped shut his book as I near. "Yes?" He asks.

"You never answered me. Why did you stop them from killing me?"

"I hate those fucks. I did it to fuck with them. To make them angry. I hate all of them."

"Even Father?"

"Even Father." Insanity pulls off his reading glasses. "I want the stone. To give us eternal life, and them eternal pain. I'll kill them. I swear I will." I notice he's breathing faster than normal. "But in the mean time...I'll have to deal."

I have no clue why, but I feel dissapointed, I mean come on! Last night I was under the impression that he ''wanted'' me. Now, all I was to him was a way to get to them? I shake my head. Until now, I was secure about myself. I knew I was straight. Key word: Knew. Now I'm drawing a blank. Do I like pussy or dick? I have no answer as of now. I hate being confused. I whip my head up as a hand slaps my back. "Hughes-" When I turn, I see Kimbley. "Good God!" I elbow him in the ribs. He laughes. I growl in response. Dorchet lifts his head and growls back. Yeah, 'woof' to you, too. "whaddya want?"

Kimbley rubs his ribs. Maybe I caught him too hard...why do I even care? Before all this, I cared nothing for humans!

"Just saying 'hi' Mr.Happy." He leaves, grumbling about unecessary violence. Insanity collapses into the couch, his eyes closed. To tell the trith, he still doesn't look so hot. Earlier he looked almost healthy. But now...damn. A corpse looked livelier. His throat is fully exposed. I find myself wanting to lick it, all the way up to his jawbone. I creep myself out.

"You feeling okay?" I ask. He opens his eyes. The pupils were dialated a little. Not only does he look sick, but stoned as well.

He nods, but I'm obviously not convinced. I take a seat next to him. "Be serious. You really don't look so hot." I put a hand on his shoulder. At first I'm alarmed at how cold it is, then I remember he has auto-mail. I still feel retarded. He shakes his head.

"I'm fine. It'll pass. It always does."

I hesitate before changing the subject."Last night, at the club," Insanity nods." Kimbley said-" I was cut off.

"What he said is true. But let me know when you've sorted out yourself." He stands and leaves. I'm left there, feeling like an idiot.

Who do I like, men? Or women? Hmmmm...that, believe it or not, is a toughy. I feel like a teenager in high school. You know, when you try to figure everything out. When your parents look at you and think,' can we give up on grandchildren, or is there still hope?' Only this time, there's no counselor to help out. Fuck...this sucks more that Paris Hilton...

"Hey..." I look up, Insanity is looking down at me. Our group had migrated outside, and I had taken a seat under a tree. Insanity sits down next to me. I'm sure he can read my mind with those blood red eyes. I try not to look directly at him. He's truly a work of art. Tattoos, piercings, heavy eyeliner...that all contrasted well against his mocha colored skin. He had shed a layer of clothing, and I see how painfully thin he is, this time in light. All he has o is a flimsy white button up and pinstripe low-riders. His hirt is only buttoned three buttons. My hand twitches, and I clench it into a fist. I suddenly want to rip his clothes off. Gyah...I thought Lust was the sexual sin...where are these urges coming from? I break out into a cold sweat as Insanity leans against my shoulder. He sighs, and so do I. Dear God, or Satan, please don't give me a boner now!

"Are you alright?" Insanity brings me back to the world. I nod.

"Y-yeah. Just thinking..."

He stops leaning on me, and gets up. He really looks good...despite the fact that he looks ill. He takes a deep breath, stretching. I stand as well. I open my mouth to restart conversation. Insanity claps a hand over his. I widen my eyes. Oh shit, he's gonna puke, right in front of me. Chain reaction, if someone spews, so do I. I feel myself start to retch. Insanity swallows hard, and takes his hand away. "Sorry..." He says soflty. His throat is still working to keep the vomit down, and I feel really sick again.

I nod, afraid to open my mouth. My diaphram is still knotted up. But he must feel even worse, no insides and all. I still have mine. He puts a hand over his stomach.

"I don't know wht's wrong with me...he bends double, his other hand on his knee. He's shaking like a leaf. I feel for this kid. You may find this stupid, but try to imagine, for a sec, that you had all your intestines removed. Try to imagine that everytime you got worked up, you'd vomit blood. I highly doubt you'd find it stupid. I walk over to him and genlty rub his back.

"Relax. Deep breaths..." My throat has finally relaxed. Insanity drops to his knees, I follow. He leans against me again, breathing deep.

"You're warm." He says. He snuggles close to me, his back on my chest.

"Hold on." I shift a bit, laying on my back. Insanity lays right next to me, using my arm as a pillow. I know it's gonna fall asleep, but I really don't care. I hear Insanity's breathing even out. He's asleep. My own eyelids close, and I too drift off.

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