Patience: Hesitation

Published Apr 23, 2006, 5:36:24 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 3, 2008, 11:44:53 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

Vegeta has his eye on Goku, but apparently Goku either hasn't noticed or isn't interested. Will he?

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Chapter 4: Hesitation

By Pixelgoddess

Summary – Vegeta has had his eye on Goku for years, but isn’t willing to make the first move. Will either of them bend?

This started out life as a series of one-shots, with required sentences – first ‘Why did you stop?’, then ‘I’ve been waiting a long time for this’ and ‘You wouldn’t dare.’ Now look what has happened – it’s taken on a life of its own.

Pairings – oh please – I almost never write anything but Goku and Vegeta. What do you think?
Warnings – This is me you are talking about – expect smut and angst, pretty much in equal measure. With enough sap to thin it out. Goku/Vegeta. Sex. Kissing. Smut. Yaoi. (Does everyone know what that means?)
A disclaimer too? *sighs* Would I worry about paying my bills if I owned them? Hell, if I owned them, there would have been more naked Saiyans, more sex, Goku would have saved Vegeta, and the prince would have been the one to pound the lizard to a pulp.

Chapter 4 - Hesitation

Vegeta pushed himself up until just the head of Kakarott’s cock was still in him before lowering himself, twisting his hips slightly. Kakarott keened in pleasure, his cries rising and falling with his movements as Vegeta slowly fucked himself on the writhing Saiyan.

“Vegeta – please,” Kakarott practically whined, straining against the bands of ki trapping his wrists and ankles, bucking uselessly against the restraints holding his hips in place. Vegeta chuckled and curled a hand around his own cock, rubbing a thumb over the weeping head. “Not until you tell me what you want, Kakarott,” he purred, clenching muscles tight around the younger Saiyan’s cock.

In the past few months he had become totally addicted to the sounds Kakarott made during sex – especially when Vegeta took total control, pleasuring them both at his pace. Kakarott had been relatively quiet the first few times – he had had very few bedmates that made such little noise, and never such a quiet Saiyan. He was learning though – Vegeta’s insistence on him telling him what he wanted, as well as his own roaring growls, was pushing Kakarott to be more vocal.

He didn’t regret waiting for Kakarott – he had missed sex with one of his own kind, but he had long ago realized the friendship he had developed with the last member of his race was not worth risking for a quick fuck. Realizing Kakarott wanted him as much as Vegeta did simplified things, giving him the freedom to seduce his willing partner.

“Ahhh… ahhh…” Kakarott cried in breathless frustration.

“Say it, Kakarott,” he purred.

“Let me…” he begged, his words interrupted by Vegeta lowering himself on his cock again. He grinned to himself as Kakarott sucked in a deep breath before desperately spitting out his plea. “Let me go. Let me ma- fuck you. Please Vegeta.”

Vegeta chuckled in triumph and released him. Kakarott growled and rolled him onto his back. Vegeta barely had time to catch his breath before Kakarott held him tightly and began to rock into him with a desperate hunger. It felt as if Kakarott never wanted to let him go; Vegeta responded to his need by curling his legs around his powerful body and clutching his massive shoulders.

Kakarott’s mouth was against his, breathing his name, tongue pushing past teeth. Vegeta moaned into him as Kakarott shifted slightly, his strokes becoming deeper, making him tremble. The moment Kakarott drew back enough to catch a heaving breath, Vegeta willed himself to release his grip on his shoulder, burying his hand in the wild spikes. He dragged Kakarott’s lips back to his, needing to taste the younger Saiyan. Kakarott’s hand curled around his cock, stroking in time to his thrusts and Vegeta screamed the ecstasy of his release into the kiss.

“Vegeta,” Kakarott moaned, clutching him even more tightly as he came, his entire body shuddering from the intensity of his orgasm.


Vegeta followed Kakarott into his comfortable little house, admiring the view of the Saiyan in front of him.

Kakarott glanced over his shoulder, catching him looking at his ass. Vegeta smirked unapologetically; the younger Saiyan had a perfect ass, after all.

“You’re here earlier than usual,” Kakarott grinned.

He shrugged and crossed his arms, watching Kakarott move around the kitchen. “Capsule Corp is doing some emergency systems recovery tests.” He scowled – there were still some bugs to work out in the backup operating system; Bulma would never have tolerated such a sloppy arrangement. “They’ve managed to shut down my gravity room twice – ‘non-critical system’ my ass. I decided I’d rather be here.”

Kakarott nodded in understanding, “Well, I’m glad you are. What do you want to do today?”

Vegeta grinned – Kakarott was always glad to see him. “Eat…fuck…fight…”

“In that an order?” Kakarott laughed.

He moved closer to Kakarott, trailing teasing fingers over the sculpted chest. “I could be persuaded to consider eat, fuck, fight, fuck,” he purred.

“It’s nice to know you have some priorities,” Kakarott chuckled and wrapped his arms around him, drawing him close, trapping Vegeta’s hand between them and kissing him hungrily. When they finally separated for air Kakarott was flush and panting. “Vegeta – do you have any idea how much I l-.”

Vegeta looked up at him curiously. Kakarott had been doing that quite a bit lately – starting to say something, and then interrupting himself. He wished he knew what was going on in his head; this kind of self censoring wasn’t like him. “What?”

Kakarott looked at him strangely before smiling again. “Nothing. We can do whatever you want.”

Vegeta smirked, “Make offers like that, Kakarott, and you are never getting out of bed.” He wasn’t surprised when the younger Saiyan blushed; it was something Vegeta enjoyed seeing. He had quickly discovered Kakarott still did it anytime he thought about sex with ‘his prince’. He brushed his fingertips over Kakarott’s sensitive tailspot just to hear him gasp in pleasure. “And don’t forget – it’s my turn today.”


Vegeta smiled to himself, enjoying the feel of Kakarott’s body against his. As usual, Kakarott had clung to him, nuzzling and kissing him lazily as he came down from the euphoric high of orgasm. It was a pity he had wasted so much time waiting to seduce the man, but he had to admit it had been worth it. Kakarott was an eager and enthusiastic bedmate and a more than willing pupil.

Vegeta pulled him closer, pressing his chest against the warmth of Kakarott’s back, feeling the sleepy purrs vibrating through him. He inhaled the Saiyan scent and sighed in pleasure. If this wasn’t perfection, it was damn close.

He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but he had been lonely since Bulma’s death. The few times he had sex with other humans had been unsatisfying; there was something about being with Kakarott that made him relaxed and content. It had been a long time since he had wanted to stay in the company of a bedmate for more than a few minutes after they were done fucking. Now he wished he didn’t have to return to his rooms at Capsule Corp after experiencing Kakarott’s heat; he still didn’t know why Kakarott didn’t ask him to stay. More than once he had considered asking, but he always hesitated, unwilling to push for more, not wanting to give him a chance to refuse outright.

The occasional sense that Kakarott was holding back disturbed him. It was so unlike the younger Saiyan – he was usually so open and unreserved. But the little pauses, the way he stopped in mid-sentence…Kakarott was keeping something hidden from him. He had started to ask more than once, but always hesitated; he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.

His fingertips drifted over Kakarott’s sculpted body, ki trickling over the pale flesh. The younger Saiyan moaned in pleasure, his ki sparking in response to the caress. Vegeta sighed as Kakarott’s own energy reached out and wrapped around him of its on volition. His power was so different from any Vegeta had experienced before – the scouters had made him blind to the energy surrounding them, but Kakarott taught him to see.

Vegeta brushed his energy over him again and froze at the strange way Kakarott’s ki responded; it was almost an echo. He frowned as an old memory came to the surface unbidden. It couldn’t be true; it just wasn’t possible. He created another gentle wave of energy and sighed in frustration at the distinct way Kakarott’s ki responded. How was this missed? Kakarott should never have been allowed to leave Vegeta-sei.

What was he going to do now?


As he flew to Kakarott’s cabin, Vegeta scowled to himself. He had waited another two days, telling himself he hesitated telling the younger Saiyan what had happened because he wanted to be sure he was correct. He knew he was lying to himself, though.

The truth was, he was both hoping and dreading Kakarott would recognize the truth on his own. He didn’t really want to be the one to tell him – it would require a degree of communication he had never been comfortable with. But he also didn’t want Kakarott to find out on his own because he might believe Vegeta had deliberately kept it secret. What made it more difficult was the realization Vegeta didn’t know how he would react. Everything would change because of this – would their comfortable friendship become even stronger, or would it be over?

He opened the door of the cabin and took a deep breath. It was time to face the consequences. “Kakarott?” he called, wondering where the younger Saiyan was. It was rare for him to get this far into the house without being greeted by Kakarott’s smile.

He shook his head and headed to the kitchen. Kakarott must be cooking and got distracted. “Ka—Shit!”

Kakarott was lying face down on the tile floor, surrounded by broken dishes and spilled food. Vegeta rushed to his side, a chill of fear running through him. His ki was off and there was blood on the floor by his head. He carefully rolled the unconscious man on his back, afraid of how much damage he would find. He must have passed out, hitting his head on the counter as he fell. There were cuts and bruises on Kakarott’s chin, and apparently he had bitten through his lip from the force of impact. The deep gash in his forehead was still bleeding profusely.

“Kakarott,” he said softly, checking his pulse and breathing. He should have warned him – told him as soon as he knew. Kakarott would have been more prepared for the changes and maybe this wouldn’t have happened. At the very least, he should have insisted on staying with Kakarott, keeping an eye on him. It was too late for that now – he had to deal with events as they were, not as they should have been. Vegeta didn’t hesitate – Kakarott was injured and there were no senzu available right now. He picked up the limp body, holding his friend close, and headed to the Lookout. He needed Dende’s help.

As he arrived, Piccolo took one look at the pair of them, raising an eyeridge in criticism, but fortunately not voicing his thoughts. “Follow me. Dende will meet us there.”

As Vegeta carefully sat down on the indicated bed, his arms still supporting Kakarott against his side. He could feel both Nameks studying them curiously. Kakarott’s ki was totally off balance, and he began feeding his own to the younger Saiyan, trying to level his power to a more comfortable level. He doubted they understood exactly what they were sensing, but he was sure they would know soon enough – this wasn’t something that could be concealed for long.

“What happened?” Dende asked, even as he began healing the injuries. Vegeta scowled at the question, but was relieved when the blood finally stopped flowing.

He resisted the urge to shift under Piccolo’s scrutiny. “Just heal him.”

“These aren’t sparring injuries. What happened, Vegeta?” Piccolo demanded.

Vegeta glared, “None of your damn business, Namek.”

Dende took one of Kakarott’s hands in his, healing burns Vegeta hadn’t even noticed. Liquid from one of the pots falling off the stove must have scalded him as well. “I need to know,” he said gently, “So I can make sure he is healed so this won’t happen again.”

Vegeta sighed and shifted Kakarott so he was more comfortable in his arms, head resting on his shoulder. “He passed out. Fell. Hit his head on the counter.”

“That would explain these injuries, then,” Dende said. “They really aren’t very bad – just the typical bloody head wound. I’m just concerned about his ki. It seems to be shifting – recentering…”

Vegeta swallowed. They were too close to the truth. He didn’t want Kakarott to find out like this. He had foolishly hoped he could have Kakarott healed and quickly return home. He could feel Piccolo’s eyes on him, the intensity reminding him the Namek and Kakarott were old friends. He saw the instant when Piccolo identified what was different and felt the momentary flash of accusation.

“Vegeta…” he said warningly.

“It’s none of your damn business,” he snapped.

“Goku’s my friend. I’m making it my business.”

“He’s my—.”

“What in the hell are you going to say, Vegeta?” Piccolo said angrily, “He belongs to you? He’s your subject?”

“Namek…” he growled. He could feel Kakarott coming to – the bastard was going to ruin everything.

“That’s bullshit Vegeta, and you know it. I knew Goku having sex with you was a huge mistake, but he wouldn’t listen. You don’t care about him at all, do you?”

“Shut up, you asshole. You don’t know what in the fuck you are talking about.” Not like this. Please not like this. Kakarott was awake – he could feel the drowsy nuzzling against his neck.

“I can’t believe Goku even agreed to this,” Piccolo snapped.

Dende glanced back and forth, trying to understand what was making them both so angry. “What? What is it?”

“Piccolo?” Kakarott asked in a soft voice, “Why are you two arguing? What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? Damn it, Goku, I can’t believe let this arrogant bastard get you pregnant.”


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