The Waltz Chronicles: Session III: Breath of Fire

Published Jun 9, 2005, 9:56:25 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 9, 2005, 10:18:14 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

An AU take on the reunion of Zechs Merquise and Lucrezia Noin in Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz.

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Chapter 3: Session III: Breath of Fire

Christmas Eve, After Colony 196. Tonight officials from the Earth's Sphere Unified Nations and Preventer have gathered to commemorate the first anniversary of total peace throughout the world. But I don't think we belong here. I've since become a Preventer, codename Fire, as has my colleague Sally Po, code named Water. This peace is like a glass house or a house of cards. One mistake...and it all goes down, completely torn asunder. It is harder to protect this glass house than it is to construct it. The E.S.U.N officials can't seem to see this.

Because as long as there are people in the world...there will always be stones to throw at this fragile house of glass.

But my organization is doing everything it possibly can to deflect these stones of conflict.

I just don't know how much longer we can take this; recently, there's been a flare up of possible hostile activity near LaGrange Point 2, in the Delta HB8 sector. Recent reports have indicated the presence of some sort of factory there producing a new type of metal. However, when further investigated, the factory was identified as nothing more than a civilian workplace and our suspicions were put to rest.

Still, ever since we first investigated it and came up with nothing, I've been plagued by a strange there is something between the lines that we haven't been able to pick up. But Supreme Commander Lady Une has long since closed the investigation so we can concentrate on other things. Regardless, I can't help but wonder if something is happening at that factory that could be a threat to this peace....

I also can't help but wonder about you, Zechs...or rather, Milliardo. Where you are. What your doing. If there is still hope out there. My hope. That you will return to me in the flesh and no longer in nightly dreams that only aggravate this hole in my heart. But I know the only thing I can do is wait, for your return, regardless of the pain and the loneliness I can't seem to escape.

All I do is run.

And run.

And run.

But just when I think I've gained some distance between myself and the demon that is loneliness, I stumble and fall. The demon catches up with me, almost lunging, and claws at my leg. And I have no damn choice but to run again, down this all but endless path that is the darkness of not having you around, by my side.


Neo Titanium. Turns out that civilian factory was in fact manufacturing a new type of titanium alloy, that's being used in the production of mobile suits. But that's old news; me and Sally just returned from putting out a small fire in the P76-AA quadrant of the Centaurus system. These small fires are becoming even more common...and it's only a matter of time before these small fires overpower us and combine into one gigantic wildfire set to burn this peace to the ground.

My anticipation has also grown with these fires, Zechs. The anticipation of your arrival from whatever realm it was you came from. The image of your face, your scent, your voice, everything. All of my memories of you - both past and future - have seemed to have collided to become one massive curtain of fire. I'm finding it harder and harder to control it, knowing that I have a job to do. But they've grown so strong, these feelings for you, that it is all I can do to keep from screaming.

I want to see you.

Smell you.

Hear you.

Hold you.

Feel you.


I'm tossing and turning in my bed, unable to sleep and with the winter's chill of the night biting my face. Snow lightly falls outside of my bedroom window. The room is dark, save for a small light I keep on throughout the night next to my bed. Sleep has evaded my pursuit yet again; I dreamed about you. You were lying next to me, naked and spooning with me. Your body's warmth felt good and comforting against my back, your arms were a perfect fit around my waist. You were sound asleep, and breathing softly, regularly, against my skin.

But... just before contentment captured me, I awoke, to the nothingness that has stayed with me so. The bed is big, clearly too big for just one person, and very much vacant. And as I lay here now, alone, I cannot help but feel as though I am not completely sole. My loins burn, my genitalia aches, throbs from the inside. I close my eyes for a moment and just breathe, noticing that my body feels like it's burning from the inside out. I moan gently as I touch and fondle each breast, imagining that it is your hands and not mind that are playing with my nipples. I gasp, with hands running languidly down my stomach and into my panties. You want me, Zechs. And I want you.

I lick my lips. My imagination is running perversely wild and sexual, and I feel so dirty, but so in need of this release. I'm imagining my fingers to be yours, gently probing, sampling the sexual juices that have now begun to flow from within the core that is my libido, my urge. I spread my legs, wanting you to fuck me deeper with your fingers. This feels so good, so needed and so right. God have I been waiting for this. I'm picturing you again Zechs. Your's lapping at the sides of my cunt as it beats like a heart and filling your mouth with its seed. Instantly, I come, reach my apex, and come to shudder violently as the wash of orgasm comes to flood me and drip from within me, my very soul.

I've been conquered, even in this dark hour, by the very feelings that have now grown all but too big to run from.

But my hunger, it knows no bounds and I can only now, peacefully, drift off to sleep, hoping that you will once again come to pacify the craving that's running rampant within me. Hurry, Zechs...I cannot wait any longer.


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