The Waltz Chronicles: Session I: Waiting For You

Published Jun 9, 2005, 9:56:25 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 9, 2005, 10:18:14 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

An AU take on the reunion of Zechs Merquise and Lucrezia Noin in Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz.

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Chapter 1: Session I: Waiting For You

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing belongs to Bandai, Sunrise and Sotsu Agency; no profit of any kind is being made from this work. It is purely for the enjoyment to myself and others.

Title: The Waltz Chronicles - The Prologue Sessions I: Waiting For You
Author: Dragon Myst
Pairing: Slight hints of 6+9; otherwise none yet
Rating: PG-13
Category: Romance, POV (Noin)
Author's Notes: An AU take on the events that led up to Zech's and Noin's reunion during Endless Waltz. First fanfic in a 4 part POV series.
Feedback: Is much appreciated – just be sure to check your attitude at the door before emailing me. I can't stand flames and the people that write them. If you cannot respect my writing style, please don't read this. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. Thanks!


One year and ten days. Nine thousand hours. That's how long you've been gone, Zechs. And while you were presumed dead shortly after that decisive battle with Heero Yuy by all who knew you, I believed otherwise. Because I know you. You are strong, passionate, and loyal to your cause and beliefs, as well as to those most closest to you.

And not a day of this one year and ten day cycle has gone by that I don't think about you.

You've haunted my dreams every night, as the blankets of sleep envelope me. In those dreams, I see you as clearly as though you are actually with me, next to me...holding me. The atmosphere and its canvas of colors are soft around us. The wind swirls around us, now one body, and embraces us with her invisible arms. Your body is warm. I can hear your heart as it beats rhythmically with my own. Your arms...I feel so safe in your arms, so strong, comforting, and unyielding to their precious cargo. When I'm in your arms, I feel immortal.

But then, I wake up, with the painful wash of reality having swept my moment of peace clean out to sea, where it would again wait until the night to surge forth. Sometimes, when I'm alone, I feel as though I can feel you – your presence – approaching me. My eyes light up in the otherwise dark room. And then, I wait with baited breath. I wait for your knock, the one that's soft and true like that of a gentleman. I close my eyes for a moment, the rush of the moment pushes forth from my eyes in the form of tears. But they quickly turn to tears of pain and deep longing; your not there and reality again shows me no matter how much a soldier prepares, death can come at anytime. That it is as cold and unforgiving as outer space itself.


Your phantom kiss still lingers on my lips as I lie in my bed. Even at this late hour, with my mind hazy with sleep, I'm thinking about you. I dreamed you and I were together again. You ran the back of your strong, yet beautiful hand down my cheek, then cupped it in your gentleness. Your cool blue eyes gazed down at me, drinking in everything they possibly could. They twinkled, like the brightest stars, then softened into gentle pools of intrigue and affection. You held something inside those eyes, those eyes that I loved to gaze into. Your breathing tickled my ear then, with words sliding cool and smooth from your lips – but I could not make out what it was you said to me.

I could only feel it.

Have you and I grown together so strongly that we no longer need words to express our feelings?

I'd like to think so. And...I think you would too.

Because I can see it in your eyes. Love. It burns strong in them, and so much so that their cool water blueness can do nothing to extinguish that fire of passion. Instead, they allow themselves to be consumed, engulfed. And I want to feel that fire, Zechs.

I want it to engulf me just as it does you. I can almost feel its fiery arms burning around my body, burning scars of love and loyalty into my every pore. It is a fire that I wish us to be consumed in, with our bodies totally void of restriction, and pressed together in sweet, glorious closeness. I want – no, need – you to consume me, Zechs. I want to love you, feel you, hear you call my name.

Because I love you. love me.

That is why I still believe in my heart that you are out there, somewhere. But wherever that somewhere is...I'll be waiting for you here, guiding you down this dark path placed before you. Please Zechs...come home to me soon.


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