The Journal of Knil: Confrontation: Entries #16-#20

Published Jan 21, 2005, 1:21:44 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 21, 2005, 1:24:16 AM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

These are journal entries from a character in one of my greater stories. It is the beginning of his trials.

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Chapter 4: Confrontation: Entries #16-#20

Entry #16-New Season, Day 6.

I had a dream last night, about my brother and his corrupt ways. In it he was trying to tell me something. I didn't tell my master because I don't want my brother dead, just sane. Maybe I will understand in the future what my brother is trying to tell me. Today our homes are almost done, we are at 75%. This is very great. Also today I did as my master told me to do, disguise myself as a pirate named Tetra. I was teleported to where Link was, and just in the nic of time I saved my brother from dieing. I said to Link, "Why do you do stupid things without thought, Link?." when I grabbed his hand. Then I told him, "When I saw the Griffin take you I knew you would do something stupid, so I launched myself through the rip and landed here. You are very lucky that I found you or you would have melted in that boiling lava. Just look down the hole, and you will see what I mean." that was what my master instructed me to say. I also asked if he was coming with me into the volcano. When we reached the bottom, I let my disguise turn into smoke and confronted Link face on. I yelled at him while I unsheathed my sword "Hahaha!! Link, I can't believe that you fell for that. You are stupider that I thought you were. Now I will end this forever." meaning that I wondered why he fell for that trick. I also meant when I told him I would end this forever that I wanted to knock some sense into him. It didn't work though because the duel was a stalemate and Link didn't understand me. I said this when I disappeared after the battle, "Link, I'll be back for you and I will make you pay for this failure. Until next time, brother. Hahahahahahahaha...". I finally tested my strength and found it to be the same as my brother, who is younger than me by only five years. I must train harder with my master tomorrow.

Entry #17-New Season, Day 7.

My master showed me more sword attacks in training today. I also asked him if I could have some time every night to be alone and look into the Orb of Seeing, he wanted to know why so I told him: it is to understand my brother's present and understand his chaotic behavior. He agreed and now I have about an hour every night to see my brother's present. Today I saw how he had defeated one of my masters, Agahnim, and how Link sent him to the Sacred Realm. Now I understand why the Ethearal World looks just like the Sacred Realm, they are the same. Time is slowed and warped within it so that any being in it can go back and forth in time, but they can't escape unless they can rip a big enough portal for their essence to be transported through. For me it can be small, but for my master, the Guardian, a big enough rip can only be produced by some barrier smashing. I also saw how my master is able to weaken the barrier between time, his barrier called the Stones of Destiny, were destroyed allowing his ability to create rifts in time which allowed me and my people to enter this world. Tomorrow the town will be completed and my people can rest in their houses. I am just glad that they will all have someplace to sleep only because it has been on my mind the past few days. My master also says that I have to seal a Temple from being opened by my brother tomorrow. He has showed me how to do it. I am very confident that I will help my brother through his time of great need. The dream keeps reoccurring for me. Every time I close my eyes I see the images running through my head. Also last night I had it again, but this time I heard some of the words that my brother has been trying to tell me. They are, "Help...Chaos and destruction...No salvation...A big evil has been released...." I still don't fully understand what he is trying to say but at least I heard some of it.

Entry #18-New Season, Day 8.

Finally all of my people can rest. My master has given us a banquet in my name. He tells us that we are now his new protectors. His old ones disobeyed him and sealed him away, but we have made his return a possibility. I can't help but feel like I am being used for something, but I must forget about that. This morning I did as I was told to, seal away a temple from Link. My master also gave me a bronze key to a locked chest. He told me to lock the key away after I put the amulet and the Ancient Key of Bronze in the chest along with any other artifacts that I was protected. I put my map of my old land, some money from my old land, and finally an old notebook of mine, detailing my trials in my old land. I locked the chest with the key, gave the key to my master, and placed the key into the Pyramid of the Ancients. I sealed it away with the Color Barrier. I also called upon one of the Elemental Guardians of this Land. It was the Earth Elemental Golem. I also had another confrontation with my brother. He entered the maelstrom that I had gone into and he wanted to battle me. I agreed on it on one condition, he had to best my Guardian. "Hello, brother did you miss me yet? Hahaha. Did you really think that I would allow you into the Pyramid of the Ancients without a fight? Man you must be really stupid because I never let a battle go in vain. I'll make mince meat out of you. Now get ready for battle." I told Link that when I saw him. Then I summoned the Golem to my side and commanded it to attack Link. Link encased the Golem in the Stones that I had used to create the barrier that blocked entrance into the Pyramid of the Ancients. That made me wonder what had made him go into a chaotic frenzy in destroying Temples and their Guardians. Then I yelled at Link about my Golem's encasement, "NOOOOOOO! How did you do that you foolish and stupid little child. You must be smarter than I thought to place the stones into your satchel knowing that they would encase the golem. I got to give it to you little boy, you got guts and wits. Now let's battle to see who is the Ultimate Link." We battled and the same end result came out of it as did the last encounter, it was a stalemate. I finished by saying, "Don't think this is the last of our encounters. It is only the beginning as I control your past, present, and future within the grasp of my hands." meaning that I could alter his past, present, and future by going to that poing in time. Today when I had my hour of alone time with the Orb of Seeing, I saw how Link destroyed the Dark Kings Reign over the Land of Hyrule. How he collected each of the Spiritual Stones and the Sage Medallions. I wondered why he would turn so evil and start destroying the Land he wanted to save. Last night's dream was the same as the night before, I didn't gain anything new from it except more questions.

Entry #19-New Season, Day 9.

My master asked me to undergo one of his expieriments. I agreed and saw something that terrified me more than it amazed me, he created a replica of myself. His reason for doing it was that he needed to create a more fierce Earth Guardian for the Earth Spirit Key. I was also told that a rogue warrior, not my brother, was wandering around the Sacred Realm causing trouble for my masters. I asked if I could help by destroying the fiend, but they said my "shadow" could fix the problem itself. I don't think that it is strong enough, but it is their decision. I visited Link tice today. The first time was behind my master's back when I disguised myself as a group of ghostly monks and I ave Link a warning about the evil in the temple. My goal isnot to destroy my brother, but to help him become sane. I want to find out wht makes him lust for destruction and evil. After I warned my brother of the evil inside the temple, my master summoned me to his side. He commanded me to summon another Elemental Golem, this one of the Air Elelment. I did as I was instructed and created a blood golem. What I didn't realize was that my brother had to face my creation. When I did I gave him the idea of fire. I want my brother to be safe. I don't understand why my master wishes tht my brother is dead, but I won't allow my brother to die from my mster as long as I have a single breath of air in my body. I want my brother to become sane, not a rotting corpse in the ground. Last night the nightmare again plaugued my mind as I slumbered. This time I could make out a few more words that my brother was telling me. He said right at the end of my dream, "Look for the Dark Realm." I don't know what or where the "Dark Realm" is. If I did I would go there and search for the answers that I seek. I know that it must be there where I will find the truth in all of this chaos. When I had time to look at the Crystal I only saw images of Link gathering the four giants and saving Terminar from the destruction of Majora's Mask. I still don't get how a person like my brother could be warped like this. In the morning I will send a scout to follow Link. I will also instruct him to not be seen by my masters' scouts because this is something I want to look into. I won't tell anyone of my nightmare because I want to understand it's full meaning. Once I do I will decide what I shall do next. Until then, I have to sit tight and hope that my dream can full be heard by me.

Entry #20-New Season, Day 10.

Alas my fear is true, my master has sent my brother to the Sacred Realm. I just hope that my aide somewhat will help him in freeing me from Agahnim's reign. I have begun to hate that megalomaniac. He has started to rebel against my master, the Guardian. I fear that if he continues his rebellion, he might try and take Link out with everything he's got. His reckless ways have cost my people some of their lives. He doesn't like that way that I became the Guardian's pet minion. I hope that he doesn't try to seal Link in the Sacred Realm. I have helped Link in more ways then he can imagine, I have given him the information that he has needed many more times that he probably realizes. I helped Link once again, I cast the spell Spirit Walk to go near Link and speak with him without his knowledge. I have led him to the chamber of the Sorceress to help him destroy that evil sorcerer that now wants to control my every move. I won't allow Agahnim to do that though. Also I have seen the other foe of Agahnimm, Ganondorf. I see that Ganon has had a lot of resentment towards him. I had to prod his mind a little to see how come he has had all of this resentment for all of this time. I understand that Agahnim had sided with Link once and Ganon had found out of his traitorous acts that followed. I have made a note to help him if he ever needed it.

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