The Journal of Knil: The Long Journey: Entries #6-#10

Published Jan 21, 2005, 1:21:44 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 21, 2005, 1:24:16 AM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

These are journal entries from a character in one of my greater stories. It is the beginning of his trials.

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Chapter 2: The Long Journey: Entries #6-#10

Entry #6-Harvest Season, Day 40, Year 10,000.

Our long and periless journey to a new land has begun. We have run into some packs of rogues, but our warriors protected us from certain demise. I hope that their strength doesn't get depleted before we might fully need them. Our clerics and mages have placed an enchantment on our townspeople making us invisible from normal eyes. It has saved us numerous times from the attacks of the three Elemental Dragons. Ever since the three Kingdoms of Air, Ether, and Water were destroyed the Elemental Balance of the World has been destroyed. The five Elemental Dragons have gone into a chaotic frenzy. Only the Fire and Earth Dragons are sane and are trying to protect the homelands of our people. Our dead now number 29. They protected the rest of the group from the Elemental Dragons by luring them away.
Entry #7-Harvest Season, Day 52, Year 10,000.

We've made it past the Air Kingdom, the Elemental Dragon of Air wasn't all to pleased with us. Our mages have devised a spell to let us control an Elemental Dragon, but only one. We chose, and in the nic of time, the Air Elemental Dragon. He is now our scout. He has told us that his bastion, the Air Kingdom was destroyed in the past few days. He has also told us that his brethren, the Elemental Dragons of Water and Ether have gone into chaos and are destroying more and more kingdoms each day. If we want to get to the Wood Kingdom, we better make our move, or else it will be destroyed by the dragons and goblins. Our death now number 52. It isnt at all good that we keep losing more and more every day. I just hope that it isn't to late when we reach the Wood Kingdom.
Entry #8-Harvest Season, Day 70, Year 10,000.

The Wood Kingdom along with its neighboring Forest Kingdom have been destroyed and we have seen it with our own eyes. All of the chaos that was left, the fire and desolation. No survivors were anywhere to be found. All we have found were some food bundles in remote parts of the Kingdom. We have to camp here until the morning, which doesn't make me feel at all at ease. I believe that whatever destroyed the Kingdoms is still around, I hope that my fear doesn't prove to be true or else we will lose more of our already dwindling numbers. My counsil of mages have also reported to me that another vortex is in this world. It is to the Far West in the Village Kingdom of the Fire Kingdom. They have also said that this one will lead us to the past, they don't know to when, but they do know that it must be the target for the goblins as they are going to the vortex. That is our next destination, Village Kingdom. Let's hope that our numbers don't go down to the double digits or we our all doomed. Our dead are at 100 out of 1290, which is what we started at.
Entry #9-Harvest Season, Day 89, Year 10,000.

Our Elemental Dragon of Air that still aides us has todl me thatthe Elemental Dragon of Earth has started destroying Kingdoms of Fire meaning that all of the Kingdoms of Earth have been destroyed. It is almost the Cloudy Season now, and I am just glad that I made my people move when I did or else there would be more death in this world. This Sacred Kingdom has gone into utter chaos from all of the devastation and destruction wraught upon the land and if we don't get to the vortex soon we will also be apart of that. Now our death number almost the same as the living, in the hundreds. That is not good at all. This is all because of our Elemental Dragon of Earth has started to kill us off. We have camped out in the edge of the Fire Kingdom in the Lava Kingdom. The only Kingdom between us and the Village Kingdom is the Bridge Kingdom. We will reach it within the next few days.
Entry #10-Cloudy Season, Day 5, Year 10,000.

Our last night in this world as we are camping in the Village Kingdom. We have found only a few survivors that told us of the Fire Elemental Dragon wreaking destruction all around the Kingdom. They were surprised that we had tamed one of the Elemental Dragons, but we told them that it was magic that made them turn into chaotic beings and we only destroyed that bond. The Bridge Kingdom was in devastation and alot of the bridges were destroyed leading to the Village Kingdom. We made as you can see, but only barely as now our living is 120. A lot of them fell into the lava beneath the Bridge Kingdom within all the chaos of crossing with the Elemental Dragon of Air helping us. Tomorrow we enter the vortex.

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