Jack's Story: A Cherished Reminder

Published Dec 22, 2023, 11:10:55 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 22, 2023, 11:10:55 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Tales about Jack's background and personal life, things that may not be clear from his actions alone. 

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Chapter 1: A Cherished Reminder

Jack carries around an object one could consider to be his β€˜talisman’. When Jack was little it was given to him as a gift by one of his older brothers, it appears to be a gold medallion with a seal of the royal family engraved on it. Though in truth it’s actually a stopwatch that can be opened, but Jack has never done so, and it’s been so long it’s unclear if it still can be opened. Despite how he neglects its initial purpose, he holds it often. He stares at it sometimes, to remind him of his origin, what he’s lost. It is one of the few reminders of his royal blood, that he is indeed a king. That he must take up the mantle when he returns, and that even now he must act like it. Like a king. He must be able to fight, just as much as he must be able to talk. He must be able to fight alone, but also has to be able to lift people up. This is where his talisman ability comes from. With his diplomatic abilities he is able to advocate for his cause, rallying people to his side, even getting them to fight harder than they’d be able to alone. This is the power a simple reminder of his eventual duty can bring.

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