Evan Vs The Godspawn: First Encounter

Published Dec 17, 2023, 3:31:34 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 17, 2023, 3:31:34 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Storys from the Dec 2023 boss fight with the Godspawn

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Characters in this Chapter

Evan PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2506
75 total points
7 approved points


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Chapter 1: First Encounter

“How do you fight something called a Godspawn?” Evan breathes. He stands outside the dilapidated ruins as a gust of wind and dust come out the entrance along with a rumble and a shrek. Dashing in he summons his scythe. Only lights are torches on the walls of the corridors and the purple blade of the scythe. Turning a corner Evan sees something like a large tentacle creeping from behind a newly opened tomb. Evan sneaks closer to get a better look. The Godspawn shrieks. Immediately Evans vision goes blurred, a sharp ping rings though his ears, on top of that a massive headache. This causes him to drop his scythe and drop himself to the ground covering his ears. “How the hell,” he struggles to form the sentence in his mind out his mouth. With another rumble the tentacle reaches out more. Fighting though the pain of brain rebuffs Evan is able to grab his scythe and launch himself towards the door of the tomb. Goal is to close it, at least for now. Swinging at the tentacle Evan slashes the purple green organism, a dark swampy green liquid coats the blade of the scythe. A chunk of tentacle falls to the floor. Evan rams his entire body into the stone door. BAM! BAM! BAM! with a final push the door closes. The scream of the Godspawn can still be heard. It won't be held back forever. For now Evan treats his scrapes and bruises. 

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