Healing: The first step to healing

Published Aug 20, 2023, 4:07:44 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 20, 2023, 4:07:44 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

The road of physical healing is straightforward and easy it's the wounds on your mind that take the longest to heal and vex has been hurting for a very long time.

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Chapter 1: The first step to healing

Vex sat in his home what should he be doing right now? He didn't know he hasn't had a break since... He didn't want to think about that day right now. But he could finally see he hadn't really moved on and now he didn't even remember how to relax and recuperate. Vex sighs and looks around grabbing a random book to read. He needed something to just let him relax since he was going to have a lot of time on his hands waiting for his injuries to heal from his recent battle with a dragon in a different portal...


About seven hours earlier...


Vex had come walking with a limp into town and was instantly rushed to the hospital despite his protests that he was fine... '"What do you mean a broken leg and arm?!" He shouted trying to continue to ignore the pain he was in.


'"I'm only telling you what the X-ray found." The doctor said calmly. '"With healing magic mixed into the right materials we can make a cast and sling that will expedite the process of healing the bones... But you're going to be staying home to rest until they are better understand Vex?" She asked calmly but firmly.


'"But... Ugh... Fine..." Vex said clearly annoyed by the development... And now here he was in a wheelchair sitting in his home trying to find something anything to pass the time at least the magic infused into the cast and sling would ensure that he would only be wearing them for a few hours instead of a few weeks but still he didn't know what to do... He hated taking breaks or resting simply because he still blamed himself for his wife's death he had been celebrating and in town... He should have been at home with her... He always kept saying that to himself... Perhaps the pain was getting so bearable because he was running from it. He set the book down and noticed a letter fall out of it. He managed to catch it without aggravating his injuries. Seeing the name on the back of the letter it was for him... From his wife written the day before... He carefully opened the envelope. 


"My dear Vex I if you are reading this then I'm not longer with you... or you found it on accident and are now very worried... But if it is the case I'm dead then please don't blame yourself... Especially since I'm going to be killed it wasn't your fault and I will never blame you for it... I assume you want to know how I know that detail before it happened... I have been having visions in my sleep I thought of telling you but I didn't want you to run yourself ragged trying to protect me because I wanted you to have a life even if it would cost me my own... I know that pain won't heal easily... I know it won't ever fully heal... But I know you and I know you're strong enough to face it head on and start healing... Even if it's not right away I know... Because you will always be the love of my life even if I'm no longer in yours I will always be there... I live on in your memories of me... I know that this letter will most likely find you when you need it most... Or when you are ready for it... I'm not sure how but I know. I love you Vex and I'm sorry I didn't get more chances to say it." Vex clutched the letter tightly crying for the first time in years... 


'"Thank you so much..." He whispered to the letter his body would heal quickly but his mental wounds were finally starting to close. Vex wiped away his tears after a few minutes straight of crying. '"I love you and miss you..." He said a bit somberly before putting the letter in a frame. Then Vex went to sleep resting for the first time in fifty years.

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