Micah's Talisman Origin: Micah's Talisman Origin

Published Aug 6, 2023, 3:04:57 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 6, 2023, 3:04:57 AM | Total Chapters 1

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My character Micah's talisman origin.

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Chapter 1: Micah's Talisman Origin

Micah's talisman is a chain, it was gifted to them by their father it was their mother's which she used to hold mementos from her travels, those mementos were buried with their mother, so Micah wears the chain and adds a small thing in memory of each adventure they have. It's a simple and long silver chain with a small amount of rust on it. It currently holds a glass flask for any potion they may currently have on hand, It also has a small charm from their father, the charm is a little metal eye charm, they also added a pocket watch to the chain so they could tell time and keep a photo of their family with them at all times. The chain has significance to them because it represents their mother which they lost young from the plague. They keep it with them at all times to help them remember the happy memories they have so that if they ever feel overwhelmed from the negative thoughts and or memories the chain can help ground them and help remind them that not everything is sad and that things can be enjoyable even in times of struggle even though it may be hard to realize that at times.

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