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BETA Reading storys

  1. Posted on Jun 2, 2006, 3:16:21 AM UTC
    ID: 9675 | #1
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Something that irks me with writing stories is that my friends all know my characters well, so I don't know if they make sence to Joe Public, which brought me to the idea:-

    Who here is a good beta reader- ie, is ok at grammar, maybe spelling, knows how a good story flows and actually with put thought into all aspects of the story when reading it... or atleast somewhere in the ball park of this
    Who here WANTS a Beta reader- ie- wants someone who knows storys to give them real critique on them based on veiwing the story for the first time which is how all storys should ideally be writen like.

    So, if you're one of these, do post here so we can get some story crit!!

    Please- writng only- not poems. Poems are very differnt ;)

    I'm going to say that I'm cool for Beta reading and being Beta-ed if someone wants to nit pick my stories. I never get crit on them now days ^^;
  2. Posted on Jun 3, 2006, 1:08:18 AM UTC
    ID: 9685 | #2
    Level 115

    Are you looking for a Beta, Arkillian?  Because, I'd be more than happy to volunteer.  After all of those fruitless attempts to lecture me about Photoshop, it's the least I can do. ^.^;;

    I've never really Beta'd before, but my mother's an editor and I, myself don't need a weathervane to tell which way the wind blows (LOVE that quote.  :lol: ) so I know what to look for.  :)

  3. Posted on Jun 3, 2006, 1:20:39 AM UTC
    ID: 9686 | #3
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    On Jun 2, 2006 6:08 pm, Dollmaker said:

    Are you looking for a Beta, Arkillian?  Because, I'd be more than happy to volunteer.  After all of those fruitless attempts to lecture me about Photoshop, it's the least I can do. ^.^;;

    I've never really Beta'd before, but my mother's an editor and I, myself don't need a weathervane to tell which way the wind blows (LOVE that quote.  :lol: ) so I know what to look for.  :)


    Oh really? That'd be good! Betaing is not too hard- most of it is knowing if the story is going to fast or too slow, if the character seem 'in character' if enough or too much descritpition is put in, if something makes sence... It's like criting a pic. Pointing out the stuff that doesn't make it quite *right* by reckonising them. The grammar sidde and stuff is cause frankly- I'm terrible at grammar, and its nice to know when I get my tenses right and wrong- again!! XD I'm getting better though :) The biggest thing is that you're new to my story. Letsee... I don't have a current version of Dragon twins, but would you want to Beta a cross over fanfic? I have a Green Lantern x Dragon Twins crossover which for me reads well, but someone that doesn't know either storyline? I'd like to know if it's equally as interesting.

    Also- are you opening this offer to everyone else (to your own discretion of course)?
  4. Posted on Jun 4, 2006, 12:23:55 AM UTC
    ID: 9720 | #4
    Level 115

    Dragon Twins?  :scratchhead: Does not compute!  Mwee!

    Anyway, I never really read much of the Green Lantern, but if you need a beta, I'll do what I can.

    As for opening the offer to everyone else - yeah, sure.  :) It'd certainly give me something to do.

  5. Posted on Jun 4, 2006, 12:23:59 AM UTC
    ID: 9721 | #5
    Level 40

    You raise a very good point about people knowing your characters.  I'd love to be a beta reader if you'll have me. 

    I've been reading fantasy and science fiction novels since I was 11.  I have a vast influence of comics, manga, movies and T.V.  I've been writing fantasy since I could write complete sentences.  I feel I could do you some good. :heart:


  6. Posted on Jun 4, 2006, 1:10:13 AM UTC
    ID: 9722 | #6
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Oh- coolies :) What I'd really want if for a Beta reader on my novel, but at the moment, my GL x DT story is good enough!

    Dollmaker- Dragon Twins is the story I've been rewriting since I was about... 12... Over 10 years ago!! (Damn I feel old) It's a medieval fantasy story- this particular one on the serise has most of the characters I draw in it- a story of a defender of the world being taken away to another universe for 15 years and then brought back to realise his destiny. It *should* be clear in the crossover story if I did my job right.

    Green Lantern is a character owned by DC comics (Same company that does Batman, Wonderwoman and Superman) that is one of the guardians of our universe and has a ring that can create anythign the weilder wills- which is cool, cause the one I'm writng about is Kyle Rayner, who is not only HOT but an artist- he's REALLY talented with the ring, and also apparently the guinea pig for any test rings there are in the universe... heheh....

    Here's the cover for the fanfic It's a little old, but I was only learning how to ink back then, and just starting with my tablet ^^; I'll e-mail it if you guys could note me your e-mails ;)
  7. Posted on Jun 5, 2006, 1:34:17 AM UTC
    ID: 9751 | #7
    Level 115

    Ah, I thought the name Dragon Twins sounded familiar.  :lol:

    Pretty cool cover, too.  :) I've been kinda busy, so I haven't started reading yet, but I'll probably get to it a little later. Can't wait to read it, either!  Whee!

  8. Posted on Jun 5, 2006, 11:00:26 PM UTC
    ID: 9774 | #8
    Level 18
    I'd love to help. I really don't know much about your characters or the Green Lantern, but I know enough to realize that other people seem to like them. If you'd like me to help, then please let me know. :)
  9. Posted on Jun 5, 2006, 11:32:13 PM UTC
    ID: 9779 | #9
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    On Jun 5, 2006 4:00 pm, Lunarbabe4 said:
    I'd love to help. I really don't know much about your characters or the Green Lantern, but I know enough to realize that other people seem to like them. If you'd like me to help, then please let me know. :)

    I'll see if I can e-mail it tonight when I get back home ^^ Thanks for the support you guys ^^ It's one of those tricky things proofing something as a person that doesn't know the characters!! ^^;

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