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Infodump about your worldbuilding to me!

  1. Posted on Mar 5, 2024, 9:40:36 PM UTC
    ID: 46791 | #1
    Level 14

    as of writing, im going thru a pretty bad flareup and thus sort of bedbound for the majority of the day. and its boring! so... tell me about your worldbuilding for the world your oc(s) occupy! can be anything, from socieities to magic systems to environments, though i will say im especially a sucker for speculative biology!

    i may respond slowly, simply because of aforementioned flareup, my brain is running on like dial-up speeds. but i'll gladly read whatever you throw at me 👀

  2. Posted on Mar 6, 2024, 5:56:24 PM UTC
    ID: 46805 | #3
    Level 146

    world building is base on each cast of character...but let start with the FIRST of my character on PD: Shikun Moonstar: Draconis

    The planet was claim to be a ball of rock, consume by an Massive element Storm that for million of years, slowly start to slow down, breaking the natural rules of physic since the element make of matter of the time the Storm left half a Planet which soon saw life, Humans who soon grew slightly high tech, Elves who learn to warm earth magic to created an Kingdom out of forest and nature. the Dwarf who fashion state of the art tech made of Steam Punk tech...due to all the elements, they quickly learn to establish portals to opens ways to other worlds...

    As the half of the worlds deal with their own affairs, the Primal storm created new life, with Fire, Water, Sky and Earth, merging the element into one creature, the Draconis, Children of Elements, though only ONE element become Dominated. This mean that A Draconis will bare an Elemental Beast as part of their inner soul that fuel their Element:
    Water: Leviathan
    Fire: Dragon
    Sky: Phoenix
    Earth: Naga

    As this is their inner self, the Element ability is not magic but a part of themselves, so at a young age they train to hone their skill, using their element in everything they do to train it strong, to push it harder. How ever top with the Draconis Ungodly strength that seem to know not bound, the Draconis are doom to burn themselves out without enough food...then came the Primal Elemental Storm, Unleasing powerful Monsterious beast, most bigger then entire city. Because they are so dangerious and big, the Draconis happily move their clan and tribe near the edge of the primal Elemental Storm lands to hunt them for food.

    Most folks are impress, that the Draconis, most being 4 feet tall at most, can put away so much food in their tiny bodies, but their inner bodies produce an powerful energy that break down food quickly, and turning it into an extreamly compact energy cells that fatten up their tail, chest and muscle. Even so, with the Draconis taken the day easy, they can burn up a bit of energy still so at the best day, they would still need to eat a ton or more food every other day.

    The only thing the stomach fuel can not break down is MILK, the chemical of milk actually mix with the stomach chemical and turn the milk into a richly fermentated fluid that flood the system of the Draconis, a single shot glass enough to Waste a Draconis and a cheese Burger can give them a buzzed :P

    (Hope you enjoy just the FIRST character World Building, there more about the Draconis, the history, their beleive, and their new style to elemental merging in duo casting and more but save that for later :D

  3. Posted on Mar 9, 2024, 2:27:26 AM UTC
    ID: 46841 | #4
    Level 20

    OH- my lore is like, 25 pages long last time i counted but i'll just give a overview?

    The multiverse is much like saturn and it’s rings, with The Main Hub is a perfect sphere while the other universeses are ring shaped.


    The Main Hub (universe in middle):



    Heaven: where the canon gods live (Characters: Time, E.E, God of Demons, Eliza, Eve)


    Hell: where the demons live, including Lucifer and his fam, (Lucifer, Vivian, ect)


    The Hub of all Hubs: A huge trading planet, one big city where all multiverse travelers can restock and rest at. The recharging station for the Multiverse Train â„¢. (OCs


    Warzone (don't have a name for it yet, universe around the Main Hub): 



    Lybric: Where my species (yet to be named) lives, (They need their own page, i can’t fit in here) they have a huge religious war between two parts, the one that worships the gods in Heaven and one that wants to get rid of them. (Example OCs that live there: Axel, Armstrong, General)


    Outer Rims (The last cannon in the comic universe, anything beyond this you can tweek and change to your liking. Add any planets you want, as this is one you can freely add to)



    E1: The place where the end of Fishsticks story, Wanders beginning of the story, and Beathony’s origin story take place. It’s a small planet (smaller than earth). It has 80% ocean and 20% land, and the land is just very small islands scattered around. The main (the town i actually made) is Sharksvile. It’s exports sell, you guessed it, oversized sharks! It’s a small, poor fishing village and very religous. It’s leader/Preist is Preist Ru. (Characters: Ru, Fishstick, Wander, Beathony, Mary and Grace’s OCs) (needs it’s own page


    E2: Main export is lumber (add more)

    E3: Main export is food/crops (add more)


    E4: A very small planet which is basically one big study area where scientists and magic casters get together to test the limits of the multivers (Add more)


    it's a world me and my friends add to and work on together, so it's a bit patchy. just tell me if you want more X3

  4. Posted on Apr 20, 2024, 10:45:05 PM UTC
    ID: 47664 | #5
    Level 12

    I have a world called Zylora which is named after the entity that made the world and in the world is planets and on one of those planets is my main fantasy setting that I poke whenever I write something, and as a result the pantheon is made up of individual stars that died and became reborn as gods + some very special little guys that got adopted by said exploded stars, and became mortals who got to eat stardust and become gods themselves, with certain exceptions like the god of the ocean who just developed from a large mass of ocean gunk that accumilated over the span of several centuries and gained sentience.

    Eventually one of the gods had made a spirit to serve her and then it decided it did not like to be treated like a pawn so it stole some stardust to consume, became a god, and then decked her and took over her city. A few decades after this my favorite part of the timeline happens and my boy Aza gets to start on his villain arc because apparently killing a prince and becoming a tyrant king in the middle of a war that god started gets you targetted by everyone including your twin sister. 

    (This is litterally just the surface level stuff as I've been writing this world for 3-4+ years now and I have so much stuff here litterally I just like to talk about it and would very much like to keep talking about it but if I keep talking about it this mess of words will never end.)

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