PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 46841 - Infodump about your worldbuilding to me!

  1. Posted on Mar 9, 2024, 2:27:26 AM UTC
    ID: 46841

    OH- my lore is like, 25 pages long last time i counted but i'll just give a overview?

    The multiverse is much like saturn and it’s rings, with The Main Hub is a perfect sphere while the other universeses are ring shaped.


    The Main Hub (universe in middle):



    Heaven: where the canon gods live (Characters: Time, E.E, God of Demons, Eliza, Eve)


    Hell: where the demons live, including Lucifer and his fam, (Lucifer, Vivian, ect)


    The Hub of all Hubs: A huge trading planet, one big city where all multiverse travelers can restock and rest at. The recharging station for the Multiverse Train ™. (OCs


    Warzone (don't have a name for it yet, universe around the Main Hub): 



    Lybric: Where my species (yet to be named) lives, (They need their own page, i can’t fit in here) they have a huge religious war between two parts, the one that worships the gods in Heaven and one that wants to get rid of them. (Example OCs that live there: Axel, Armstrong, General)


    Outer Rims (The last cannon in the comic universe, anything beyond this you can tweek and change to your liking. Add any planets you want, as this is one you can freely add to)



    E1: The place where the end of Fishsticks story, Wanders beginning of the story, and Beathony’s origin story take place. It’s a small planet (smaller than earth). It has 80% ocean and 20% land, and the land is just very small islands scattered around. The main (the town i actually made) is Sharksvile. It’s exports sell, you guessed it, oversized sharks! It’s a small, poor fishing village and very religous. It’s leader/Preist is Preist Ru. (Characters: Ru, Fishstick, Wander, Beathony, Mary and Grace’s OCs) (needs it’s own page


    E2: Main export is lumber (add more)

    E3: Main export is food/crops (add more)


    E4: A very small planet which is basically one big study area where scientists and magic casters get together to test the limits of the multivers (Add more)


    it's a world me and my friends add to and work on together, so it's a bit patchy. just tell me if you want more X3