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Beta needed

  1. Posted on May 4, 2009, 2:23:18 PM UTC
    ID: 24317 | #1
    Level 2

    Thank you to everyone who were interested. I think I have found enough victims -errgh! I mean beta candidates now.



    Oh great, I have to write this all over again. Firefox crashed. Here's the short version of my attempted post.

    I need a beta and I'm looking for a long-term companionship. I write mostly original fantasy fiction. I wish that my beta could help me to grow and evolve my vocabulary and grammar. I am not a very experienced writer but not a total n00b either. I need my beta to guide me in making the plot work and smoothe out the roughness of the text. I would also appreciate if you would find time to listen to my plans for the stories and such and help me sort stuff out.


    You'll have to be able to deal with these things in some of my stories:
    Incest, homosexuality, racism (kinda), weird dinosaur-looking mammals, a load of characters and different cultures. I also hope you're an adult person because I might have "adult stuff" in my stories.

    Last edited by AliothGrenwahl on May 6, 2009, 7:53:24 PM UTC. 2 total edits.

  2. Posted on May 5, 2009, 12:33:09 AM UTC
    ID: 24324 | #2
    Level 24

    I'll be glad to help, but I don't know about anything too permanent. I usually get on PD once or twice a day, so feel free to msg me potential works. I'll be glad to add commentary and suggestions should I believe it necessary. I'm 18, so I meet any age requirement.  Also, I used to frequent 4chan. Nothing shocks me.

    Lemme know if you'd like me to read over your works here and there. :D

  3. Posted on May 5, 2009, 1:58:49 AM UTC
    ID: 24325 | #3
    Level 16

    I would love to help you out -- but just a question though.  Are you writing the incest and the racism for kicks, or is there some actual plot signifigance to it?  Im sorry if that sounds rude to ask, I'm more curious than anything really.  It sounds like you've got a great idea going on, and I would love to be that wall to bounce your ideas off of.

    And no worries, I meet the age requirements :D

  4. Posted on May 5, 2009, 3:11:57 PM UTC
    ID: 24327 | #4
    Level 2

    On May 4, 2009 6:58 pm, blackwinddragon said:

    I would love to help you out -- but just a question though.  Are you writing the incest and the racism for kicks, or is there some actual plot signifigance to it?  Im sorry if that sounds rude to ask, I'm more curious than anything really.  It sounds like you've got a great idea going on, and I would love to be that wall to bounce your ideas off of.

    And no worries, I meet the age requirements :D



    I write about provocative things because I kind of want to make people think if their morals are based on prejudices and crazy laws of the old rather than their own thoughts and reality.

    I actually didn't notice at first that I had written about racism too, but what else you can call it when one nornir says to other "You shouldn't have married that elf. They suck. And why in the hell did you reproduce with it? Your children are going to be deformed or something... at least get rid of it when the kids are born so they don't learn weird elf habits..."

    And the incest isn't there just because I want to write something shocking and different. It's not for  "incest is so hot I'll write an XXX scene with these two" either. It does hold plot signifigance. At least it used to.

  5. Posted on May 5, 2009, 9:56:41 PM UTC
    ID: 24331 | #5
    Level 16

    On May 5, 2009 8:11 am, AliothGrenwahl said:

    I actually didn't notice at first that I had written about racism too, but what else you can call it when one nornir says to other "You shouldn't have married that elf. They suck. And why in the hell did you reproduce with it? Your children are going to be deformed or something... at least get rid of it when the kids are born so they don't learn weird elf habits..."

    Oh yeah, that is, without a doubt, racism.   It's just racism with a fictional species. 

    But you raise an interesting point abou the way we think about things -- the human species is very much like sheep I find, they follow an Idea and get upset if they lose it and are thoughts are contained within a group, lacking individuality.

  6. Posted on May 5, 2009, 10:49:41 PM UTC
    ID: 24333 | #6
    Level 40

    I'm just the deviant for you. I'm a highly deranged and curious adult with some writing experience under my belt as well as a brain stuffed full of ideas.  I write about A LOT of what you listed. I'd be glad to assist!  I'm not bothered about writing/reading touchy topics like incest, homosexuality and racism...  LOL!  I'm writing a story with  all that in it, myself.

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