PaperDemon Art RPG

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Plot thickening *adds a few spoons*

  1. Posted on Dec 7, 2006, 6:42:53 AM UTC
    ID: 14887 | #11
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    On Dec 6, 2006 7:34 pm, Jill V. -S.T.A.R.S. said:
    The first one is crazy sci fi-ed out (which I love! XD )and would be full of lots of adventure/action stuffs but the leaping universes thing can mess with time differences and could cause some screwy problems in the plot and storyline. So I'm gonna have to go with the second one. It's easier to explain and though Bryan looses his mystery essence it's a small price compared to trying to explain the whole universe leaping thing O.o umm... does that make sense?

    Yeah- it's sort of where I'm still with it. How can I explain that Bryan has been universe hoping for what- 5 or more years? But I couldsay that he stays a day to regain energy in between worlds and that took the time. Besides, Bryan doesn't EVER get that badly battle scorn in my story. He's beyond exhausted with the universe hoping. Donno...

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