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Game View: Morrowind (PC)

  1. Posted on May 8, 2006, 5:39:46 PM UTC
    ID: 9247 | #1
    Level 40


    September 4 2002  - 

    Still don't have my own copy of Neverwinter Nights sooo...  Tally Ho! Morrowind!  However when I purchased Morrowind I was nervous. I'd played Daggerfall ages ago and never got past the second dungeon.  The new look of the Elder Scrolls world is awesome!! I love being able to see my character running out in front. The controls were a little awkward at first but I got used to it.  The music is BEAUTIFUL! I have to travel a lot on foot, but I found many of the quests to be very attainable.  I'm happy to say that this is the kinda game I will gladly sit through all the tedious quests just to see what happens.  So many variables!!  

    So!  I'm playing a Khajiit!  Here, kitty kitty!  I picked Archer...but I lack the finesse to handle the bow in this game.  I think I shall start over and pick another class.  Like fighter...or something.  The strategy guide has been wrong once already.  Tsk tsk!  You'd think they'd get their cities right.  This game makes it quite interesting to be evil.  Wish there were horses to ride.  I mean I like the idea of just exploring the country side on horse back rather than walking or taking the land strider - bugs.  I mean, on the road you can find tombs and mine entrances before you have to search for them during a quest.  'Oh, I have to go there...I passed it on the way to Vivec.'  That's it for now.  Since I'm starting over I'll have to get back to you when  I'm level 4 again!

    October 18 2002 - Morrowind 

    Yup, still playing.  I had some interesting troubles with the software. I realized I need more memory.  Re-installed a couple different times.  I also found out the trainer doesn't work with the patch! I'm having loads of fun with the exception of the prolonged travel on foot.  For being a kick ass fighter with way to much gold for his out good, my character, a Khajit -Archer named Nehra, level 18 with a 32 reputation and a slew of skills at 100 - I can't ride a horse!!! Sure I can take a boat, silt rider or teleport.  But that only goes so far.  Ah, well.  It's a matter of weeks before the expansion pack.  My kingdom for a horse!!  


    November 3 2002 - Morrowind 

    Almost finished.  Just trying to level up to kill the Big Boss, Dagoth Dork...I mean, Dagoth Ur.  I'm 3 points away from level 20.  I've attempted to start a new game, but going back to such a weak state is infuriating.  Well, if I want to experience the game differently I'm gonna have to endure.  I still want a horse though. U_U


    I never beat this game.  I was distracted by a certain game release;  Neverwinter Nights.  That review is coming soon. I do finish games...honest!!


  2. Posted on May 8, 2006, 8:30:23 PM UTC
    ID: 9251 | #2
    Level 6 LOCKED
    If your computer can handle it, get a copy of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.  It'll be worth it, trust me, though it does take a monster computer to run properly.

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