PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1302 Members

Post 47577 - Favorite piece you made here?

  1. Posted on Apr 17, 2024, 5:59:21 PM UTC
    ID: 47577

    As the title suggests, what is your favorite art piece that you made specifically for paper demon, so far?
    Whether you've been here a couple weeks like I have, or several years. I'd like to see all of your gorgeous works! So share with me in this thread ♥
    Also, tell me what about it you like the most/feel the most proud of? If its something about the skill level you achieved or an association you have with it.

    I have not set this thread as 18+ so it can be accessible to all. Please bear this in mind when sharing!

    Last edited by Zelleya on Apr 17, 2024, 6:02:37 PM UTC. 2 total edits.